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LEGAL NOTICES. Election Notle. "o Tin: lr.F.riov.H or thi: Ooonti OF Washtenw : Yon are hereby noti ied that nt the eleetion to lie lelil in tliin Btate on the int Mondayof April Ltt he fnllowiüg ofaeers m lo lc elected, vi. : A Justioeof the Sapreme Court in place of James í . Ganipbell, whose term ottice will expire I)eember BUt, 1879, and two Regents ot the Univerity in place of Claudiu B. círant and Charles iynd. whose terina üí office will expíi-e It'(í;ml)cr Ist, 1879. Dated, Aun Arbor, F'el) 17, 1879. J081AH B. CA8E, Sheriff. Mm Sale. DKIWL'LT Iiaving been ruada in the conditions of a ceitalu morttfaKe made anl executed by ")arius ÍS. AVood nnd Pcburah K. Wood to Eraily Banten.and dated, Tul; Ib flfteenth, A. I). 187(, mil recurdi'd in the office of the Beplater of Deeds if Washtonaw Oountv, State oí' Michigan, on thc tfteenth dayof JhI)", A. I). 1R70, in Líber 44 of inortasces, at pae B14, which mortpatre waa duly issiguec by sail Emilj Benton to (Jomstoek 1'. Ilill, Fsbruary KUli, Ih.l). :ia )ier aignment recorded in eaid iífgitt-iM urlii-e, ín laber (i cif bbmíjíiiment ut p:gir l'.t umi there being clrtiued to bo iue aud unpaid on auid lüortgage and the note ueconipuuyiu thc dame nt thediite of thisndtice.lhi1 sumo! Two Tliimsami SixtyFouv and 74-10(1 Dollar (S2,O6l.74l, alsoan attomey's fee ot TwentyFive Dollars M provided tur ín íaid nuntsraiíe, aml no proceedines at l.iworin eqoity haring been takentucollect thc suui ur any part thereof. Sow. thereforei nottee íb berehy given, thtvt by virtue oí the power of ale in said íunrtgagu erntained, and oC tlie ftatuiy in Boch oaae made hikI provided, I nhall, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of May, A. I). 1879, at ten u'eWV A. M. of (hatday.nt Ih" aoutbdoorof tlio i'lcrk' office, in the nily nt nu Arbor, (that beine: the place deignateil for holdiux the Circuit Court for toe CooBtJ of Washtenaw,) stíll at public auction or vendue, to the bigheat biddur, itaupremUeBdracrihed in naid mortgage or 80 much tlu-reol m will lie nocessary to satlafy said amount of mortffaKe and note, together with said altornoy'sfeeandall necessury costa and expenses allowed by law, with the accruing interest nt Diñe per cent. Kaid premises being described in said moitgage as followa : The aonth west qnarter of ection twenty-Hve, iu towuahip three, south oi range ftye east, containinff one hundred and sixty acrei). C0M8TOCK 1'. HILL, Assiuoe of Slortgage. Dated, Fel). 12, 1S79. CHancery Sale. THE CIRCUIT ÜOURT FOR THE COUNTY of Waahtenaw, in Chaucery. Alexander Soulier, complamant, vu. Henry M. Phelps, defendant. In iumittüce and by virtue of a deeree of said Court. made and entered by said Court iu Itie above entitled canse, on the 12lh day of November, A. D. 1878. Notioe is hereby priven tbat I shall sell ut public auction, to the hiyhest bidder, on Monday, the Hth day of April, A. D. 1879, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door ol the Couuty ( 'leik's office, in the city ol" Ann Albor, County of Washtennw, and State of Mlchlrai, aaid County Clerk's office being the plaoe desUnated by the Circuit Judge as the place for holding theCiicuit Court ior the (Jounty of ya8htenaw, the tollowini; descrined real estáte, being the same mentioned and described iu said decree, and sitúate in the Township of Webster, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of soction thirty-two, aud the west half of the west half o! the Southwest quarter ol' section thlrty-three. aud the southweat quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two, t-whip una,aouth r&nere fivfi eaAt, contaioine one hundred and sixtyacres of land, more orle. February 21st, 1879. JAMES McMATION, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the Oounty of Wftshtenaw, MiobigaD. A. D. CRANE, Solicitor for Complaiuant. Beal Estete for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, 88. In the matter of theestate of George Whiting, deoeased. Is'otice i hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned executors of the estáte of sald Cieorgc W'liiting by the Hon. Judje of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the twelfthday of Febraary, A. D. 1879, there will be sold at Public Vendue " to the highest bidder, at the front door of Ayre's hotel in the village of MIlan, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the eigbth day of April, A D. 187Ü, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tnat day (subject to all ncumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death oi eaid deceased or Bubnequently made by hls executors) the following described P.eal Estate, ttj-wit: Coinmoncing in the center of the hi"hway which lead from Front street, village of Milan, outhwesterly across the Saline Rirer, at tlie northeast corner of ft paicel of land at present owned by Joseph (anntlett, and couveyed to him by ooe Alchin, and ninniug from thence north tliirty-Bix deureesalong the center of saidhip;hway two (2) chaina and nino (9) links to the aouthlineof said Front street ; thence north aixty-one degrecs west along the south ide of said Front utreet two (2) chains and twenty-three(!3)links; thence south thirtysix(:iG)dcgreeswest parallel with flrst line two (5) chains, nine (JlinkB; thoce outh sixtyone degreestast along the north line of the aald Joseph Uauntlett'a pareel two CZj chains and the same parcel conveyed to the late Cieorge Whiting iroiii Thoinnp Braman. AIbo, commencing on the north line of Front Btreet, village of Milan.nt the Boutheaat corner of the hotel lot conveyed to William C. Ayres by Thomas Braman by detd, itooriied Decciu'ber 10, 1S77. in Liber 86, on page 344, and runuins trom thenee outh ixtj-ono derees eastaloDgthe the north line of said Front streel one hundred aud Ihiny-two feet to the louthwest corner of a parcel c.ouveyed by deed f rom Harrison (i. Voorheta and Francia "Wbiting to David Blackmcr, and recordad in Liber 81, on pa(?e 570, and thenee uorth twenty-nine derees east along the west line of asid Blacklner'a paicel one hundred feel to thesouth lini' oí said Avies hotel lot; thenee north sixty-oni.' defrres west ;iloug the line of Baid Ayres lot öue hundred andthirty-two feet; thenee south twoutynine depreca west along the line of said Ayrea parcel to the place of beginning, lying and be'insr on the aouth aide of lot number one, village of Milan, Kdwards1 plat. Both pareéis being on the west half of the nontheast quarter of Bpotiou thuty-flve, town four south range six east, Yoik, Wasntcnaw County, Michigan. Dated, Febrnary 12, 1STU. HARKISON G. VOORHEIS, FRANCI8 WHIT1NQ, Execiitors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtcnaw ss. The undersiiied having been appointed by the Probate Court for said couuty, comniissiouers tu recelve, examine and adjust all claims and deniauds of al) persons againt the state of John Blke, late of said county, deccased, hereby give notiee thatmx inonlhs from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claim agalnst the estáte of said deceasecl, and that they will meet at the late residence of said dereased in the townsliip of Lodl, in said county, on Saturday, thethird day of May, and on Monday, the fourth day at 4uust ntxt, t ten o'clook A. m. of eaeh ot'saidday, to reccive, ex:iniiiu' aml uljut said claims. Dated, February3, A. T). 1870. JAMES SAGE, LEONABD WAl.HNUXüN, Commissiouers. Commlssionen' "tice. riïATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ooi Theunderiignedhavinjíl'een appointed by the Frobate Court for Baid County, ('oinmissionars to receive. examine and ndjust all claims and demands of all persons aRainst the estate of Jaraes A(tin, late of said county deceased, hereby give uotice that six months trom date are allowed, by order of said I'iohate Conrt, for (Jreditors to present their claimü againot the estáte of suid deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of aid deceased. in the township of Webster in Baid Couuty, on Saturday the teuth d5 of Mrtv.audonMonciay the eleventh day of Auut nex't, at ten o'clock A. M., of each ot said dy, to receive. examine and adjust said claims. Dated February UMh, A. D. 1879. THOMAS MVRRAY, L. D. BALL, 7_4t Uoiniaiasioners. Bátate of Adam ObVrmiller. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY !5 ot Wiwhtenaw, as. Notice i hereby given, that by an orderof the Probate Court fortheCoun. tv of Washtenaw, made on thethird day of lebrunïv A. 1). 1879, six montbs trom that date vrere allowed for creditor to present their claiinu iiifainat the eslute of Adam Oberniiller, late of said county. ÏBCi aaed, and that all creditor of aaid deceiMxl are required to present their claims to said l'robate Court, at the Probate Offlce in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinarán and allowance, ou or before the fourth day of August next, aud that such claim will bc heard before said Court, on Saturday the tlurd day of May, and on Monday the fourth day of Aumiat nexl , at ten o'clock iu the lorenoon of each of iiaid day. - Dated, Ann Arhorhr-. 3. AD. UL 7_4t Judge of Probate. Cream iald" Letter and Packet Note Meada and Linen Flbre Note Ileadn IPacket and Congreus) Jast received. Glvo your I oi .lor LEGAL N0TICE8. Estáte of James Tread vrell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessionof the Probate LJourt for the C-mnty of WRstitenaw, holden at the t'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeiay, the eighteenth day of February, ín the year -ne thouKHUil (iilit hundred and aeventy-Dine. Present, William D. Hairimnn, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James Treadwell, ieceaaed. On reading and nling the petition duly verified of Densmore Oramer, praying that a certain instrument now on üle in this Court, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of aaid deeeased, may be mlmittnd to probate, andtbat be and John Ntinry may be appointed executors thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eeventeenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be asuigned for the hearing of snid petition, and that thedeviHeon, legateea and heirsat law of Baid doceased, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appeur at a session of eaid court, iben to be holden at the Probate Office in tbe city of Ann Arbor, and shoV cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shuuld not be granted : And it is iurther ordered that snid petitioner give notice to the interested in aaid estáte, of the peudency of said petition and the hearing tbereof, by CHueing & copy ot this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Anous, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, thrte euccessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D HARRIMAN, f A true copy.) Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probaie Register. 8-4 1 Batata of John Oilmey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ö of Washtenu, so. At a se&sion of the Probate Courtfor theCounty of Washtenaw, holden at the I'iobate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, oq Tuetday, the lHth da y of Februnry, in the year on e t hounand eifiht hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William i. Harrinian, Judge of Probate. Ín the matter oí' the estáte of John (jibney, deeetaed. Julia Gibney, administratrix wilh the will annexed of said estáte, eomefl Luto court and ïepieHeutH that bhe is now prepared to roudcr hei DBlU account ussuch admini&tratrix. Thereupon it is orde red, that Wedneeday, the nineteeuthday of March npxt, at teu o'clock in the forcBoon, bc assigned for exftñining and allowing siu-h account, and (hal the devises, layrt-i and hi'irs at luw of said deceased, and all otber penoss interMted in said estato, are required to appear al tk swaion of said oourt, then to be holden ut the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor in said coviuty, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said aduxinistrutrix give notiee to the persona interested In aaid estat.e, ofthependenuy oi said account and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of t h is order to be published in the Michigan Abgus, a iiRwspaperprinted and circulatini in said county, three lUCeêaslve weeks previou- to said day of hearing. WILLIAM P. HArjïIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge o)' Probute. Wu.é, l0TVt Probate Register. 8-rlt Estáte of ITrederick Basom. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenuw. sa. At a eession of the Probate Court ior the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the I F LU L X VI uï '.' V w 1 1 ƒ i ' v ' L IHMn uit r f liu&v 4 w v#'wi Piobate Office in the City of Ann Aroor, on ThuTHlay, the thirteenth day of February in the yeatne thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D.Harciman, Judge of Probatf( In the matter of the estáte oí Frudeiick Biiwu, icceased Onvearlinïr nnd fllinff the petition, duly verifled, if Allen Ciittendim, adminiatrator, praying that he ni a y I; licenaed to rell the real estáte wheveof said leceased ilied seized. Xhereupou it is oidered, thatSaturday, the ei;hth iay of March next, at ten o'clock iu the fcrenoon, be assigned for the hearing of silid piti liun, and that the hirs at. lsw ot said diceased. and all other personn interested in said estáte, uro required to appear ut a Beasion of said court uion to be bolden at the Probate ofBce In the city of Ann Arbnr, and how cause, it any there be, why the prayer of tbe petitioner ehould uot be granted : And it in further ovderod that said rtit'oner give aotioe lo the persona interested in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petitum and the hearing thereof, by caurinicoopyof this order tobe published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper piinted and fonlated in said county, thrce succeoeivcweeks DrcTkttu to snid day of heariup. WILLIAM 1). HAKR1MAN, IA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Uutï, l'robate Kegisler. lC-tatc of Ilo1)rt Harper. QÏATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ö of Waahtenaw, ss. At a sesaíon of the Probate Court for said County, held at the probate oflice in the City of Ann Arbor, on he 12th day ot february, in the year one thousand eight hundreü and sevinty-nine. l'resent, William D.Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Robert Harper, late of said county, deceased. On readingand iilinff the petilion of Egbert P. liarper, duly veritied by bis oath, praying that a duplícate of the lust will and testament of said deceaBed be prepared, ftled and recorued in the Probate office, to supply the loss of the said original will, and to have the same validity and efteet au aaid original will which was on tile and probated by said I'nbate Court, bat which is now lost, tügether with the probating theieof nd orders relating to the same, it is ordered that the hearing ot said petition be had at the Piobate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said connty, on Saturday, the Sth day of March, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, and that notlce thereof be given to all parties interested in saidapplication by publishing a copy of this order for tb ree weeks successively,previous to the day ol such hearinKiu the Michigan Arous, a newapaper priuted and published in said city of Anii Arbor. WILLIAM I. HAURIMAN, !. truecniir ) Jiuljje of Probate. W m . Ü. Doïy, Probate Register. i-41 Real Kstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Washtemnv, ss. Iu the matter of tbc estateuf Thomas Culllnane, deceased. Notice ia hereby givcu.lhU iu pursuauceof nn order granted to tlie undersigned executorof the eBtntc of said deceasid bythe Uon. Judge of Probate for the County ol Washtcnaw, on the ürst duy of February, A. 1). 1879, there will be sold at Public Yendue, to the highest bidder, at the late resideuce of said deceased, in the township of Scio, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the 25th day o! March, A. D. 1879, at ten ovlock in the forenoon oi that day ( subject to all encumbrarles by mortgae or otherwiae existinp; at the time ot the death of said deceased) the following desci ibed Real Estale, to-wit : The west half (U) of the north west fractional quarterof bection thirty one.i.Cli in townshii) two. (2lsouth range tive(5)east, in Washtenaw county,' Michigan. Also twenty acres of land ofl the north end of the east half (}4 of the south east quarteiM Ujo'ection thirty-sii, (8SJ n town two, (2) south range four (4) east, in Washtenaw county in Michigan. Also ten (10) acres of land ofl the eaat half ('-;,) nf the north west punter of sectior. thirty one, (31) town two, south range five (5) east iu Washtenaw county, in Michigan, viz: Running Irora the sonth east corner north forty(4"; lods, thence cast forty (lO) rods, thence south forty (4ii) rods, theuoe toplaee of besinning. ]alcd Ft'Vtiuarv lst. 1879. PETER TUITE, l'.xeoutor. Keal Estáte for Salí'. STATE t)K MI0HK1AX, Oountyof ■Wnahtenaw, bs. In thn matter ot the (■state of Margarett I. Dounelly.aminor. Nol ice is hereby giveo, that in pursuauce of an order granted to the undersigued guardián of said minor, by the Hon. Jlldge ol Probate for tho Uouuty ol Waslitecaw, on the seventh day of January, A. D. 1S71I, there will bo old at Public Veudue, to the highest bidder, at the Probate oifioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County otWaehteuaw, n said State, on Tucsdny, the fouith duy of March, A. L. 1S7U, at ten oV-kn k in the lorenoon of that day (subject to all encunilirances by mortgage or othenrlM exiatingat the. time of theale)tlie following deacribeil Keal Kstate, towit: All the right, title and interest ut said minoi iu all thatoertain tractor parcel of land situated in the City of Ann Arbor, and County of Washtenaw, known, boundod and deseribed a follows, viz : The north onc-thirdof lot uumber Beven, in Block number flve, north of Hauge rnimlur tbree eaat, in said City. CATHBBINE WALSH, Gnardmn. Dated January 7, 1879. Beal Batata lr sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Washtennw, ss. Ia the matter of the estáte of Horace Kohier, deceased. Notico is hereby giveu, tiiat in pursuance of an ordei grantcd to the underslgned, adininistratrix of the estáte of snid ilorace KOBiei , by the Hon. Judge of l'robate for the County ot Washteimw, on the toiirleenth day of January, A I). 187'J, tbere will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the olïce of George C. Page, in tbc vlllage of Uexter, in the County "I Waahtenaw, in said State, on Ti'Ksdaï, ibk ki.kvknïii or M.UKii, A. I). 1B79, at leu o'olock in the forenoun uf thut duy (subject to all encunibrimces by inortjiage or otherwise UktiDK al the time of the deuthof amd deceaaed, and alan subject 10 the riuht of dower of the widow of said deceased llierein), the tollowing desenbed real estáte, te wit: Umd aituated in the township ot 8cio, M'ashtenaw County, Michigan, towit: Bcing part of seettoDS Be and ix, and beginnins at the oonimon corner of BectioM live, six, eeyeu aud eiííht, tbence aloog the n:iid section line twenty chulns and fifty links toa stake in the middle ut the bighwty thenee north one and one-fourth deneea Test, pérpendienlar tosaid section line, mxn-en eluiins and fifteeu links to a stake iti the mlddle of the Aun Arbor road (so called), thenee uorlh forty-mne aud a half degreej west long the eenier of said Aun Arbor road live chatos and niutty links to a stakr, lliem-e south etehty-ninedegrees and forty minutes, yieat twenty chains ana tixteMi liuks to the center t K. Street, accor.ling to the recorded ilat of tbc village of Dexter; thene outh fort T-two and (ine-fouith degrees, west t. chaina and eighty links to a stake in the center ol (;. and K.streeti, ccording tothe aforesaid plat; thenee north forty-seveii and tln-ee-fourths degreea weat llong the center of K. street three ehains and tvoUnksto a stake, thenee west twenty minutes einht ehains and twenty and one-half links to a stake, thenee soutfc pan llel tothe Baker road (-,, called) tweaty chains to the center of the buhway, thenee east iVentv-tlve chaina and nine links to the place ol beginning, eontaluing seventy three acres ;nld liity ouc huudredths (73 40-100J more or CHRISTIN A A.ROSIKR.Aaministratiix. Dated, Januaiy 14, 1S7ÍI. dmnnUnlitn- t' Notlee. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ÜOÜNTT Ö of Washtenaw, sa. The undersinned having been sppn-ated bylhe Pn.lmtet .mrtfor saidCounty (Viumissiom-m to rco'ive, examiue and adjiut all claims and demaniUoi a!l persons againai tinestáte of Kose ('onaty, late f suid county deceased, hcreby give notice tlint six montlis Irom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Credltor to présent their cUims against tbe estáte oi said deceasod, and that Ihey will meet at the offle of George W'. Turn Buil, in the village of Chelsea, in said County. ou ïuesday, the 13th day of May, and on Weañesday, the 13th day ol Auguat mzt, atteno'clock A. M., of each of said days, to leeeive, examine and adjiiBt said claims, Dnted. febrnar 18, A. 1)., 1S79. ÖEOROE W. TUEN Hll.L, JAMES Hl'DLKlí. g.4 Commlgijioners. 60 000 Letter and Nohe Head Jut receivad' at the ARGUS ofnce. Now Uthj tluie to hand in your order. ÍESJ


Old News
Michigan Argus