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BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. DB. TAÏLOK, ATTORNEY AT UW, Chelsea, Mich. DOJVALU MACLEAN, H. ., Physiiian and Surgeon. üfüce and residence, 71 Huion street, Ann Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 A. M. and ftom ltoSr. m. MBS. SOPHIA VOLtAND, M. D., Physician and Surffeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann atreet. Wili attend to all professional callB promptly, day and night. II. JACRSOy, Dentist. Office corner Main aud Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's stoie, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics administered if Jerircd. CSCHAKBRRLE, Teacher of the Plano forte. Pupila nttain the desired skill in Diano-iilaying by a syatematic course of instruction. For terms, apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty stroct, Ann Arlior. Prompt atteution paid lu piano 'tuniiijL. CRAMEK, FRUKAÜFF CORBIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRUEAUFF, Jastice of the Peace. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 Eaat Washington street.jiinsey und Seabolt'8 Moeit. HENRY E. HILL, Attorney at Law, Uealer In Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Office, No. S Opera House Block, ANNJIRBOR EL O. FREEB, DEAT.KK IN Fresh, smouea aivutsFroh Fish, Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 36 East Huron Street, AK Acbob, Mich. J. H. NICKELS, DKALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Umus, Sausages, Lard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NOUTH WEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly fllleü. Farmers haring nieats to be!l glve luía a cali. ÈvYRYBODY 8AYS TH AT S. B. REVENAUGH IS TUE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East ot Court House, lst floor. thíTann arbor SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOB, MICHIGAN. SïSiïïïïiRr ------ M2:SSS:8S Transada a general Banking Business ; buys and Bells Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; sella Sight Drafts on all the principal eities of Europe; also, sells Pasaage Tickets to Liverpool, London and ölasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamships, whose rates are lower thaü most other firstelass lines. Tuis Bank, already haring a large business, invite merchante and others to open accounts witta thcm, with the assurance of moBt liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. IntheSavings Department interest is paid semiaunnally, on the first days of January and July, ou all sums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus aftording the people of this city andcourity a perfeotly sale depository for ilieir funds, together with a fair return in interst for tlie same. Money to Ioan on Approved Securities. Dirkctoes- Ohristian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D. ilarriman. Daniel Iliseock, B. A. Iieal, Wm. Deubel, and Willard B. 8mith. OFFICEES : OHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vioe President. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashier. A CAKU. The undersigued respectfully informs his frienda and thepublicof Ann Arbor and vicinity, that he bas purchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articlos, Dye Stuffs, &c, Formerly owned by tfce late Uoorge Grenville, and that he will continue the drug business, ui all lts branches, at the old stand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STBEET. By giving strict attention to business, and selling goods at reasonable prices, hehopes to merit a share of the public patronage. #5Partieular attention will be paid to the compounding andtilliin; of Physicians' Prescriptions by competent asaistantt,. EMANUEL MANN. Ann Arbor, March 25, 1878. ÊBËRBACH f&ToÑr Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South MainSt., Have on hand a large and well selected stock of DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcles, Trngges, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attention paid to the fürnishing of Physiciaus, Chemists, Schools, etc.( with Philoaophical and Chtíiuical Appuratus, Bohcmiaa Chemical Glassware, Porcelaiu Ware, Pure ïteagenta, etc. Phyaieians' preseriptioas carefully prepared at vM houre.


Old News
Michigan Argus