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- - Tho Anti Arbor Agricültüral Gompany shipped 300 plows to Philadelphia, Katurday. - The cbst of tho Cöurt líotiso, furniture, fixtures, and grading is estimatod rill ainount to $80,000. - Eev. Mr: Sunderland wtll preaoh faext Sunday morning on "Homes." Song Service in tho ovoning. - Tho Supervisors wero tho ílrst Ciáis to take possession of the new court house - wbich they did on Tuesday. - Chief Johnson reports tho following arreats for February: Assault and batteny 1 ; vagrancy 2 ; obstruoting Bidewalk 1 ; drunk 2 ; Total 6. - J. P. Bassler and two step-sons do parted for Arkansas on Monday via Toledo. Wr. J. B. Morlook of Ann Arbor township accbmpanied tbem: - Monday was very like a spring day, the aun shining brightly. March carne not in Hko a Kon, and wo hope ifc will expiro in as congenial a manner. - What witli the Eepublican county convention, and a meeting of the Board of Supervisors, thero were a good many people from the county towns in the city on Tucsdfty. - Isaac Sheldon, the "Yerba Buena Bitters agont has begun an action for libel against the Democi-at, whioh ho allcges slandered him, and demanda damagos in $50,000. - John Schutnacher, City Troasurer, has returned to the County Treasurer taxes uncollectable $1,039.58, nearly $100 less than was returned by exïreasurer Perry. - Workmen began on Mouday to reconstruct tho interior of tho room, corner of Gregory House building for tho removal thereto at somo day in tho future of the Savings Bank. - Examinatiou of teachers for the townshin of Ann Arbor will be held in the First Ward 8chool-House, on March 15, 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m. Applicants will please bring thoir writingmaterials. - Warren Tremaiu, one of the alderruen from the Fourth Ward, being about t oengage in business in Missouri, the vacancy occasionod by his resignation ■will be fiüed at tho coming spring election. - Messrs. conductor Morris, bank teller C. M. Jones, C. H. Jewo'.l of the Cook House, B. F. Watts and 0. B. Davison attended the burial services of their fellow member of the order of Knights of Honor, G. D. Thayer, at Ypeilanti, ou Sunday. - The new tobáceo store of W. W. Bliss at the old Lovejoy stand on Huron St., hos undergone a great change in appearance. It is now neat, tasty, and inviting to lovers of the weed who may wish to drop in for a cigar or any other artiole counected with the trade. - The annual meeting of the W". C. T TJ. will bo held on Tuesday March 18tb. It is intended to tnake the occasion an interesting one, and t is hopod that all will join in securing itssuooess. A large I meeting is desired at the rooms on Tuesday noxt to perfect arrangements. - At Monday evening's session of the, places of registratiou were ordered as follows : First Ward, Sorg's shop ; Second Ward, Hutzel & Co 's store ; Third Ward, Sherifif's office ; Fourth Ward, Eogers' shop ; Fifth Ward, Firemeu's Hall ; Sixth Ward, McDonald's store. Wednesdiiy, April 2, is the day of registration. ' - The Board of Directora of the La dies' Literary Association desiro to expresa their sincere thanks to tho Dramatic Club of tho Junior class of the high school and to the '79 glee club of tho university for the delightful entertainment given by them on the evening oi Peb. 25th. By order of the Board, Mary W. D'Ooge, Secrotary. - At a meeting of the Comraon Council, Monday evening, Alexander W. Hamilton, secretary of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Itailroad, asked pormission in behalf of the company for the privi lege of lay ing aaide track on High street, through Sumrnit street to tbegas works, opposite the Michigan Central depot. The question will be dispoaed of by the stroot committee. - By special request of the ladies Dr. Angelí will givo an informal talk upon the Alabama qucstion on Tuesday evening next at half past soven o'clock for tha benefit of the Ladies' Library. The talk will be given ia the law lecture room instead of at the residence of Mrs. Henriquea, as stated in the Register. Adinissiou ten cents. All persons are very cordially invited. - A great deal has been said in the newspapers about tho way in which eaucuses are condueted. That the oducated portion of the people do not ae they ought attend tho primarios, tho sourca of politioal power. An exceptiou to this rule was notioed at a cauous in tliia city held on Saturday evening iit which seven Univorsity Profossors attended. Is tho politioal milleniurn about to dawn in Ann Arbor? --In aooepting the permnnont mauship of tho Republican county convention on Tuesday, Prof. Putnam of Normal School at Ypsilanti, remarked he was for the first time in hig Hfe thus honored; that he was a nativo of New Ilampshire and caruo to this his adopted stato in 1854. He counseled membersof the convention to select delega tes to go to Lansing who were not interested on oither side of the contest, wnging over University matters. - ed a fartlier amendraent to the arnended charter, and ordered it forwarded to our ropre8entive at Lansing. It deals with tho tramp and providea, " that all 'persons who aro habitual drunkards, dostitute and without visible moans of support, or persons abandoning and refusingto support thoir paronts, wivos and children, and that all ablo-bodied beggers, bravvlors, etc, bé doolared disordarlv Dersons. and upon conviction they may bo sent to jnil for not exceedingninety days; all persons so sentenccd for violation of any city ordinance and all persons imprisonod thercinon execution or oommitment for the non-payment of unes for violation of any ordinanco of tlio city to be kept at hard labor during the term of thoir imprisonment, eithor within or without the said jail, under such regulations as the Cororuou Council iuay proscribe."


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