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LEGAL NOTICES. Pístate of McCormick miso. i OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY - kJ of Wasbteoaw, s. At ■ mhíob of th Probáis Ll Cour for the County of Wnshtenaw, keMcn t " '.K}' i tli cityof Ann Arbor ou a Wednesday tbe fifti day of Mareta, in tliecaron nd elght hundred and sovpiity-nine. Present, William I), I arriman, Jiulge of Prdwte. ;. In the matter of t state ofGeorgeW. McCori, miei, Charles McCormiek, sudore MeCormfefc, "!"1 ' minora. Jenisha Noyei' e [formerly MeCormick), the guardián of suid wanb comes into court and reurestnt.n that she is now prei. pared to ronder !,er üual account assuoh guardián, rhireuponitis ordeied, thntTuesday. the firs :- uay cf Apnl, next, ut ten u'clock in tbe foreaoonl e beasngntd for examining and alion-infr sieh ac K oount, and that tbe noït of kin of said ward, and it :M other persons iiHerested in said estáte, re n rcquired to uppeur ut a sossion of said Court ■1 tben to be holden at the Tiobitte Office m th i Li. of Ann Arbnr, in Baid cottnty, and show . ïf nny there be, why the sjiid account e ihould not be allpwed : And it ia further ordered flutf eind (fuardiaa Kive notice to the pcrsoni e lntenated li oid estáte, of the pendency of aid ( account and thi hwxtng therwrf, hj o.nsins a copv ï oi thia order to be pablishea in the MumoJüi - A nav, o newspiipor printed aneï crrenlatine in 3 r coim'y, tlireu successive wetks previous to saii :- üay of hearing. ' W1LLIAM I. nARRIMAPT, L" _ J udge of Probate. "■ O. Dijty, ProUfite Register. K-I:itc ol Ilormell)-- minnr. , OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY IJ of Waalitiiiaw, At a session of the Probate' for the l'ouuty of "Wnshtcnii-w, holden at th 8 Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tues- day, the iotrrth dny of March, in tho yer on b thomand einht hundred and eveuty-nint. Present, William D. U.irnmnn, Jullie of PTobat. In tlie matter of the estáte of Margaretta I. öon. ncïly, minor. , OnreadingandfllingthepetitioD.duaxTerifted oí SValsi, guardián, prayiixt shemny theeertamieal estáte btlonan? t pendency of said petition and the heaimfr thfreof, by cansing ■ supy of this order tobe published in the Mu HIGAS Abgu, a tiewspaper printed and ciii eulated in said county, throe sucet-öbire week ' previous to said day of hearing. . , WiLLIAAI D. HARPvIMAN, f 'rae P7. Jndge ot ProbttteWu. a. JüoiT, Probate Kegister. Sheriff1 Sal;. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY w lVasllt'"HW' ns' c"li"-ie3 F. Conrnd t t Spencer and GroTe Spencer By virtueof' awrit of exeontlon issned ont of ai.d under the . Beal ..I the Cirmiil CouiCfor the county of Washiu the above errtitled cause, nd lo me directed and delivered, 1 did on the Wth day of Jannary, A. I. 1879, levv npon all the right, title, and interest ol Wiiglit Spencer, one of the defend&nts thereiu named, in and to the following describea real estáte, to wit : A 11 that certain piece or parcel t laad svtuatcil, lyinK, and Dein;; in the city oj" i I Mianti, m tliecouuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and desciibei aafollows, namely : Bfgiuning at a point on Haiailton street twenty I2flj rorts south of tlie northeast corner of lot fifty-nme [59) in ir. Y. Larzelere's adtlition to the villageof ypeali, theaee seoth on the line of Ilnuiilton street thñty-two rods, the-nce west twenty rods, thence north-thirty-two rods to tho Southwest corner of land deeded to Adelade C Dodge, thence east on the line of said Adelade o'. Dodf;e to the place of beginning, containinir four (4) acres of land, more or lesa. Which above descnb.;d property I shallexpose foT sale at public auction to the hlghest bidder, at the north door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in suil conntyoi Waalitenaw and State of Michigan (that bemt' the place of hoidinij the CircuitCourt for tha county of Washtennw, wherein the said preinises aresituateil] onthe Twkwth b.h ot April ADiS,Feb'ruaí! t 5"' " JOSIAH S. OASE, Sheriff. Chancery Sale. THE CIRCUIT C'OURT FOR THE COUNTY of Washtenaw, in Ohanceiy. Aloxander Soumier, complainant, vs. Henry M. Pelps,defend In pursuauce and by virtue of a decree of said Court made and enteral by said Court in the above entitled cause, on the 12th day of November, A. D 1878. Xotice ia hereby given that I Bball sell' at public auction, to the hlgheat bidder, on Monday, the 14tl: day of April, A. D. 1S79, at eieren o'clock i thefirenoon,at the front door of the County Clerk's office, in the city of Ann Albor, County of Washtenaw, and Slate of Michigo, sid County ülerk's office bemg the place designated by the Circuit Jutlge as the place for holding the Circuit Court for the Cminty of Washtenaw, thefollowinf? oed real estáte, being the same mentioned and deflCnBed in said decree, and sitnate in tlie Townsbipof Webster, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to-wit: The cast half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-tre, aad the west l'uli o{ the west half ol the aouiuwest quartei of seftion thirty-thrte. ana the sonthwest quarter of the southeast quarter of scetion thirty-two, townebip ene, soulh range (ve east, containios one hundred and sixty acres of land, mere ox lesa February 21st, 187. JAMKR HoStABOTT, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the County of Waehtenaw, MiehigaD. A. D. CRANK, Solicitor for Complainant. Mortjrajre Sale. DEFA U ijT haring been made in the condition of a certain mortgage mado and executed by Dariug 8. Woodand DeborahB. Wood to Emily Benten, and dated Juïj the fifteenth, A. D. 1876), and reoorded in the office of tbe Register of Deeds oí Waahtenaw Cuunty, látate of Michigan, on th üftecnïh d&y of Jnly, A. D. 1876, in Liber44oï mortages, at page 584, which mortgaee was duly ie? ly aaid Emily lïculon to Comatoek ï1 llill, February lüth, 1Ö79, as per assignment recorded iD said Kegisters office, in Líber 6 of assignments at page IW, aixl there being claimed to ba due and unpaid on. said niortguge and the nol e acoompanying the same at the date of thisnotice.the sumo: Two Thousand Sity-Four and 74-100 Dollaru ($2,iHi4.74), alsoasu aUoxney'sfee oï Twentyl-'ivc I iiillars as provkled for in safa niortfrage, and no proceedings at laworin equity having been taken to collect the. sum or aaiy part thereof . Nov, therefore, notice ia herebj given, that bjr yírtüe oí the power of sale in said mortgage centnined, and of the statute in such case matte avd piovided, I shall.on Tuesday, the thirteent'n day oi My, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock A. M. of that day, at to southdoorof the Clerk's office, in Hm city of Ann Arbor, (that beiug the place designateá for holding the Circuit Court for the (Jountj of Washtenaw,) sell at public auction or vendue, to the higíes$liiíder, tliu premist ctescribed in said mortgagor s much thereoi as will be necessary to satisfy said amountof morteageand note, togetber with said attorney's f eo and all necessary costs and expensea allowed by law, witli the aceruing interest at ninö per cent. Said premises beinpr described in saitf mortgage astollows: Tlie south west quarter of section twenty-flve, iu townabip three, south of range live east, containinp one hundred and sixty rare. COM8TOCK P. HILL, Assignoe of Mortgage. Dated, Feb. 12, 1879. lïeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of theestate of George Wbiting, deceased. Notice is hereby niven, that in pursuanee of an order sranted to the undersigned executors of tlie estáte of said (ieorge Wliiting by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of u'ashtenaw, on the twelfth day of February, A. D. 1870, there w 111 be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at tbe front door of AyreN hotel in the Tillase of Müan, in the County of Washienaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the eightb day of April, A D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of that day (subject to allencumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the deatb ol said deceased or subseqoently made by his executors) the following described Real Estáte, to-wit: Commencing in the center of the highway which leads from Front street, village of MllBD, southwesterly ncrss the liirer, at the northeust oorner of a paicel of laud at present owncd by Joseph (launtleu, and couveyed to him by one Alebin, and running from thence north tbirty-six degreea aJong the center of saidhighway Iwo (2) chains and nine (9) links to the south line of Bald Prout street ; thence north sixty-one degrees west along the south side of said Front street two i'2) chains and twenty-three(23j links; thenee south thirty-six (86) degrees west parallel with flrst line two (2) ch.uns. nine (S) links; thtnee south sixtyone deKrees east along the north line of the said Joseph Gauntlott's parcel two f21 chaina and tisenty-three (SS) links to the plaee of beginning, beinfir tl, e same pareel conveyed to the late George "Whiiiug trom Thom-ís líraman. Also, commencing on :he north line of Front street, village of Alilan, at he southeast corner f the hotel lot conyeyed to William C. Ayres by Thomas Braman by deed, relorded December 19, 1877, in Ijber86, on page 344, ind running from thenee south sixtj-one derree iast along the tbe north line of said Front street me hundred and thirty-two feet to the aouthwest :orner of a parcel conveyed by deed from Harrison ï. Voorheis and Franeis Whiting ta DaYid Blackner, and lecorded in Liber 81, on page 570, and henee north twenty-nine degrees east along the ?est line of said Blaekmer's parcel one hundred feet o the south line of said Ayres hotel lot; thence orth sixty-one degrees west aloüg the line of said Lyreslotono hundred and thirty-two feet; thence ïnth twenty-nine degrees west along the line of vid Ayres pareel to the place of beginning, lying nd being on the south side of lot number one, vilige of Hilan, Edwards' plat. Both pareéis beinff n the west half of the southeast quarter of sectiou nrty-flve, town fonxBouth range 8ix east, York, . Tashteuaw County, Michigan. Dated, February IS, 1878. HARRISON G. VOORHEIS, FRANCIS WHITINO, Exccutot Jïe:il Kstatc for Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washtenaw, ss. In thematterof thcestateof liornas Cullinane, deceased. Notice is heretoy givi, thi.t in pursuauce of an order hrrauted to the" adi r8igned exeeulorof the estáte of said deceased r the Bon. Judge of Probate for the County of 'a&htenaw, on the first day of February, A-. I. 71), there willbesold at Public Vendue, to thé idder, at tlie late reeidence of said deccasl. in the townsïiip of Scio, in the County of "Washuaw, In said State, on Tuesday, the 25th day of aroh, A. 1. 1879, at ten o'clock in the foreaoon of :at day ( subj' i r to jül iiicumiirances by mortie or otherwise existing ut the time of t ie death said deceased) the following deaoribed lieal Kstate, -wit: The west half t'.l of tbe nsrth west fracrma] quarter of sectïon thirty one,(31) in township ' o, (2) south range üve(5)east, in Washtenaw unty, Micliisa. Also twenty acres of land offr c north end of the east half (}) of the south east larter ( '.O oí section thirty-six, (36J intowntwo, , BOUtb range four f4) east, in Washtenaw eoun, in Michigan. Also ten (10) aeres of land off tho st half !'.. : of the norttnrest quarter of section irty one, (81) town two, south range five(ö) east Waahtenaw eoimty, n -Michigan, viz: Kuniiii iruiti the south east corner north forty (40) nee east forty (40) roüs, thence south for(40)rods. theuec to place of beginning. Dated February lst, 1879. PETEE TUITE, Execuloi.


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