Cominisaioiiers Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. The underaigned having beeu appointt-d by the Probate Cuurt for said eounty, coiiiinissioiiers to receive, examine and adjust all claims aüd dümands of all persons against tlie estato of John Blake, late of said couuty, deceased, heieby give notice that six nionths from date art nllowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims againat the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late resideuce oí' said deceased in the towoshipof Lodi, in said county, on Haturday, thethird day of May, and on Monduy, the fourth day of August next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of saiadayí, to receive, examine and adjagt sald claims. Dated, February 3, A. D. 1879. JAMES SAGE, LEONAKD WAI.LINGTON, Commisbioners. Real Kstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtcnaw, 88. Id the matter of the estáte of Thomas Cullinane, deceased. Notice is hereby givan Ihut in pursuaiiceof an order granted to the undersigned executorof the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the ürst day of February, A. D. 1879, there willbesold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late resideuce ol'said deceased in the township of Bcio, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the Ï4th day of Mnrch A D. 1879, at ten o'elock in the foreuoon of that day (subject to all encumorancea by mortgage or otherwise existÏDg at the time ot the death of said deceased) the following described Keal Estáte, to-wit : The west half 0Í) of the north west fractional quarter of Bection tliirty one,(31) in township two, (2) south range nve (5) east, in Wtwhteuaw oounty, MichiRan. Also twenty acres of lana oö the north end of the east half (z) of the south easi quarter (U) otsection thirty-six, (36J in towu two, (2) south range four (4) east, in Washtenaw county in Michigan. Also ten (10) acres of land off the eait half (Vi) of tna north west quarttrof sectiot thirty-one, 31) town two, south range live (j) east in Washtenaw county, in Michigan, viz: Kunning irom the soath east corner north forty (40) lods, thence east forty (40) rods, t henee soutli forty (40) rods, thence to place of begiuning. Dated ïa bruary lst, 1879. PETER TUITE, Execulor. m C-COMPOUND EXTRACT OF-T? CONTAINIUa CuiiGlis, Jnniser & Spirits of Nitre IN A CONCENTRATED FORM, FOR Diseases of the Eidneys & Blaádsr, Goaorrhea, Weaknesses, OverExertions, Gleet, Strieture, Obstruction of the Urine, and all Dlsenses of the l'rinnry oud Sexual Organs, Ko matter of bow long standing, iiud wtietuer in MALE OR FEMALE. Prlee, - - - One Dollar. Prepared from the original recipe of DB. HILL, and uld by W. JoaXSTO 4 CO., 161 Jefferson Ávenue, DETROIT. FOR SA.LE UT AI.I. OKIIBCISTS. GET YOUE PROPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR. - MICH, The oldest agency iu the city. Established a quarter of a oentury ago. Represuüting the following first class copmauief Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets oyer S6,00O,0O0 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over $3,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets 81,442,400 Girard oi Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Asseta $700,000 Rates low. Loases liberally adjuated and promptly paid. i7oo C. H. MWXEN. rplli: MONARCH Brunswick BILLIARD HALL ! UNDEE COOK'S HOTEL, ANIÍ ARBOB. 5 New Billiard Tables, CALL AND SEE THEM. 5 WM. FRANK, Proprietor. TT OUSE AND LOT FOE SALE. Located in % desirable part of the city, and in good repair. Also a house to rent on favorable ernis. inquire at the Argub oöice, or 22 THOltöON BTREET. Ann Arbor, Jan. 20, 1879. f Estáte of llonry De Pew. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. At. a tentón oí the Probate Court fur the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the twcnIy-niiiUi day f January, in the year oiie thoos&nd oight uundred and neven ty-nlne Present, wüllam D. rXarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter oL the estáte ui' lien r y De few, 1 - aaed. Henry Ketnpf, admirmtrator with the will annexed ot said '-siatt;, comes into court and represents that h e is now prepare! to render hio üual account as nucb adminietrator. Tbereu-pon it la ordered, that Tuesday, the twentv filïli d:iv of Fehruary Dxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he axsigued for examiuing and allowing micIi account, and that the deviseea, Legatees, and beira at law of nid deoeafted, and afl otber persona tnterested in unid estáte, re required to appear at a sewioD of said ourt, thcn to l1 holden a1 the Probate Office in tie'city of Aim Arbor in .;iid county. and show ause if any there be, wliv the sai(i account hould not be allowed : And it is fnrtber ovdered, hat Bald administriitor gWe iutice to the perrons q teres ted in sald estáte, of tbc pendency of said account and the heuriiiR thereof, by causing n co]y of tliia order tobe published in the Michigan Arfs,n Dewspap'er printed and ciroulating in said eounty, tlirce succcssive woeki previous to said day of hearing. WÍLLIAM D.HAKRTMAN, fA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Register. Ksiate of 'I 'liornas Van Gieson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw as. At a session of the Probate Court for the ?ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twenty-öfth day of .lanuary, in the year oue thousind eight hundred and .sevcnty-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the mattter of the estáte of Thomas Van GHeeon, deceased. Thomas Vun iiieon, aibninistratorof said enlate, comea into court and represente that he is now pre[ared to reader bis Anal account is such admifti trator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wtdm-sday, the twenty-sixth diiy of febiuary iiext, at ten o'clock in tbe forenooii, be assigued for examiniug vud allowing fHicli account, and tb at the heirs at luw of sfiid deceased, and all other persons Interestel in tald cstute, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofiice in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the aid account should not be Hllo"wt;d. And it is further ordered that aaid ad mi nistra tor give notice to the pers-nis Enterested in said estáte oí the ienden cy of said account and the hearii) thereof, by causing a copy of this order tO be publishcd in the Michigan Argus, A DWf paper printed andcirculatiug in said eounty, three successïve weeks prtívioua tosaid duy of hearing, WILLIAM D. IIAKIïIMAN, (A truc cupy.) Jiulgool' Probate. Wm. ü. Doty. Probate Register. Real Batato for Hule. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O as. In the matter of the eatate of Ilorace Ilosit;i, decenBed. Notice Ík hereby iveu, thut in purHuancB of in ordei urranted to the unrieraigned, administratrix oi the estáte oí' aaid lïorace Uosïer, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Wawhtenaw, on the t'ourt-eeiith day of January, A. D. 1H7Ü, tbere wiil be aold at public vendue, to the hif-heet bidder, at the oitice of George C. Page, in the villaje of Bexter, in the (County "t VViiahtenaw, in said State, on Tltesday, thk ELBVKKTH DAY OJf MaiU'II, A. D. 1 87SJ, at teil o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbraucea by mortf?itge or otherwise exutiug at the time of the deathof said deceaaed, and also subject to the riííht of dower of the widow of saïd deceastd thereiñ), the tullowing deacribed real estáte, towic: l-;iti'l eituated in the townhip of Hcio, Waahteuaw Couuty, lllchlgaa, towit: BeIng part of sectionB live and gis, and beginninj? at the cominon corners of sectïons tive, six, neren and ight, thenee along the saitl secfcfOB line tweuty chains and tifty links to a stake ia the middle of the highway ; theure north one and one-fonrth degrees west, pvrpi-ndicular to said seetion line, sixteen cliains and tif'teen links to a stak e in the middle of the Aun Arbor road (no called), theneu north forty-nine and a half degrees west aloug the center of said Ann Arbor road five chains and ninety link? to a stakt;, tlience south eighty-nine degiees and foriy minutes, wi-t twenty chains and lixteen links to the center of K. street, according to the recorded plat of the village of Dexter; tbenee srmth forty-two and one-fourth degrees, west two chains and eighty links to a stake in the center of (x. and K. strt'tits, according to the aforesaid plat; thenee north forty-seven and three-fourthsdegrees west along the center of K. street three chains and two links to a stake, theuce west twenty minutes eight chains and twenty and onc-half links toa stake, thenee south parllel to the. Baker road (so called) twenty chains to the center of the hihway, thenee eaat twenty-five chains and nine links to tlie place of beginning, containing seventy three acres aud fií'ty one hundredths [T 50-100} more or less. CHRISTINA A. BOSIER, Administratrix. Datad, January 14, 1879. OINSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERT, GKOCERY - AND - PLOÏIR & FEBÜ SÏOKK. Wm keep conetantJy on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOii VVHOLEKALE and RETAIL. TRA.DE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUÜ, J. M. SWIFT Sc CO'8 BEST WHITE WHEAf VLOUR, EYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUB. CORN MKAL, FEED, At wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AXD PROVISIONS conatantly on hand, whieh will be aold on aa reasonable terme as at any other houBe in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country L'rolace generally. KW GoodB deliveiea -o any part of the city with out extra charge. uisi:v se SEABOir. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1878. 1564 T VIBEATOR' R.lUrckSl. s THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE "Vibrator" Threshers, WITH IMPROTBD MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Bteam Thresher Lngincs, Made only by NIGHOLS,SHEPARD&GO., BATTLI3 CKEEK, MICH. 1 i CC Env THE MRtnhicns iirain-8avinff Time I ödvfnti, Kud Money-Savine Threshers of ttils iy auct Seneratlon. Betond all BiTIry Tor Raplil Wort, lcrfoct Oieauiiig, ad for bving Orala from Waitage. flRATN Kalnem wlll not Submlt to tbe n fiioriiiona waatitee of Órala h the interior work done by tbe otber machí uob, whcu ooce poitcd oa tbo differenue. THE ENTIRS'Threshlntr Expenses unid olten 3 to 5 Times tlmt anioimii eau b mmle hj tbe Extra O rain SA VED by tbese lmproved ilacbioci. Na Revolvinfir Shafts Inside tbe Separa inr. Kntirt'ly frea fiom Bter. Pickrs, lí, ik1 all bik h tlme-wnatins aid (tralQ-WMting corapllcatione. Perfect ly ailapted to 11 KimU nd Cornil tlou ol OiatQ, Wet Or Di j, Loüg or Short, Headed or Bouod. NOT only Vnatly Superior for Wbeat, Unta, BArley, Rye, and lika Uraini, but the only buocessf ui ThreBher In Flax, Tlmothy, Mlllet, Clonr, ml lilceScflda, Requireano " attachmeoW" or "reballdüie" to cbaage from Or&ln to Seedm, MARVEIiOVS for BimpUclty of Parts, usinff I1 tbnu ene-half the usual Belta Qii Uuata. ÏIcJteB 110 Uttermgu or Scatteringi. rl'lt Sizes of Separa tors Made, ransritiK from Six to Twelv Hora aize, ud iwu Btyle&of Uuuuted liorse Power to match. STEA3I Power Threahers a Spectalty. x bpucial aue beparator mode expnutalj for Steam l'owar, Orit TJnriTaled Steam Thresfaer EnKiitea, witli Valuabl Improvemmiia and Distlociivo vFttures, íar beyond an; other maka or kind. IN Thoroush Workmanwhlp, Elegant FIhlhh, l'arlection of Parts, Complet euoMa of KjuipnM&t, etc., our " Vibkátob" Threáber üuttit aro lucotuparaUe. rolt Partlcnlarsi cali on onr Dealers f ur wrlU Im ua for Illiutratd Circular, wMclt Vu luall fr, THE GEEAT ENGLISH EEMEDY! GRAT'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADEMARK.l8 eSpeeiaUy TRADK W'mílei"IiAL Jpy rf KRHEA, flK Sjj BeforeTakingLoss oFUMÈMo-After Taking. ky, Universal Lassitude, Pain intjik Back, Dimness of Visto, Premature Old Aqe, aud many other disease that lead to lnsanity, Conaumption and a Prematnre Grave, all of whloh as a rule are flrst oaused bj itoviatbw from the path of nature nd over indulgenco. The Speoiüc Medioine ia the reault of a lifs stad y and many years of eiperi. enoe in treatina theae special diaeases. Ful! píirticuiara in our pamphletö, whieh we desire to seud free by mail to every one. The Spcciflc Medioine ia sold by all Drugciats at 11 per packiigc, or aix packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on reeeipt of the money by addreaaing THE URAY S1KDICINE CO., 1674 No 10 Mechanlcí' Blook, Detroit Mioh. S-Rold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son, and jy ali druggiate every wbere Abstracts of Titles. All parties who are deairoua of aacertainins the ondition of the title to theiv lands, or partiea who wiah to loan money on real estáte will do well to all at the üegister'B olñco and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. aid booka are ao tar advanced that the Itegiater an furnisb on hort notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title f any parcel of land in Waahtenaw County aa hown by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. RA1LR0ADS. MIC'HKiAN CENTRAL RAlLItOAD. MAY 12, 1ST8. aoiNd km. I 'M C ,13 . Sfc r I ; óx ♦ +■ ■. . ... U.M. A.M 1. M. p. „. P.M. p.M. Uetroit, leave, 7 Oll 9 .., 4 4r, ,j g 20 950 i. T. Junction, 1 15 10 00 5 OU 3 05 6 M 10 10 WaynaJunctlon 7 4ti,lo 20: 5 32; 3 30 7 10 1(1 42 Ypmluntl, : 8 WilO 45! C 00 ;, 51 7 30 11 04 ieddes, ; ; ' 4 A.nn Arbor, : 8 80' 11 00 6 30 4 05Í 8 10 11 2] Jelhi, 8 44 ! 6 43 I Dexter, : 8 56 ! 6 53 4 ?2 8 BI ' Ohelsoa; ■ 9 15 1 7 081 4 40 8 46 Orass Lake, g 47 7 33 5 Ooi S 07 { T , M I A.M. Jacknon, 10 20 12 In 8 00 G 00 9 40 12 46 Albion, 11 04 12 48; 1 6 47 10 BS 1 23 Marshall, 11 50 HO-'o 7 18 il 03' 1 45 P.M. BattleCreek, 12 19 ÏMV") 7 45 1135 2 1(1 (ialeaburg, VJ 52 8 20 12 07 _ A. M.j A.M.; Kalamazoo, 1 13 2 38 4 80 8 40 12 251 2 6S Lawton, 1 54 9 05 ! l 08' Decatur, 2 11 ó 20 1 27 Dowagiao, 2 ::(i ' 5 46 1 57 Siles, 3 05 4 07 (i 80 2 38! 4 15 Buchanan, 3 19 6 4: 2 54 Three Oaks 3 49 7 13 : New Buifalo, 4 03 4 67 1 7 28 3 45 Michigan City, : 4 0 5 20 7 bl 4 15 5 30 Lake, 5 13 C 02 8 i') i S 04 1 G 19 Kensington, fi 00 (i M 9 10 5 55 7 10 Chicago, arrive, i 6 50 7 40 10 SO I 6 45' K no 8OINQEABT. illlillÜi A.M. A. M. 'P. M. 1'. M. p. M Ohicago, leave, 7 00 9 00J 4 001 5 15 9 0 Kensington, 7 50 9 60i 4 áO C 05 9 50 Lake, ' 8 40 10 32 6 45 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, 9 2.i 11 18 6 35 7 40 11 20 New Bufi'alo, i 9 47 11 29 6 57 11 39 Three O&ks, 10 02 7 i a. M. Buchanan, 10 32 7 43 ; : Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 12 9 00 12 35 Dowagiae, Jl ISt ' 8 4(t I 1 03 Decatur, 1 1 1 39 9 06 1 : 1 2; Lawton, II 57 9 2", a m ! Kalamazoo, 12 33! 1 4010 00 I 60 10 26 2 17 Qalesburg, 12 52 1 . ' 7 09; 2 37 J Battle C'reek, 1 27 j 2 13 ja ,m 7 40 11 08 3 15 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 L 8 10 il 37 3 49 A.M. Albion, 2 52; 3 21 a. m. 8 3512 OS 4 10 Jackson, ; 3 46i 4 05, 5 40 9 4012 M 4 54 Gras Lake, 4 08 i i 6 ('7 10 00; Chelaea, 4 40 6 31 10 18; Dexter, 5 00 : (i 47 10 30 ' Delhi, ' 5 10 6 55 i : Ann Arbor, 5 20 5 lo; 7 10 10 40, 2 06 6 30 Yiisüanti. 5 38 6 24 7 27 11 00 ' 2 20 6 45 Wayne June, 6 02 5 45 7 52 11 22 2 44 7 09 G. T. June., 6 33 6 15 1 8 25 U 50 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., i 6 48 li 30, 8 40.12 05 3 35; 8 00 (rand Kapirie and Kalamazoo Express arrivés at Grand líapidw 2.2'J p. ni-, and leaves Grand Uaimla 6:15 a. m. Sundays excepted. ISaturday and tíunday excepted. tDaüy. H. B. LKDYAED, Gen'l Munager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwoiith, O. P. & T. Agt., Chicat.o. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eü'cct Monday, Noy. 4, 1S7.S. GOISO NOBTU. GOISj SOUTH. Mix. txp. lixp. Exp. T.xp. Hix. A.M. A.M. 1'. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6 50 10 30 4 05 TOLUDO , 9 ÏU 2 60 6 40 6 5110 33 4 08 North Toledo ! 9 26 2 47 8 38 7 10 10 43 4 19 Detroit Juuction ' 9 16, 2 40 17 724 1052 429 Hawthorn 9 07 234' 602 7 36 1100 4 37 Sainaría 'J 00 2 '29 1 5 49 7 48 1108 4 45 Seola 852! 2 21 S : 7 56 1113: 4 50 Lulu i 8 47' 3 20 5 28 8 04 1118 4 55 Mon roe Junction 8 42 2 16 5 20 8 28 1127, .5 0ö; Dundee 8 28, 2 10, 5 05 840 1132 511 Macón 82! 204 4 42 8 58 1140:6 20 A.aüa 8 11 1 55 4 24 9 26 1153! 5 34 Milán 8 00 14(1 BM 9 44 12 01, 5 43 Nora i 7 51 131 3:10 10 08 12 11, 5 55 Urania 7 40 1 21' 3 12 10 26 12 20 6 04 Ypsilanti June. 7 31 1 1 12 2 54 1 501 12 28 6 15 AXN AltBOit 17 20112 58 2 30 The 7.20 a, m. express south malíes close connections at Monroe Junction Ibr Adrián and Monroe and for poiuts on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus A Toledo and the Wabnsh. The 12 58 p. m. express south connectd at Toledo with the 3 o'clock train cast on the Penusylvania Koid thro' to New York. All trains run by Colambus limr - 7 minutes fiuter than Aun Arbox time. J. M. ASIILEY, Ju , Superlnteudent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTH WESTERN KAILROAD To tiiko effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOINQ WEST. UOIKU KAKT. 8TATION8. MuL. Exp. 8TAT1ONH. Exp. M iil Ypsilanti 8:6 6:011 M, p. m T„l„do Juiic. X::ir, (3:".1 H„„l',.rs . . . s-lül -2-1,0 Saline.. .. U:5, Hillsdile r,'::m 2:10 Kridgewater .. 9:47 7:07 Munehester.. 8:30 4:tt Manchester. 10:22 7:33 BridgewrtU-i " P. m. Saline. ... 9:80 4.4 HillBdale 1:00 9:47 Toledo June. 10:10 4:55 Banken 1:10 10:00 Ypsilunti 10:SS 5:1", Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypailttnti. CANAIA SOKTIIE1ÍN K'Y L1NE8. The -)nly American Route Tnroagta ruiuuln. Trains leave M. C. R. K. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. 111. , Wftgner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner caito New York and Boston. Lightning Express, daily exeept Suuday, 11 10 p. m., Waguer car to liulïalo and Roehester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. in, exeept Sunday ; 8 10 p. m. daily ; 6 50 p. m. exeept Suuday, For Fayette 6 30 p. ui. exeept Suuday. &&- For information and tickets apply to O. W fciharpless, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. W. K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, St. Thomas, Out. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, (ieu. l'ass. and Ttekel Agt, Detroit. - Note important changes in the time tiible of the D., H & S. VV. Kailway. A DOLLAR SAVÊO IS A DOLLAR EARNE1) ! NEW GOOD3 1 AndpriceeLOWEK THAN KVKR. I have purchrtsed in New Yovk, for oaah, auu I tim now daily receivinií one oí' the Urgest and most select stocks of üroceiies in Washteoaw County, conaistinií of a lull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - taolading Guupowders, Iinporiats, ounig II yHoiSH, 11 suiin, Japans Ooïoiiy., Kor tïll?US, ( DlltfOllN, SOUCUOllg S, illlií 'I' v :tuk n} s, Together with a full line ofCOFFEKS, consistmff of the foliowing branda: MOCHA, ÜLI) GOV'T JAVA.MAKACA1LH), LAOL'AYIiESANTOS and LilU, both roaated and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUGARS, SYNPUS AND MOLAS8ES, Together with everythinsr iu the line cf Pure 8picee,Cauued fruits, and Vegetables. We hftTfl a fuli and complet Une oí BOOTS &, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Alao, a choice asaortment of Ladiea' and Gentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine 3oods and Prioea and we will insure satiafaction. EDWAltD DUFFÏ. 11 Slaynard'8 lllock,' cor. Main and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. lyHigheBt cash piice paid tor all farm produce, "tai MMl COMPANÏ. Capital, - - 3,000,000. Asaets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. íurplua over all Liabilities, inclu!?;i Ke-Insurance Renerve, $4,735,092.86. int Surplus over Liabilities, including Ee-Insuranoe and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Albor.
Old News
Michigan Argus