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Walter Hall, a saloon-keeper of Grand Ledge, has been arrested fur paMing (umuteriVit aioney aad Lodged in the Eaton coauty jail. There is considerable excitement at Grand Ledge ovnr the matter, as considerable spurious coin is'circulating infthat vicinity. Hoger Walker, who lives three miles north of Dexter, was seriously injured, while chopping down a tree on bis place, Wednesday. He failed to get clear of the tree as it feil, and was struck by it and his skull crushcd in. He is not expected to live. Mr. H. It. Williams, superintendent of the poor for Branch county, han just taken three more insane persons to the Kalamazoo Asyluin, Airs. O. Hayden, of Ovic, insanity caused by loss of pruperty ; shc is about 60 ycars old, and has a family of udult children; Mrs. Elizabeth Kline, aged about 50, discased mind, caused by domestic trouble and sickness; Andrew Booth, family trouble the cause of derangeinent. There are now twenty persons in the Kalamazoo Asylum from Branch County. John Bates, a farmer living about two miles east of Niles, on Yankee street, got up Wednesday morning and kindled the kitchen lire beforo dressing. Turning to leave the room he feit a tiame on his buck from his niiht lress, which had caught fire. His wife and B n tlcw to his assistance, and were badly burned on the hands and arma. Mr. Bates was so badly burned that Dr. Bonine, who was rulled, does not expect him to recover. Hcnry Vandling, residing four miles south of Vicksburg, committed suicide by taking laudanum Wednesday night. Domestic troubles are alleged os the cause. W. 11. Burt, of Kast Saginaw, has sold his interest in his mili property, pine iainis, etc, to Jethro Mitchell. The consideration is unknown, but is over $250,000. Peter Caltren, 8d years old, of Novesta township, Tuscola county, never saw a train of cars at telegraph wire until a few days ago, in Caro village. öuppc.sed messages were transmitted by attaching to wire and Bliding along. He lives in an old hovel all alone, and has lived in the county upwards of 85 years. J. Tuekcr, a farmer, 60 years of age, who lives about 18 miles from Grand IlapiUs, wanted a housekeener, and securcd the services of a woman at Grand Rapids named Field. Tuekcr recently suggested marriage; Mrs Field accepted, provided he gave her $300, which was promptly paid. The pair went to the Rapids to fix up. The woman stepped out shopping, and has not been seen since. The body of a middle-aged woman, well dressed, bound, gagged and incloBed in a Back was found in the river a short distance below Detroit, Wednesday evening. It had apparently been in the water two or three months, but there ffas no clue to her ïdentity. Wm. M. Rumsey and Charles Darrell, of Tomkins, Jackson county, had a dispute over the possessiou of a house which the latter occnpied. Rumsoy, revolver in hand, demanded admittance, and on being ref used, forced nis way into the house, when he was shot and instantly killed by Darrell. The latter was arrested and is in jail The Hon. Franklin Rluzzy, of Niles was struck with paralysis Thursday night, and died at noon Friday. He was a man of marked ability, a law student of Wliliam Pitt Fessenden's, had repreBented Berrien county in the state Senate, and was Mayor of Niles four terina. The fine brick residence of Mrs. Spicer in Eaton Rapids received $3,000 wortb of damages by üre on Monday night. A mob of over 100 men burned the house, barn and other propert of McElroy, the man who shot Henry Snyder in Sebewa, Ionia county, some days ago. The house was ocupied by Mrs. McElroy, a daughter, a son-in law Alvin Cook, his wife and two children, who were given one hour in which to leavc and take their goo is with them. The Grand Rapids and Indiana depot and the house and store buildings of Martin Olson, at Tustin, were burned Tuesday morning. The railroad company's loss was small. Olson's loss was about $6,500; insured for $5,000. Myron Heller was killed by a freight train at Rivcs Junction Tuesday night. He was a brakeman on the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Road, but had been on the train only a few days, and was unused to the work of switching. A Jackson girl named Almora Lyon took five grains of morphine Tuesday night, and died in consequence next morning. She did i not medítate suicide, but took the drug for , the purpose of inducing sleep. j Mrs. Naomi Smith, of Somerset, Hillsdale county, was thrown from a carriage Tuesday , evening and instantly killed. Mrs. Hinkley and her little daughter were thrown out at the j same time and both severely if not fatally int jured. t The saw and grist mili and oar factory of i Braddock & Sexton, at Breckenridge, a station t live miles east of St. Louis, on the Saginaw ï Valley and St. Louis road, was burned on the t 16th. Loss, $3,000. Edward Casey, a young man of Greenville, v died on the 7th from an overdosc of niorphine t taken to relieve quinsy. t Eugene E. üouville, Judge of Probate for ' Manistee county, íb not satisned with the salary which the Board of Supervisors have allowed ' him, and he has filed a notice of application for mandamus beforc the öupreme Court to compel the board to raise his salary. u Mrs. Hampton Warner, of Ogden, Lenawee county, left her buaband some time since and now writes him to pay her wages for the time a pent in his service. The lïev. H. M. Gallup, Baptist minister at j Leslie, has begun suit against some of his flock for blunder. _ Wm. Steel, of Albion, has been arrestcd on t a capias, cnargcd with false imprisonment. The case aroBe out of the arrest of Mi college o students last winter for expelling hia Bon from t one of the college societiea. c


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