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The official list of Cardinals to be created at he next consistory includes the name of Dr. 'ewman. The governor of Thessaly telegraphs that a and of 500 Greeks crossed the frontier and lestroyed the village of Kienlikienter. Signor Fanfani, the most eminent of Italian exicographers, is dead. The dam age by the storm in Cantón of Vaud, Switzerlaod, is estimated at 4,000,000 francs, n the Lausanne district 400,000 trees are deBtroyed. Special dis pat ches from Berlin mention varlous rumora of dissensions between ;he Czar and Czarovitch. The Vienna Tagjlatt even publishes a sensational story that ;he Czarovitch has been charged with subversve political tendencies and forbidden to quit the pal ace. Gen. Skobeloff has informed the Turkish authoritiee that Adrianople and Thracc will be evacuated in a fortnight. The lluasian head juarters have been removed to Slion. The f ollowing are the names of the new calïnet to the King of Spain: Gen. Martincz hampos, Minister of War and President of the üouncil; Molans, Forcign Affaira: tSilvela, Inferior; A y ala, Colonies; Admiral Pavia, Marine; Torento, Minister of Public Works; Vïarquis de Orovio, Finance; Orioles, Justíce. The new ministers have taken the oaths of office, with the exception of Senor Ayala, who declines to serve on account of ill health. The Marquis D'Orovio take the miniBtry of the colonies ad interim, in addition to the ininia:ry of tinance. A dispatch from Berl:n says that the rejeotion of the parliamentary dicirjline bill was an ignoininiouB defeat for the government. Only the extreme and some of the moderate conservatives voted for it. Bismarck watched the división with indifference. The deputies made no demonstration when the result was declared. A famine is raging in the most fertile portion of Bolivia. In the district of Cochabamba, in different localities of the depaitmeut, from 8 tu 10 persons die daily of starvation. In one sinall town 206 persons died from wan of food in 20 days, By the collision of cages in the Victoria coa pit near London, Saturday, one was precipita ted to the bottom of the shaf t and eight per sons killed. Count Von Moltke, on Saturday, celébrate in Holstein the 60th anniversary of his entr; into the military service. He received con gratnlations from all quarters. Affairs in Mandoley cause grave anxiety The garrisons in British Bnrmah have bee doubled. The Burmese have interrupted th telegraph line between Ilangoon and Mando ley. The situation in upper Bnrmah is regarded as very serious for the Enropean res dents. Two of the three dama protecting the tow of Szegedin, Hungary, from the overflow of th XheiM river have burst. Five thousand men ar working on the remaining one. If this bnrst 70,000 people will be made homeless. Man villages are already swept away. President Grevy has signed a deeree pardon ing 151 Communiste, includipg Wm. Arthu Kauce, Elie Reclus, and Elisie Reclus.


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Michigan Argus