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DETROIT Throat ILungínstitutí MERRILL BLOCK, cornor of Wootlward and JefferBon afea., Detroit, MIoh. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r Who personally receives palíenla at tlie Inst tute foi the cure of all the v'arious diseasea of theHead, Throat and Chest, and their üompHcatiODS, through the System of inhalation, combined witb. proper intornal trcatmcnt. To tho3e who have wliat tliey are pleasrd to cal " ingerí 112 colds " we would say unbesitptingh and if posaible with a voice that would awakeo al from that pleasant deluslon, that without promp and earnest efforts in a rational and proper manee] many will soonfollow thosa who have fouad from their aufferlug in Unit "sleep which know jj waking." ive bees oonseious, but almost afraid t confesa the fact, and unwilling toadmi, Itto your Belves that tïe slight Irrlfation of ilie throat, thi annoyance oí nasal catarrh, the symptoius of ; bronchial inflammatton of a few weeka or mouih asjo, which yon confidently believed wou!l olí1," has become lirmly estahlished, and is mos certainly, and by degrees, more or lesa rapidlv, ant Fatal precisión and anyiolding grap, advanc mg to hopeless consumption. You niay object tí and shiink from the frank statement by your medical adviser; you maydeny the truthful convictioi which forces itself upou your observan, i am reasin, but the piain fact, divested of nattering as sea that can only cheat you oí' even life itself is that these throal dlseases, the bronchial inflammations and other constitntlonal causes, are tellíns against yon with unerriog certainty, aod the as' surances- so pleasant to the ear- that all wiil b M il bye and bye, are the more delusivo and cruel Yon do not want lo Btnpefy the senees by opiatos nOr take into the stoutach druira iliur, wiíl forevei dtstroyit Btone and iorpairiUi office. Youdo notwaní -- palüauve treatment toconduct and lull yon luto fancied security to the voiy b'-iuk oí tbf le nor just lo yourselvee, o regard your casos with trembling Bolicitude and painñil anxiety. The chilly blasts hd storms of advanced autnmn, the Inclement winter with Ita searchlng windsand atmosphere charged itli moisture had their effect upon yon - the g-reat and rapid vlcissitndes of spring, that, with fue re-awakesing oí We life, i i pecullarly fatal lo ( ■ these changues of seasons ave now upon the invalid aswellasupoi t, and ic ia wíae to [ust now stop and reflect upon the nature and p'-osress of your diseaae, :wd the remedial measu ee yon have employed, aud seríouKly lo inquire if tlicvo is open to yon by which you niay escape the ffhich isÍTiipending. i ay, withqat hesita t ton, that thoffi'eater number of polmouary diseasea can be cu red. We need not dilate upon theories "vbilo ive íttc able to present living evidenees of the ellicacy of judiciouB medicatioo in a das-; of cases so long and persistently pronounceó hopeless. Inbalations are appltcsble in all discases of di tory organs, fncluding catarrh, throat disi as 1 , as!]nna, broachitís, oousnmption ; and thous auds of case.s can becu-red by thls mode of treat o nothing else can reacb tliem. Eo fíinsitii me in regard to thei I bettercallat the office for an examina tion, but if Impossible to visít heoffico personally may write for "J.iit of Qucalions," and circular both of which Aviii be sent free oí" charge. Addreaí M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Merkjll Block, DaiiiüiT, Mrcir. GRAY'S SPECIMC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. f;roat En. TRAPE JRK. 'nivcral Las-itude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of 'ision, Premature oíd Age, and many other diseas3 that lead to lnsanity, Oonsumption and u Prelatnre Grave. i ull particulars in our pamphlets, ■which we eaire to send free by mail to tvery oue. The Speciflo Medicine w sold by all Dniggiatsat 1 per package, or six paokagea íox $', or 'will be snt by mail on receipt of the money hy addresaing THE OJtAV MEDICINÉ C'O., No. 10 Mechanica' Blode, Detroit Mich. ;-8oldin Ann Arbgr by all Druggiëts, andby i ruggiütoeverywhere I


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