- Business is iinproviug on the T. ano A. A. railroad, both in passengor travei and freight. - John Martin, foll to the bottom ol a well 50 feot deep, and strange to say it did not kill hiin. - A military ball, under the direction of Conipany A, is to come off on the ovening of February tl. - Six arrestsbythe pólice in January Assault andbattery2; vagrancy 4.Chie: Johnsou distributed $108,21 to the poor - The entertainment given at Judge Oooley'e ïuesday evening bytheLadies Libraiy Association was a very enjoyable affair. - The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company have recieved an order from Philadeli)hia for fifteen huudred plows to be shipped on or before April 15. - The Ann Arbor Cotillion Clnb have made arrangements for their annual m;isquerade ball to take plaoe this evening, February 7th, 1879, at Haugstorfer's hall. - Hereafter no suits are to be commenced before any justice of the peace for the violation of oity ordinances, unless sanctioued by City Attorney Sessions. - A fire was discoverod burning quite briskly in a room occupied by some colored persons over C. II. Cady's grocery store early Sunday morning, but wai extinguished. - County Clerk Clark received on Tuesday by expresa thirty-eight oommissions of Notaties Public. ' Walk up gentlemen and procure the seal of the state at an expense of $1.75. - For the year ending January 81, the City Recorder reporta the appropnations and receipts from all sourcus at $24,122 24, while the expenditures during the time amounted to $19,803 03. - Never in the history of the Washtenaw county poor house have there been aa ïnany inmates as at the present time, the nuinber having increased until 160 persons are inaintained at the expense of the tax-payera. - The trial before Justice Frueauff, Wednesday, of Saline residents, wherein Jacob Stang chargedwithassaulting M. Schmider resnlted after three hours oontest by the jury bringingin a verdict of "No cause of action. " - The inembers of Company A again refused to assemble at Armory Hall Monday evening it being the time designated for the eleotion of officers, and the meeting adjourned in consequence of a quorum not being present. - A special meeting of the Coinnion Council Saturday evening extended the time for the collection of delinquent taxes until February 15. Notwithstanding the complaint of hard times the taxes have been collected closer than at any time during the past 10 years. - Au entertainment consisting of ruusc and seleoations will be given for the benefit of the young laches work society of St. Andrew's Churoh on Tuesday evening, Fob. llth in the parlor of the Cook house. Adrnission, 15cts. Bei'ore the entertainment refreshments will be served. Full supper, 25cts. - Michael Teissmer who lives about 8Íx miles west of this city, started for home about seven o'clock Saturday evening, wheii his horse slippod and feil down in front of Cook's Hotul. Oue thill was brokea. After several ineffectual attempts the steed smoothshod, waa raised and Michael and his wife moved towarji their home. - Eugcne Adams, hailing froin Chicago, goes from city to city soliciting advertislng cards which he inserts in a desk that sits on oounters holding registers. Ho came to Ann Arbor, Btopped at the Cook House, and, under the influence of drink assaulted landlord Jewell, who invited him to appear before Justice Olark who fined him $10. - As the streets in the Third Ward, through whioh the Toledo and Ann Arbor Eailroad passes, have been obstructed and rendered almost impassable, the Common Council on Monday evening adopted a resolution ordering the company forth with, or as soon as the weather will perruit, to put said streets in as good condition as before. - Mr. Crainer of this city argües today at Dundeea question involving the signing of a note by a lady with her husbandjointly wherepart of the goods purchased were for eaoh; and the lady owning all the property. The plaintiff suea to recover trom both. The general i ule of the state is that a wife can not be held as surety for herhusbands debts. Voorheis and Baker vs. Storms. - After an illnessofayear, from which she has not risen from the bed in the last six weeks caused by a cáncer in the stomach, Mrs. Mary Jane O'Donnell died suddenly in her chair on Wednesday noon. She was aged 45. Her sufferiug has bean intenso, increasing in severty to the day of her death. One son survives her. Funeral services to-day at Catholio church. - Justice Granger's office was the theatre of a considerable amount of conflieting testimony, Tuesday. Saline's A, O. U. W. society was over here in large nuinbers, to hear the examination of George Ehnis, Secretary of the organization, charged with embezzling $3.50funds of the society. Ehnis claims President Frank should account for the cash. And vice versa. About fifteen witnesses were sworn, half of the nuin ber testifying directly contrary to the otherhalf. The case was so conflioting in evidenco, and there being doubts as to the guilt of the prisoner he was discharged by the court. R. E. Frazer for prisoner; Prosecuting attorney Emerick and Mr. Jones of Saline for the People. - Christian Hauser of Saline, camo to the city on "Wednesday a witness in the case of Schmider vs. Stang. While here he stepped into the hardware store of city treasurer Schumacher at noon to make a purchase. Soon afterward he was observed to have a queer facial expression and give indications of an attempt to save himself from falling to the floor by clutching Mr. Schumacher. He was overtaken by a fit of paralysis, whioh prevented the use of the right limbs. He was removed to the Cook House, his wifo and son telegraphed, who promptly carne to care for hiui. Mr. H. is 50 years of age and a dealer in boots and shoes in the village of Saline.
Old News
Michigan Argus