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Michigan Legislature

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Moxdat, Feb. 10.- The Legislatura reassembled at 8:30 in the ovening af ter a recesa of ten days Gov. Oroawell eent the following message relativo to the resignation of ex-Senator Chriatiancy: "Itransniit herowith fnr tlio informatiou of the Legii-la'ure a eopy of a letter bearine date the 8th itist, addreaaed to me by the Hon. Isaac 1'. Christiancy, resigtiing the office of Senator from the State" of Michigan in the Congreaa of the United Statea, to tako effect at 1 'i o dock noon of this 3ay, whereby aaid office is now vacant, and lias been from aaid last-mentioned period of time." The following isa copy of Senator Cbristiancy's letter of resignation: 'XANPiNf;, Mich. . Feb. 8, 1879. - To His üxcelleccy Chas. JVI. Croswell, Governor of the State of Michigan- Mr: I hereby resign my office of Senator from the State of Michigan in the Congreas of the United States, this resignation to take effect on the lUth day of February inst. , at 1 2 o'clock noon of aaid d ly. Isaao P. Chuihtianct." No business of a general i character was transacted. Numerous pítitlons were receíved, and no'ices of introduction of billa giyen A resolntion instnictir.g theconimittee investigating the asylum ut Kalamazoo to eit with open doors was laid upon tho tablo. Tuesdat, Feb. 11.- Senate.- Bills introduced: By Mr. Farr, relative to regietered ! deeds, and regulating duties of Jueticea of the Peace ; by Mr. McPeek, relative to foea of j tain ofticers; by Mr. Moore. relativo to i ment of tiamps.... Bills passed: To amend the law relative to Juatices courts; relating to annual meetings of tho Superannuated Preachers' Aid Society of tho Methodist Episcopal Church; to amend the law relating to courts held by Justieos of the Peaee; tq amend the law relating to rcpleviu of beasts distrained ; to prohibit Hpearing or shooting flah in ticgnac lako ; to repeal the act fur the colloction of damagos suetained by defectivo bridges A joint reaolution waa" passed the relief of Hiram A. Sweet, of thfi Sturgis Juin :i-rl. House.- Bills wt-re üuroduced: By Mr. Noah, relative to relief of poor debtois from imprisonment ; to próvido f or the punishmeut of indecent assault; by Mr. Abbott, to próvido a tax upou dogs; by Mr. Noah to provide for the punishment of assault with deadly weapous ; by Mr. Kuhn, to regúlate the practico of medicine and aurgevy in Hinhigan. Wsdnesday, Feb. 12. - Senate.- Mr. DufEeld introdueed a joint resolution proposing amondments to the constitution relative to Justices of the Peaco Bills introdneed: By Mr. Stephenson, amending law in regard to highways ; by Mr. Moore, relating to the uuivereity and its branches; by Mr. Palmer, to amend an act to authorize and cnconrage the formatioc of corporations to establi-h rural cemeteries, and provide for the ure and maintenance thereof ; by Mr. Tyler, to repeal an act in relation to life insurance companies transaeiing business wlthtn this State; by Mr. Lewis, to provide for the incorporation of State detective associatious; by Mr. Bbepard, to repeal an act to prevent betting upon the result of any politicil nomination, appointment or election; by Mr. Moore, for the Íiurpoo ot providiug foï Mie examination, aduatineiit and allowanee of claims and demanda against tho estáte of minors, ineane and other persons where guardián havo beca appointed for said persons. House. - One hundred andono petitions wore presented on variouH Piibjeots Bills introduced: By Mr. Turck, to 'amend tho act creating tho office of Raüroad Comraïssione1 ; by Mr. Granger, to amend tho law relative to the support of poor persons by tlie public; by Mr. Whüe, to amend the law rclaiive to anima] township meetings; by Mr. Gould, to amend the luw relative to kiiling of deer and fa wns; by S. W. Hopkios, to ameinl the primary school law; by Mr. Francia, to amend the law relative to fees of j urors ; by Mr. Yerkt s, to amend the law relativo to courts and eertain iudicial ofticera; by Mr. Sawyer, to amend the act for the erection and maintenance of iishclmtes; to amend tho act in relation to primary schools; to authorize Judges of Probate in eertain counties to appoint Kegisteis; by Mr. Campbell, to amena the law relative to prooeedins againsl debtoiö by attaehinent; by Mr. Hall, to amend the law relative to Circuit Courts; by Mr. Kuhn, to authoiize proceodiug agaiust garnishees.... A number of private billa of eo general interest were passed. Thuesday. Feb. 13.- Senate,- Bills were passed: To authorize the ff arden of the State Prison to receive moneys due or to beconie due upon contract to construct a railroad from the ' Straits of Mackinaw to Marquetto; to amend l acts which authorizo the formation of eorpo rationa for mining and manufacturing purposes. ] Bills introduced : By Mr. Shepard, to more [ aceurately determine the costs allowi.d to the prevailing parties in snits at law in the Circuit (Jourts; by Mr. Stepheuson, aiithorizing the Boarda of Supervisors of several counties to provide for the preserva tion and maintenance of original aecUon corners and quarter poata as snrveyed and recorded by the origmal aurvey thereof; by Mr. Duflield, making an appropriation for the purchase of books for the State Library; by Mr. Hodge, to amend the law relating to the action of ejectment; by Mr. Chamberlain, to legally I tect inmatea of insane asyluma; also, for the protection of personal liberty; by Mr. Chüds, 1 to provide for the erection of a fire-proof i ing for the museum at the University of Michigan ; by Mr. Conant, making an appropriation for the Board of Fish ('ommisaionera for the years 1879 and 1880; by Mr. Patterson, to amend the law relating to cancel ation of mortgages. House. - Bills were passed: Kelating to I peala to the Supreme Court from Circuit Courts in chancery; relative to appraisal of eatatea of warda; amending the law relative to Justieea of the Peace Bills introdueed : By Mr. Kurch, to amend the law relative to selling, manufacturing, etc, spiritnoua liquora; by Mr. Moore, i to amend the law concerning rêmoval from office; by Mr. Lewis, to regúlate n'sheriea in ahore watera of Lake Michigan; by Mr. Stevens, to prevent tlio release of persons charged with crime beeause of informalities in procedures; by Mr. li. V. Hopkina, to amend : the law for the ineorporation of villagea, also i to amend the Liquor law. Eepublican CAUCua - A caucus of the Eepublican mombera of both houses was held in the evening, for the nomination of a United States Senator to succeed Judge Christiancy. Senator Farr nominated Zachariah Chandle'r, and was followed by Senators Brown, ('ochrane, and lieproHentutives Allen, Noah, Sawyer, Sliarta and Young. John J. Bagley was nominated by Senator Chamberlain, followed by Senator Childa and Kepresentative S. W. Hopkins. ! An informal ballot was taken, which resulted. Chandler, (9; Bagley, 1 il; Senator Palmer, 1: Bagloy and Palm r were withdrawn, and I ley's f rienda movod to make Chandl r's tion unanimous, which sas carried. Fbidat, Feb. 14. -Senate. - A Mil waí pasaed making appropriationa for current expenses of the State Normal School of 118,00. . . . .Billa and joint resolutions introducod : Bj Mr. ller, to amend the law relative to taking private property for public use; also to amend i the law relative to opening of highways, strecte j and alleys by cities and villages; by Mr. Itolijïoy, to provide for uniform and che&pai B-ool teit-books; by Mr. McPeekj co prevent ;h.) admission of inipvoper peisor.s bi the State Reform School; by Mr. Palmer, for the estiiiUalinient of a school for delinquent girls; by Mr. Childs, making HDpioprMma foc oïi onses of State officers and State Govcn.ment, and provining a tux to defray the same, i for the years 187'.) and 1SSÜ; by Mr, 'Lowis, joint resolution askiog Congross to pass a law equalIzing the bounty of all aoldiers who servad id '' in the Unicn anny diniirf,' llu; War of tlie b?llion and received honorab e discharge House. - Joint resolutions to amend the i stitution rulative to county oflicora and relative ] to aitorney or agent for suitors at conrt ( Bills introduced : By Mr. Noah, for ment of aggravatcd llSsaúlts; by Mr. Gould, to amend thclawgovemingactions for ejectments: by Mr. Donnelly, for a bureau of municipal indebtedness, and to deliiio ita poweis and rtuties; by Iti. Barnes, to amend the law relativo to levy and execution Hnin grnwing and ur.liarvestod erops; by Mf. Goebet, to amend tlie law relativo to taxTjoo of the Jiquor traffic IüIIh paesed: Jielative to sum j.ouing jurors; relative to pimi.-hmmt of misdemtanors ; relative to schooldistrict board-, defining the minibcrof montha schools are to bc taiifjht, and raisiog money for the game; relative i to establishing right tocare and ctiftody of minor children in cíic of Beparaiipn of Lusband and wifej relativo to appraisal of oatates of deceased persons. Saturdat, Feb. 15. - Senate. - Joint resolutions were introduced : Amending the constitution and increasing the salary of the Governor from Í1, (XX) to $2,500; aeking an appropriatioa to construct a litrht-houso at tho mouth of Moneetique river; to reorganizo the military forcea of the State A joint resoluta passed asking the abolition of polygamy. . . .1h ; tion of United 8tates Senator was made the special order for 3 o'clock Tuesday A memorial was receivod from the General Assembly of Alahama, protesiing against suita by the Uuited States against municipalities. . . . Bil In were introduced: By Mr. Palmer, concerniug willa; by Mr. Hewltt, relating to offenses against property ; by Mr. Hine, to provide for the payment of insurance to a mortgagee in certain cases, to amend the act relative to servico procesa upon insurance companiea not incorporated under the laws of'tho Stite; by Mr. Jfalmor, to prevent obstruction of navigable fltreams; by Mr. Patteran, to provide for robuilding and refumieh lig tho State Normal School building in case of losa or damago by tire ; also, to provide for a commission to reviso '"o etatutes covering the levying and collecting of taxes; by Mr. Shepard, to regúlate tho sale and se of intoxieating 1 quora; by Mr. Huston, to authoráe the appointment of a comnüssion to prepare a bilí to revise the Tax laws Bill were passed : Eclative to courts hold by Justiaes of the Peace; an act providing for the ineorporation of companies for running smelting works for the manufacture of iron, copper, silver and other ores or minoráis, and Lo fix the ilutiea and liabilities of such corporations. House. - Bills were introduced: To construct a railroacl from Five Lakes to North Banch, Lapeer county, and from Pontiac to Orion, Oakland connty, aaking an appropriation of BWamp lands for that purpose; to revise the laws for the incorporaron of railroads, to reguluti their running in the State; rrUtive to the taxation of shares of national or Slate bonda; to establish the Bonton Harbor ship canal aa a coinmon highway and public navigablo -n-ater ; to ereata the Twenty-second Judical Circuit.... A bilí was passed: Relating to churches and reliínous societies A resolution for the roIiffl oí Hiram A. Öweet, publisher of TIU 1 SlnrgU Journal, was iiassed Bills were iutrodneed: By Mr. Van Fliet, to establieh a board of comniiseionera of survey, and preBcribe their dutics; by Mr. McNabb, for the t.ppointment of commissionera to prepare a co3e of procedure to pimplify and abridge piactice proceedings in court ; by Mr. Cottrell, to regúlate the business of pawnbrokers; by Mr. Griffy, to prescribe the manner of selling leaaeheld interest in lands on execution; by Mr. Hopkins (O. W. ), relative to tho salaries of military ofticers; by Mr. Bradfield, to promoto immigration ; by Mr. Francis, to prohibit corporal punishment in public schools; by Mr. Willetc, for the organization, regulation and management of insane asylnms.


Old News
Michigan Argus