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Record Of Real Estate Transfers

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Domo D. Phelps to Samuel P. Ballard. 80 acres in Ypsilanti for $100. John Hashley and otbers to Amos Bullard. Land in Sharon for .$1725. Amos Bullard to Ehzabeth Hashley. Laúd in Sbaron for $1720. Goodrich and Cheever to Sarah H. Goodrich. Lots inAnn Arbor for $3.000. Eosina Sturn and others to Frederick Kader, 13G acres in Bridgewater for f1508. Frederick Koder to Sturn and Gross. 17G acres in Bridgewater for $1508. Geore Hirth to Judson A. Wilsou. - 21 1-2 aerea inPittsfield for $1. Elizabeth Geer to Ellen Morse. - Land in Ann Arbor for $707.17. Gottlieb Hutzel to Gottlieb Layer.- Land in Manchester for $170. H. G. and George P. Wanty to Elizabeth Wanty. Land in Ann Arbor for a valuable consideration. WARRAJiTY. Donovan and O'Brion to Gottlieb F. Krcher. Land in Superior for $1000. Emily Morton to Wm. T. Norgato. 30 acres in Pittsfield for $1700. Chas. H. Gage to Clarence M. Gago. - Lands in Sylvan and Sharou for $700. John Piel to James N. Wallaco. Land in city of Ypsilanti for $1. B, F. Shelniire to Wm.II. Whitninrsh. Land in city of Ypsilanti for $G50. W. D. Morton to Laura Morton. - Land in York for $600. Lydia Olark to Alfred Clark. Land in Manchester for $40. Aaron W. Case to Miohael Schaible. 3 4 acre in Manchester for $G0. Fred. Schaible to Michael Schaiblo. 14 acres in Manchester no consideration mentioned. Samuel S. Merithew to B. G.Lovejoy. Village lot in Manchester for $150. John W. Roeve to Russell C. Reeve. 40 acres iu Webster for $2,000. Anna M. Allen to Ellen Morse. Land in Ann Arbor for $1000. Enos Austin to Joseph Horan. Land in Salem for $100. Oliver Drake to Enos Austin. Land iu Salem for $250. Harvey Bennettto Enos Austin. Land in Salem for. $100. Patrick Kelly to Thomas Duffy. Land in Ypsilanti for $40.