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DETROIT Throat 1 Lung ïnstitute MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Wondward and JeJferson aves., Detroit, Micli. M. Hüton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Who personally receivca patieuta nt the Itistitute for the cure of all the varioua diseases of the IFead, Throat and Chest, and their compliratinns, through the systcin oí inhalation, eombt&ed with, . proper internal treatment. To those who have what they are pleascd to cali "linfíerhiíí colds " we would say u uhesitatingly, and if pussible with 11 voice thtit would awaken all frora thal pleasant delusion, that without prompt and earneet"eñbrta ia :i rationa] md proper manner, many wUl bood follow those who have found release from their sufferlug in ihat "sleep which kuows no waking." Yon have been conacious, rhit aimost nfraid to copfess the fact, and UQWÜlíztg to admit it to yoursi'lvcs that the slight irritalion of the throat, the annoyancu of nasal catan h, the symptoms of a brODchlai in!l;imm:ition of a few weeks or iuonths afro, which you confidently believed would "wear oíf," has bccome firmly eBtalilishec), and is most i-ertainly, and by degrees, more r lees rapidly, and with fatal precisión and unyleldlng gra-p, advancLog to hopelesa consuraption, You may object to and shriuk from the frank statement by your medica] adviser; you may deny the truthí'ul couviction whlch forcea itself upos your obserratioD and reason, bt ttie pl.iin fact, divewted of íiitt eii ult asBurancea that cao only cheat you ui even Hfe itself, is that theae throal diseases. the broncbial InflammatioDs and other constitutional causes, are I ■ i you wh'n iiihti íul; certaidí y, mil the asbu bo pleasant to the ear - that all wiil be well bye and bye, are the more deiuslvö and cruel. You do n ot w&of 1o bI upefy the aeosea by opiatos, nor takeinto tfae stomaen droga thal will forever 'fi'si roy itstoneand impaixits office. You do not waflt paerely palHatlve t reatment to conduct and lull you i uto fancied security to the vcry brink of the grave, forit Is aeitber reasonable nor just to youror those who regard your cases with Irembling solicitude and paínful anxiety. Tlio ehtlly blasts and Storma of advanced autuinn, the incleraent winter with its Bearcbing winds iiml atmosphere ehaived wiih moisture. have had their efibet apon you - thegreal and rapid - cUsitudesof spring, that, with tlie re-:i waken ing of ble Hfö, is peculíarly fatal to consumpi these ohangei of seasosa are now upon the invalid as weUas upoa the robust, and it Ja wise to jusfc dow stop and reflect upon the nature aud progresa of your diBease, and the remedial measures you have eniployed, and seriously (o inqinre ii' tliere is a way open to you by whieh you may escapo the danger whieh is im pending1. We e;iy, witliout hesitation, that fhef"eater numbcr of pulmonary diseases can be cured. need not dilate uion theories while wc are ableto present living evidfiices of the efficacy of judiciotta medloation in a clasa f cases so long and persistently piouounced bopeless. Inhalations are applicablc in all diaeasos of the reapiratory otkum, Cncludiogoatarrh, throat disoMes, astJiiiia, bronuhit ís, coDsumptioü j and tliousanda of cases can bo cured by this mode of treatueni when nothtng sise can loach thein. Those who desire to consol t me in regard to the''oases had better cali at tbe ofiioe fot un examiiuit ion, hut if iarnossíble to vi U the office personaüy, may write íor "List of ('ucstions," and circular, botli of whteh will be sent fwe of charge. Addresa M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. I)., Mekrill Block, Detroit, Mich. GBAY'S SrlSCIFlC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK.Tll(! fil.oat, Eil-TRAD5J.K Jnireral Lassitude, Pain In the Baolr, BhnnOTe of i'isiim, Premature Oíd Age, tnd mauyollH-rüiKi-.-is' !s that lead to lnsauity, Consumptioa and a Pre] natnre Grave. ' Ful] partaonUra in our pampblets, hich wo Lesire to send í'ree by muil to every one. ( The Speoifio UediSns is sold by all Druísiats at ' 11 per package, or aíx paokagefl for $B, oí will be ent by mail ou receipt of tbe ínoncy by arlUrcssing 1 THE URAY MEDICINÉ TO., c No 10 Mechaiiira' Block, Detroit Mich. i S-8oldin Aun Arbac by all Uruggiats, andby I lUb'giuU everyvrhere '


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