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The Democratie oandidate for judge of the now circuit cornposed of Washtenaw and Monroe counties, Hon. Governeur Morris of the city of Monroe, will bring to the bonch an experienoe of forty years in the legal profession. He has held the offices of Judge of Probate two terins, one by appointment, the other by election ; and that of Circuit Court Commissioner. In theso positions justice was wisely administerod, aequitting himself with credit to himelf, party and people. During his offioial caraer tho broath of suspicion was nerer directed towards his deeisions. Among his neighbors he is hold ia high estimation, and wo shall be disappointed if hia vota in tho county whare he has so long resided does not exoeed by hundreds that of his party. Always a Deinoorat and never daserting his party, there ought not to be, there eau not be any doubt but that ho will poll tho full party vote of Washtenaw. The two countios aro Domooratio independent of tho Natioiiril vote. For Governor in 1878, Mr. Barnes received majority of 391. There is no reason, therefore, although coalition was declined, to doubt the success of Mr. MmriE at the polla. To show more fully the political situation of the two oountios the vote of Iaat fall is herewith given : Croswell, Barnes. Smith RCP. Dem. Nat. Konroo, 2184 2674 mg Waihtooaw, 333S 3239 {302 6Í22 5913 2540 6ÍJ2 Dom. majoritf, 391 The people of tbis nation would raise up thoir hands in holy horror, if a true pioture of offiuial Ufo in Washington could be brought before their visión. The trial of ox-senator Cameron for breach of promise reveáis the fact, wtioh has been so often charged before, viz : That publio officials pension their tressea upon the troasury of tho United States. So long as Mrs. Oliver held a place in the treasury department she was willing to be used by Cameron ; but when she was disoharged and an easy method of obtaining a livelihood gonp, sho sots about extorting money from the woalthy old, octogenarian. The attempted blackmail resorted to under cover of breach of promise is very unlikely to sucoeed under tho rigid examination of Ben Butler who has shown up in the most transparent manner posible the truo character of tho plaiutiff. The case is not only a national scandal, but leta in light upon the rottenness of offioial life at the Federal Capítol. Stick a pin in right here: the South furnishes 100 out of the 111 Democratie uiembers of tho House- and could have oontrollod tho organization for its own members ifit had so chosen. But the South waived asido two most popular candidatos for Speaker and Clerk who had been soldiers in the Confedérate rmy, and noininated over them, for those two offices, a Northern Union soldier and a Southern Union soldier. The higliest honorsof a "Confedérate" Houso (as our Eepublicau friends are fond of calling it) were rewrved by the "Confederates" thomselvesfor Union soldiera; The quarter-of-a-century leader of politics ia this atato, whose profanity and habits of drinks have brought shame to thia eommonwealth, would bo wonderfully disappointed to atvake on the morning after eleetion to read in Ing nowspaper that liis scepter had bean broken, at laat. Thia can be a matter of political history of Michigan if the coalitionists stand true to the candidatos presented by both conventions. Only fivo of the seventy-aix meinbers of the present Sonato were members of the Senato whiohleas than eleven yeara ago, sat on the iinpeachment of Andrew Johnson. TheBe are, Anthony, Chandler, Conkling, Edmunds and Morrill. Only three Anthony, Cüandlerandlïamlin- were in the Sonato whioh witnosged the departure of JeffDavia and other Southern Senators, on the secessioa of their States.


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