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Dextek, Feb. 5. - The firra of Bross, Crampton & Miller of this place is about to dissolve. It is not decide:! yet who will go and who will atay. -The Episcopal social on Tuesday evening at II. C. Gregory's was a very enjoyable affair and drew quite a erowd. They all seemed to have suoh a good tima as to be willing to go agaiu. Ilofreshments were the order of the evening. - It is reported that two of our young folks are about to be inarried. They have the best wishes of everyone who is acquainted with tllem. - Reeve's mili naar Pinckney burned to the gcound last week, together with a largo quantity of wheat and flour. Some persons done a good job by rolling out barrels of flour and theu letting it burn up outside. - Our club dance last Friday evening under the managemeut of one Burt Keith, was the pleasautest and most generally enjoyed dance of the season. Hopo Buit will try it again. - üur band are rejoiciug in the ownership of fine uew brass horns, pui-feet beauties too. - Mr. J. O. Hoyt has returned from New York State. - Ahnoat auybody can keep a house clean nowadays with brooras at four cents apiece. -The Ancient Order of United Workmen that is beïng started in this place is getting a large numbar of membets. Pica.


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