- Albion aspires to be a city. - Bronson has re-organized its green)ack club. - Three cases of adultery at one toiin oí court in Adrián. - Murshall's Wind Engine Co. have closed their factory. - Adrián Driving Park Association is litigatiug within itself. - Investigatiori of Kalatnazoo Iusane Asylum began Monday. - Henry Sraith is new landlord of Exohange Hotel at (Joldwater. - Eli Van Valkenburgh is a re-appoiutod postuiastcr ot' Hillsdale. - Deacon Adams bequoathed $1,000 to the Baptist church of Tecumseh. - Seven grocery stores and four drug stores where groceries are sold, in Tecumseh. - Tecumseh forwarded iu 1878, 22,306,767 Iba of freight. lleceived 18,162,256. - An auction store was very quickly driven out of Hillsdale by the' passage of an ordinance. - For taking Cora B. Norton, a young girl, away for marriage purposes, Martin Olmstead of Coldwater is under $1,000 bail. - Because she believud herfamily had not proper affection for her, Hattie Skinner of Cambridge, aged 22, suioided with poison. - Nathan S. Barton of Tekonsh, died on the 17th uit , in the SSth year of his age. Mr. Barton settled in Marshall county in 1837. - Mr. Geo. Ingersoll of Marshall has been appointed as Judge of Probate to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. Charles Dickey. - John W. Huiley, on trial three days at Adrián for alleged murder of bis wit'u and firing of his house in Séneca township, was acquitted on Saturday. - The Flushing Patrol is making vigorous appeals to the people of that locality to secure extensión of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad north to that town. - Morenci has four churches und one saloon, while Fayette has four saloons and one church. Yet its society and refíneiuent are said to be on a par with Morenci. Strange. - Mrs. Anthony Huxtable, aged 65, cominitted suicide at her home in Prairie Koude, Kiilamszoo county, by Ltuiging herself in the cellar úf her house. Family difficulties is the cause assigned. - The South Leroy Congregational chnrch society have decided to build a new church edifice. They have secured enough on subscription to entirely finish it and be out of debt when completed, and are naturally feeling pretty well over it. - Chas. Douglass, a student of the Advent college at Battle Creek, was accused of stealing $10, and summarily diamissed from college. II has now clearly proven his innocence and demanded an honorable dismissal from college - and has obtained it. - Is Lena wee county to again booome a howling wilderness? A few weeks ago a deer was chased through the corporate liraits of Clinton ; then a fox invested lludson ; a wolf was shot at in Fairfield ; owls hoot in Tecumseh, and not long ago a black bear was driven out of Adrián. - Mr. Frank Blackett of Leroy, who has been afflicted with inflamoiatiou in the right eye for the past two years, went to Ann Arbor last Wednesday for treattnent. A telegram to his brother, Mr. W. W. Blackett, states that his eye was taken out last Saturday and that ho is quite comfortable. - Battle Creek Journal. - A young man by the name of C. W Beebe attempted suicide in Bethel township Süturday morning by shooting, bul failed. In the afternoon he took two tablespoonfuls each of morphiue anr laudanum, which was followed bj spasms. The overdose of poison savec him. No cause for his action is given His parents live in Schoolcraft. - The Hillsdalo Board of Supervisor have decreed that coun ty ofricers canno receive their salaries except at the time of the meeting of the Board, wben thei pay will be allowed them. Thus oount; ofiicers will receive no pay for their services from Murch to October, seven mouths, while the raouey sppropriate( and raiaed for, that putpose is lying idle - The Cold water Rejmblican has thi to say about the iufluonce of the pres over crimináis: "The local papéis represses crime. Crime is published to the world uot merely for seusation ani to ranke the paper sell, but that it may be the ineans of restraining others from its commission. No man, however iinmoral or brutal he may be, is anxious to appear in the public prints as au enemy to society. He has a pride about him stil!, although it may be soniewhat dormant, that will aiouse him sufficiently to realize that the commission of petty criiiies sooner or later will degrade him in the eyes of society, and that feeling pushes him toward a better life. While it thus aids the guilty his crime becomeB a warniug to others Thus the publication of criminal records, if properly viewed, Bhould be, and no doubt is, a Messing to the public. Crime would be more frequent were it not branded ; and although the law does this, crime would still lose some of its sting in the soul of the ciiimnal could it be committed in secret and without the knowledgo of the people in general.
Old News
Michigan Argus