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ISaíioiSíil Judicial Conveiitioii. A National Greenbaek Judlílal Convention wtli bc held at Firemi u's 1 !;ill in i ; city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday ths 25th day of Mi&rch,at 2 o'clock p. m., for the irorpose of nominatin ; a cand dato for Circuit Juago for the district c mposed o Wasditontra and Uonrofl counlics, tlio m-w district recently croatotl by nel of the Í.okí-1 uure. Washtcnnwcounty will ue emiilcd to 12 aeieates and Monroe ri. By order of tho Committee, i . F. BATES, Chalrman. National County COMveiition. A National Greenback Coimty Convention will be beid at Firemen'a Huil in the city of Ann Arbor on Tucsday the 2Slh day of Marcb, ji t 10 o'clock a. m., for the puipose ol electing 12 delezntes to represent Waahtennw county in the National Greenback Jadíela] ConTention to w held at the same ' o'clock p. M. of the same day, Mrr' The Rumhex ofdelegates is the same allowed to the Democratie County Conventiou. By order of Committee, C. F. BATIOS, C!, airman. HiLL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WlIITNEY, - LESSEE AND MaNAGEK' TWO NIGIITS ONLY. Monday & Tuesday, Maroh 21 & 25 Engagement Extraordinary OF THE- - "WARÏJE & lïAKTtYMORE FAMOUS COMBINATION IN THEIB New York, Paris aiirlLondijn Succoss, as porfermed by this Superb Combination 200 nightrf. SARDOl'S MASTERPIECE, BïpLoÏAEY Produced with entirely ncw secnery. Admission 75 cents, Gallory 50 cents. No óxtra charle íbr líeserved Seata, ou sale ït J. C. Wutia' Jewelry Store. The Cigar Storo, Tïath Rooms ancl Iïarber Shop leretoforo conductel by O. ÍÍ. OWEN, No. r, North Main streef, has boen purchused by the undersigned who is re-titting aud re fura ish ing the öamc NEW BATH TUBS are being put in in place of the old onc3. The stock of TOBÜCCOS riU bo increased by a botter variety and brands. The Tonsorial Department Tvill be presidod over by competent workmen, who will spare no pains to picase customers. The place of business will be open to the public about the middle of aext week. GEORfíE C. SCHUIT. LEGAL NOTICES. Eatat of James Treadwell. OTATE OF MICÏÏiGAN, COUNTY O of H'ashtenaw, bs. Notice is hereby given, that sy an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the seventeenth day of March, A D. 1879, aix months f rom that date were allowed for creditora to piesent their eliiims againat -he estáte of James Treadwell, late of eaid counly, deceased, and that all creditors of said deocaewd irerequired Lo present their claims to said Proate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or aefore the seveiiteenth day of September next, and that sueh claims will be heard bet ore said Court, on Tuesday, the se venteen th day of June, and on -Vednesday the seventeenth day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 17, A. I). 1879 W1LLIAM 1 HARRIMAN, 12w4 Judge of Probate. XOTICE. The undersigned, Committee on Public Buildinps, appointed by the Board of Supervisors ofWaahtenaw County, are autborizcd to receive sealed bids for finishing the east four rooms in the basement story of the Court House, and put round corners of wood on all the main plaatered corners of eaid Couit House. The bïda musí be In the hands of the cotnmittee on or before the 25th of thia moitth, at 3 o'clock p. ir. The specifleations can be seeu at the County Clerk's office. We reserve the right to reject one and :ill bids. Also, to receive sealed bids to furnish some glass, and desígnate the use of rooms with gi.'ded letters, on glass or door, The specitications can be seen at the County Clerk'a office. The buis must be in ihc hands of the committeeon or before the 25th of this inonth, beforc 3 o'clock p. m. Wc reserve the rightof rejectingone or all bids. CONKAD KRAPF. I. N. S. FOSTER, JOHN J. ROBISON, Conimittee. Ann Arbor, March S, 1879. Chancery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIttO cuit Court for the County of "Washtenaw, in hancery. Eara C.Seaman. complainant, v. James ï. Cole and Mary E. Cole, defanclants. In pursuncc and by virtue of a decrec of said court, made nd entered by said court in the above entiUed ause on the 23d day of .Tune, A. D, 1868. Notice s hereby given that 1 shall seU at public aut-tion th.e highest btdder on Mohdat, thk Fifth dai v .May, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at io south front door of the Court House, in the city f Ann Arbor, cuiüly of Wasliten;iv and Btftie of Uchijfan, the fullowfng descrlbed real estáte, beiog ie same mentioned and described ia said doeree, o wit : The southwest quarter of lot numbor one iock number three Boatb In range ais eaat, lying ist of Fil'ih street and south of Liberty street, in ie city of Ann Arbor, ftrar roda front on Fifth reet and eight rods deep with house and buildings. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commlssioner in and for theCountv of Washtcuaw, Michigan. Ezra C. Seaman, Solicitor pro se. DINSET & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - ITJL.OUR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nandt BREAD, CEACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE ísd RKTAIL TRADE. We ahall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUB, . M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, EYE FLOUli, BUCKWWI1EAT FLOUK, CORN M1ÍAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and ratail. A general stoelt of GROCERIES AND PROVISIOXS onstantly on hand, whioh will be aold on as reaonjible term8 as at any other house in thie city. Caah paid for Butter, Eggs, und Country Proaco generally. sar Qoods delivered 'o any part of the city with ut extra charge. BINSI3Y & SEABO1T. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1879. 15C4 rjroUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Locatcd in a desirable part of the city, and in ood repair. Also a house to rent on favorable .erius. Inquire at the Anoup office, or BS THOMtiON STREET. Ann Arbor, Jan. 20, 1879. 4tf Cream l-aid T.ottor and Pacbet Note Ceadsand Linen Flbre Note Ileads (Packet ml Congres; just rüceivd. Give us your rdera.


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Michigan Argus