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At the head of theso column we have placed -the names of the candidatos nomfimtod by the Democratie 6tate convention held at Lansing on Friday. Thoy re also the candidatos of the National Oreonback party of tliís state. Ia the earnest hope that the oppositicn in this state could be massed agftiust tb EepublicBn party, we had noped wiser eouneels would prevail at Lansing and that ueithor party wouk insist upon a declaration of principies. '1 here was no need wbatevor, of a plat forra. The. noroinees thomselves woulc R:iv6 been pTatform enough. "Why the Kiitionals iusisied upon forcing upon the Democratie convontion a set of res o'iitiongat a seasou when there is no poli'-ica? issues at stake, and endangerog ihe saccess of the ticket by driving fhjra ite support hard money Demócrata, who, in tho absence of a platform, would feel it incumbent upon them to support the noaïineea appears to us the height of folly. Nino men out of every ten concedo the necessity, providod tho way can be foaad, of removing altogethor froni politics, the choice of the judiciary and regents of the university. This being the cuse, how much greater the aisessñy for fho absence of platforms ftt spring elections. And espeoially so fchen mon holding somewhat diflferent views in tho past, are seeking a coinmon oause, and roaehing ont both hands in the endeavor to unito againsta coinmon foo. A welding of conflicting opinious, to be successful must in the nature of ttings be yielding, not too exactin"-.- Thís the Nationals were unwilling to concede. Firmly fixed in the faith, thoy w.ould not abate cno jot or tittle and compelled the Democracy to submit to tieir terms. The Thurman "idea" reached across the Ohio line and obtainel control of the Democratie convention, by a Inrge majority, Exoapting a national convention, the principies adopted bya stato convention are the highest law unto a party. Conventions are not ínfallible, but tvhat they adop must be regarded as binding upon th party until a subsequent convention modifies or repeals wliat has been done i Wo assuuie the candidates are in har mony with theDomocracy npon the rea résue th rugh the platform is notagreo able to all. Mr. John B. Shipman o Cold water has been a lifelongDemocrat and still retains the faith of that life eiren thongb identified of late with the Nationala. If it is asserted ho can not be a member of two parties at the same ümer how, wo ask, can men belong to íiifi Brohibition party and retain standing in the Republican party ? Mr. Geo. P. Sandford, editor of the Lansing Journal is a pronounced Democrat but imbaed with the Ohio "idea." Henry Whiting of 8t. Clair has renounced llepublicanism, and unites with us to o.t OUondloi om uf tu-aay aua UTamiminleo: Shallwe not unito in a common causo that will wrest this statu frora the handa of a party that has eo long controlled her and perhaps place her in the pyramid of states which will bolp swell the column of opposition to a third term candidate for President. Béecherthinks he may. some day, write M autobiography, but is desirous first 'o get tüesecond volume of his "Life of Christ" (which seems, after all, not to have been knocked higher than a kito) offhia hand. The seeond volume is about tnroequarttjrs finished and H. "W. is now waitingfor"the writing stimulus" before tacklingitagain.. Beeohersaysheis very aiiïious to make a lècturing tour through the South, having already lectured in every other part of the country but that. "Ebt,:1 added Mr. Beeeher to an interviewer, " Ican't Iccture for money among the Soiithern people, who have been itnpoverishedbythewar. Whenl go South tbs pröceeds ofmyleotures willbe given t'oaidcharitableiastitutions, schools and other public institutions. Yes, I should b disappointed if I were not kindlv oeived in-the South, for whatever I may ïv ane to help precipítate the war and free the slavea, it was done in the spirit of ths doctor who uses a knife on a Eatieni to eradiuatea cáncer." The report of tho Massachusetts Bureau of Labor StatisHos, just presented to the Legislature, shows an encouraging deorease in the number of Tinemployed sinöe tho report made last June. The June report showed 21,812 unem ployed able-bodied male laborers; the Eobruarjr report (from investigaron made in November) shows this number reduoed to 16,000. The entire uumber írfunemptóyedj malo and íemale, over eighteen years of age, has dropped from 28,508 in Juno to lesa than 23,000 in November. Wages to-day are 24 2-5 per cent. higher than in 1860. and tho price of living only 14 1-2 per cent. Mghnr, The oxhibit, ou tho wholo, is favorable.The Vanderbilt will case" has cloaed, the contestante, Corneel" and his sister gettmga million dollars eaoh. This is the general result, p.nd only pro ves the sucoess that has followed sharp Iawyers who fatten upon fees ohtain. ; tilia wy. New, York is full of them.- TLe oontostants eiH?ea?ored to show ttoir. father was unduly infiüenoed.- ATter a lengthy battleinsurrogatecourt tfie.poponeuts, tiredof witnessing furihor attenrpta ofeiliibitions of the family olosot, eoaptomised. It ia a good round sum, ÜLOugh how loog it wiU last the proflígate son. oan be mtsasured by fow yoara. The Brocklyn Eagle, spoaking of the "promenade reoeption with lemonade refreshments," at the White House the other evoning, at whioh every calling and profession save that of journalism ■wero represented, says sharply : -The journalist was not present beoauso it ,ras been his duty to remïnd Mr. náyee iñat he ie a fraud."


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