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March Session Of The Board Of Supervisors

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Mr. Case frorn tho committee on criminal claims reported npon certain billa wliicli hüd been audited nt the October sossion and recoinmended that additiontil amounts bu allowed aa follows : 186, Oeorjte Cloagh, OonsUbla - $7,2(1 IW, Jajaes (iaunilett. Jr. - fi 2 188, E. S. Mauly . n': ïhe report was adopted. Mr. Case alwo reported tho following bilis and recommended tbeir allowance !lt Mil] ÍS Stlltcd : C'lnimed. Allowed. 189, WiHIsm Tfhalcy, Wtt. 2,35 2 35 190, J. 1). Corey " s,W 3,25 Adopted by the following Ycas and Nays vote : Yeih, BUkeslee, Breining, Buroh, Gregory, Krnpf, L,oBuron, Olcott, Schuyler, Shutts, Snyder, Whitakcr, Yeckley, Young - 13. Nays, Case, Foster, Galpin, McGuinness, Purtell, Whtíoler - 7. Mr. Case also reported the bilis of A. W. Porter and James Huddur and reoommended their allowance at the suma stated, and also their bilí of James Doylo witliout recommendation Acoopted. Mr. Foster moved to allow the bilí of A. W. Porter and James Hudder as reported - Carried. 191, A. W. Porter - 2,50 2,50 192, James Hudder - 19,06 11,38 Ou motion of Mr. LeB non Mr. Doyle was allowed to withdraw bis bilí. The following resolution off.'red by Mr. Purtell, was, on motion of Mr. Krapf udopted : llesolved, That the county Treasurer be and is herel.y authorized to procure the binding of the blanks for the rolls tor 1879; that the binding of tho Bame bo let to the lowest responsible bidder in the city of Ann Arbor. Mr. Case from thecommittee on criminal claims reported the following bilis, and recommeuded their allowauco at sums stated : 193 lienjamin Force, wit. 84.50 S4 50 1S4 A. J.Braymau const. 21.49 15.49 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Yeckley from the comniitteo to sottle with tho Court house contractors made the following rpport: To the Hou. Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Yourcouimittee to settle with the contractors of the Court house building would respectfully report thatthey have had a meeting with the coutractors and have agreed on tho extras, as por statement, and recommended thoir allowanco at sums statod : Extra brick iu foundation 391,375 at ?9 per. M. $3,522 40 Cistern, 3S9 00 Severage, S4ö 00 Ironbeunis, 2,325 00 Extra bcams bolow, 97 50 4 Statues, irl75,OO caeh, 700 00 luscription on corner stone, 1G 00 DrilUng holes for gas pipes tbrougli piers of pórticos, 50 00 2 extra briek chimneys, 150 00 Extras In tower, is i 40 Piirllne plates, JG'I 00 Trap door in tower, 30 00 Fastening pully to flagstafT, 5 00 l'reesed brick fur boiler rooin, 2-1 0J Water closet iu basement, 80 ÜC Total for extras, SS,041 30 Contract prioo for building Court bouse, 86,9 0 00 Total cost of extras and building $04 911 M The contractora have been paid as lst. Estímate, tte8! 60 d. Estímate, o 41S m 3d. Estimáis, L 4th. Estímate, Tfi's 92 Mh. Estímate, d'jm 'M Gth. Estímate, 7 , J 7th. Eslimnto, 7'ñr.n 11 8th. Estímate, 1'4 )& 9th. Estímate, 405., 70 Op account, 2 000 00 Oíd Coiirt Iiouse, 833 90 Ueduction for mm lmttcrs, '150 01) rota] amount puid contractors, 65 9.1D 54 Balance das contracto, 9,010 76 We iind the account of Mr. Bunting tho aiohitect to be as follows : Plans commission Ac. t ?3 47 0G Has been paid, --'O 58 Amount due Bunfing, 2„JG 4S6 Your cointnitteu would respectfully rooommcuj settlement 011 tnis Dasia. CHARLES WHITAKEE, MOKTÜN F. CASE. W. IKVING YECKLET, GEO. S. WHEELEE, D. LeBABON, Committee, Mr. Yeckley moved that the board resolvo itsolf into coininittoe of the whole to consider the report. Carried. After sometime spent in considoring tha report in committee of the whole, the committee rose and reported through their chairman, that they had had the matter under consideration and had made some progress and asked leave to sit again this afternoon. On motion of Mr. LeBaron the report was accepted and leavo granted to sit agaiü. On motion adjourned until 1-2 past one o'olock p. st. AFTERNOON SESSIO. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called - quorum present. On motion of Mr LeBaron the board resolved itself into committeo of the whole upon the report of the committee to settle with the contractors, and after some time spent in considoring the report tho eommittee roso and through their chairman reported as follows : Tour committeo to whom was referred the report of the committee to settle with tho contractors, beg leave to report that they have had the subject under consideration and resijectfullv recoinmend that the report of the committee tosettle with the contractora be adopted exoppt as to tho item of $150,00 charged for two extra briok chitnneys and ask to bo discharged from the further cousideration of the subject. EGBEKT P. HAIÍPER. Mr. Yeckley moved to adopt the report of the report of the ooininitteu of tho whole. Carried. Mr. Yeekley preaeuted the bill of MüOorniick ifc Svveoney. 185, WWrtenaw ro. to MeCormick & Swoene lo oo half of prtmium on $40,000 insunvi.Cb on Court house for two months endiag jjl.nch loth, 1879, $30,00 All o wed as o-laimed. Mr. Olcott preson ted the bill of Joseph Donnelly for goods purchased during the present sossion and recommended its allowance. Carried. 196. Joseph Dounelly $3G 00 SC 00 On motion of Mr. LeBaron the contraetors w-ere invitedto como before the board. Mr. Olcutt moved that the report of tho committee to sottle with the tractors be acoepte.d and adopted, as rcported by thom. Carried by the following yea and nay vote. Yeas, Ball, Blakesl&e, Breining, Caso, Foster, Gregory, LoBaron, McGuinness, McKuno, Olcott, Sohuyler, Shutts, Snyder, Wheeler.Whitaker, Young. - 16. Nays, Burch, Galpin, Harper, Krapf, Purtell, Yost 6. Mr. Foster offered tho following resolution: Resolved, That this board do hereby accept tho Court house ooustructed for Washtenaw county under contract by Messrs. MeCormick & Sweeney and that tho Cleik of this board be instructod to draw an order for tho balance due said contracters oountersigned by the Chairmau of the board. The rosolution was unanimously adoptod. Mr. Yourig offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, Thathaving accepted thenew Court house for the county of Wash tena w wo commend with pride and pleasure to the most favorable consideration of all conconiod, Mr. G. W. Bunting the architect, and Messrs. MeCormick & Sweeney tho builders, as unusuol proficientain their respectivo prof'essions, aud as gentlemen of ability, integrity and honor. On motion of Mr. Krapf Mr. Wheeler's rcsolution of March 4th, relativo to setting apart u room in the Court house for the use of the Commou Council of the eity of Aun Arbor was taken from the table. Mr. Krapf moved to adopt tho tion. C'irru-d. Un motion of Mr. Krapf a ooramitteo of three consisting of Supervisors Krapf Gregory and Bohnyier, was appointec by tho ohafrman to confuí with the authoritk-s of the city of Ann Arbor in relution to ara tmi enting the Oonrt house tonare as per resol u tion of Mr. Youn, of March 6th. Mr. Krapf frora the oomiuittee on pnb lic buildings reportedin favor ofgran tin r to the Pioneer Society of Waabtenan aoun(y tle uso of' tho soutbweit córner room in the thiid story of tho Courl house. Uu motion of Mr. Purtell the reporl of tho oommittee was adopted. Ou motion of Mr. Poster the use of the uorthwost corner room in tho third story of the Court house was granted to the Ladies' Library assooiation of tbo city of Ann Arbor. Mr, Krapf moved that tho east partoi basement of the Court house bc finished. The yeas and nays being ordered resultad as follows: Yeas, Barch, Case, Foster, Galpin, Grogoty, Harper, Krapf, LeBaron, McUuinru'ss McKune, Olcott, Schuyler, Shutts, 'Whitakor, Yeckley, Young, Yost, - 17. Nays, Ball, Blakeslee, Breining, Purtell, Snyder, Wheeler, - G. Carried. Un motion of Mr. Yeckley the committea on public buildings was instructed to supervise the work. Mr. Krapf moved that the co'.ntnittoe on public buildings bo authorizod to insure tho Court house for f40,000, and tho furniturd in the house for $10,000. Carried. On motion of Mr. Krapf tho grand jury witness room on the north side of the hall in the second story of the Court house, was set apart for tho uso of the Circuit Court commissionor residing in Ann Arbor except whea needed for other purposes. Mr. Fostor moved that tho bill of G. J. Pease bo takea from the tablo. Uarried. Mr. Young moved that tho bill bo allowod as clairaed. Carried. IS4, G. J. Pcase (30 31 30 51 Mr Yeckley presented the bill of and Öweeney for tolegrams relative to iron Bhutters ordered by the committec and moved that the same bo allowed at $i,,'J3 and that an order be drawn upon the contingent fuudfor that aaiount. C.irriod. ün motion of Mr. C tse the board adjourned until to-inorrow moniing at half past 9 o'olock. GEO. S. WHEELER, Chairman. March 7, 1879. Board mot pursuant to adjourument. Roll cullfd, - quorum present. Jouraal of yesterday reid aud approved. Mr. Greg;ory from the committce to confur with the city authorities of Ann Arborprosonted thefollowing resolution, passed by the common couucil March 6th, 1879 : At a special session of tho common oouncil on Thursdny, M irch Gth, 1879 the following resolution. was unanitnously acioptdd: The board of Supervisors of the county of Wa3htenaw hiving offered a resolution proposing to placo the grounds of the Court house Rquare under tho charge of tho Mayor, Beserder, and Aldermën of the city of Ann Arbor for protection and bcautification after the simo shall have bsen compltted according to contract and the walks and flagging laid. - Provided that said authorities shall not out any shade trees unlesa by consent of the board of Supervisors, Remlted, That the proposition of the board of Supervisors be accepted and that the common council of tho city of Ann Arbor will assunie the protectiou and bcautification of said grounds. Very ïtespectfully, WTT.T.TATUT t nrfnvn J„.. On motion of Mr. LeBaron the report was accepted. Mr. Krapf moved to tako from the table tho reaolution of Mr. Young in relation to ornamenting the Couit house square. Carried. Oa motion of Mr. Purtell that part of tha resolution reiating to theshado trees was stricken out. Mr. LoBiron uioved that the clork have authority to disposo of tho dead and damaged trees on the Court house equaro as ho ruay tbink proper. Carried. Mr. Purtoll moved that the resolution of Mr. Young bo laid on the tablo. Lost. Mr. Purtoll offored the following as ;i substituto for Mr. Young's resoiution; which was adopted. Resolved, That this board grant to the Mayor and Alderraon of the city of Ann Arbor tho privilege of bcautifying, taking care of', aud protecting the grounds of tho Court house square at tho expense of the city of Arbor provided that the trees on said grounds shall not be cut down or disposed of without permission of this board or tho clerk thereof. On motion of Mr. Kobison the clerk was inetrnoted to furnish a copy of the aboyo resoiution to the comuion council of the city of Ann Arbor. Ou metion of Mr. Yecklay the clerk was instrueted to draw orders ín favor of David Edwards and Charles Gardner for services in examining the Court house for the following amounts: 198 David Edwards, gio 50 'X) Charles Gardoer, 6 24 On motion of Mr. Eobison the court house cominittee was instrueted to remove the glass in the door of the offica of the Kegister of deeds raarked " Recorders office" and substituto another liko it uvirkad " Bogister of Daeds office." Mr. Krapf moved that the business of each room be designated on tho door thereof. Carried. Mr. bchuyler offered the following rtsolution which was on motion of Mr. Yeckley, adopted. Whekeas, It is tho custom and praotioe to send paupers and trampa to the county jail for lodgings aud ontortainment, a practioein our opinión greaüy increasing the oost of supportiug tho poor, thorefore Resolved, That the sheriff of Washtenaw county be, andishereby instrueted to receivo at the county jail at tho expense of the county only such persons as raay be sent to tho jail as prisonors. Mr. Ball from the corauaitteo on civil claims reported the bill of C. E. Mitchell and recommended lts allowance. 200 C. E. Mitchell, 110 HO Adopted. Mr. Yeckley moved that an order be drawn in favor of E. Lawrence for $110.55, the arnount paid by him to Mr. Bunting which on motion prevailed by the following vote, tho yeaa and nays being ordered. Yoas, Blakeslee, Breining, (Jase, Gregory, LeBaron, McGuinness. Olcott, Eobison, Shutts, Snydor, Wheelor, Whituker, Yeckley, Young, Yost - 15. Nays, Ball, Burch, Foster, Krapf, MoKuno, Purtoll - (i. 201 E. Lawrence, 5110 55 On motion of Mr. Eobinon tho board proceeded to elect a janitorfor theCourt house for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Gregory a ballot was taken with the following result : Whole number of votos, 22. John H. Davis roceived 15. Dallas Gamer, 3. William Schleede, 4, Mr. Davis having recoived a majority of all the votes cast wa3 declared ulected. Mr. Kobieon moved to refer the bill of Thomas Clarkon, reported at the October session to tho committee on criminal claims. Carried. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution which was unaniinously adopted : Iiesdved, That the janitor of the Court house be, and is hereby held amenable for the faithful porformanuo ot his es to tic counfy Cïeik, county Treasuror and judge of Probate and that said ofh'cers aro hereby empoweied to dischnrge tho j mitur for npglect and unfaithfulness in tiiq perfprmanoe of bis duties, vnd to emplojr 8o:ua otberperson in his place, and that the salary of the janitor ahallbe three handrcd and sixty (ivo dollars per nnnuiu, pay;ible at thu end of oach uio;itb in full for al! services renderen, aud at nu t,i;;j shall inoro than oue peraon bo eiuployed us janitor. On motion of Mr. Lviiuon tlisj board adjourncil to hult' past 1 c'cluck r. L. J. FTBS SOON SESBIOX. Board met pursoant to adjournmont Rol] cal led - quorum present. Mr. O!cott fr'oni the commi'tee on furniture for Court housa rcported aa folio 's : To the Ilon. board of Supervisors of WaxhCenato county: Yout committt'e to procure furnituie for the Court house respeclfully report, that thoy havebought of John Keek 24 wrlting 4i sks, )u oi i-!4 00 6 swïvel arra chnirs-, 7 qjj 42 o 48 sprint báck diairs', 440 2'! 20 84 arm chalrs, 2 CO 108 00 Tofl Í565 -10 Bought oí J. Doniicüy O doz etispadorefl 8S6 00 "Wo havo also contractcd for two tables for Coart room all of whíuh is resIjcctfully Bubmittod. JOHX D OLCOÏT, A. A. GEEQüRY. Comniitteo. Acceptod and a.loptod. Mr. Caso from the committce on criinnal claims reported the bill of Thomas Clarken audited at tbo Oetober si;siori androcoramended 1 hul Lli;j.jO acldition-.-. al bu alluwaa. Carriod. 202 Tbos. Clarken8, " 5113 58 On niotion of Mr. C ise tho bill of Chas. Gardner tor sorvicas was allowed. 203 Osarles Gardner, S21 CO Tho bilis of J. H. Dvvis for nightservioea and for oleaning Cuurt house were allowed as fullowa : oi J. H. Davls, 515 00 0ö J. JJ. lhivi, 9 ._,q The ohairman oalled 2Ir. Yeokley to tao cuair. Mr. Krapf from the tlie coraiuittee to considertheproposition oí ilr. Day relativu to inrimhing witter tor th oecupants of t!ae C juit house reponed as tollowra : To the loard of Supervisors vf Watlitenaw county: The undersigned comtnitten appointed by this board to tuke iu'c cousiJeration the proposition of Mr. Samuel Da,y to furnish good and healthy drinking watr for tho occupants of the Court house y way of a new pliaoesa of filterina; he water in a otstern, have had the ïatter undcr consideratiou ud havo omu to tho conclusión that the plan is ■ '. i-:y yood ouo, ;ind tiierefore r. turntnend that Mi. D.iy be alio .ved to build a cistern to hold about 100 barrels with the filtering apparatus, the price xiot to excecd $100 00 including pump. On inotion of Mr. Youug tho report was accepted. Mr. Suutts moved the adoption of tho report which motion was lost Mr. Case offered tho i'ollovving resolution which was adopted: Wiieheas, ïho steam heating apparatus iu the Court house after a fair test gires eminent satisfaution, and whereas the persons under whose immodiate suporvision this work was done, aro entitled to special mention by this board. Therefore, Iiasohed, That the thanksof this board are hereby tondered to Mr. Ulark Cornwell for his competent superintendency and to Mr. Gtsorge Malony for the perfect and workmanlike manncr in which the work has been dono. Mr. LoBiron moved that the account of tho Stnam heating committoe be aüowcd at f '■'■ a i 20G Steam heating account, Mr. Kobison introduced the folio wing resolution which was, on ruotion adopted : Resolved, That tho court room bo entrusted to tho caro of the county Clerk when the court is not in session and that said Clerk bo instrueted to allow the usa of said court roora only for the use of the county Agricultural and Poinological societies, tho Washtenaw county Mutual fire insurance company for its meetings, meetings of political conventions and for political discussiow, and for the meetings of the state and county Pioneer societies. Mr. Wheeler presented the bill of C. H. Riehmond accountant of the committeo to examino ex-Co. Treasurer's books, which was allowed. 207 C. II. liichinond, foi four dnys services S5 per. day, $20 00 Mr. Wheoler introduced thefollowing resolution which he moved to adopt : Resolved, That thoeouuty ïroasurer bo aud is hereby instructed to procure suitable books for keoping the accotui' lis office, and that hereafter al] accor.nts of said office be kept by sorae approved form of book keeping. Adopted. Mr. Foster introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved, That the thanksof this board 36 tendered to Hon. George 8. Wheeler ?or the ablo and impartial mamier in which he has presided over his deliboraions. Adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved that the grading of the Court house square be left to the oounty Clerk. Carried. On motion of Mr. Wheeler the report of tho steam heating committee was taken trom the tablo, and adoptod. On motion of Mr. Young tho report of the Court house committeo waa taken 'rom the table, and adopted. The bill of Luick & Broa, on motion of Mr, Breining was allowed in full. 08 Luick & Uros., fS9 26 59 2G Ihe Glerk was on motion of Mr. Case authorized to pay for the blind3 when put up as per contract by Luick & Bros. Mr. Wheeler moved that Hi buikUag coiumittoö at tho time of finishing tiu basement, put in iron doors undor the pórticos as recotninonded by the Court kouso oommittee, and tha.t tho (Jlerk draw an oriler to pay for the same out of the contingont t'und. Oarried. Mr. Olcott from the committee on per diem allowance, roported as follows. - The report was accepted and adopted. The coinmittee on per diem allowanco report tho following claims recommend their allowance at sums stated. Per Dnyp. Miles, au. Diem, Total. L. D. Ball, 4 12 12 J.W. Blakeslee, 4 12 12 J. Breining, 4 36 4.32 12 1G.32 II. Burch, 2 1-2 7.50 7.50 M. F. Case, 3 2-3 11 11 J. N. S. Foster, 4 12 12 F. P. Galpin, 4 12 12 A. A. Gregory, 6 18 18 E. P. Harper, 4 12 12 O. Krapf, 4 12 12 D. LeBtiron, 4 12 12 P. MuGuinueBS,4 12 12 T. McKune, 4 12 12 J. D. Olcott, 6 18 18 P. 8. Purtell, 4 12 12 J. J. Robisou, 4 12 12 R. Schuyler, 4 12 12 M. L. Shutts, 4 12 12 F. E. Snyder, 4 12 VI Geo. 8. Wheeler, 4 8 96 12 12.96 C. Whitaker, 4 12 12 W. I. Yeckley, 4 12 12 T. Young, 4 12 12 LeeYost, 3 2-3 11 .11 Jacob Sturm 4 10 1.20 12 lü.20 All of which is respeotfully submitted. JOHN D. OLCOTT, F. P. GALPIN, P. McGUINNESS, Comrnittfio. On motion of Mr. WheelorMr. Davis was allowed 2.00 per day for services as reporter. On motion of Mr. LeBaron tho board ndjourned sine dié. ÜKO. B. WilKELKB, Chairman. i


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