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SHIBTSI ff ""T F. L. ALBEET30N Juunufacturer of "W HITE i . ' '"Tl -AND- 4p FANCY i ' QOODS Hl f 10 MEAStTEE. y- 21() Wood,rd Ave ■ Detroit, Mich. Send for rules for self-measurement. TROY LAUNDRY! i a-st __ REDUCTION OF TRICES ! - -0 - -tuk Srand Pacific Hotel CHICAGO. Fhe finest ventilated Hotel in America Lnil oue of tlio largest [Hoving over 500 n 50 en-mile, with BaU and Closets attachei) and lost E!.Sanlly Fuiuislied Hotels in tliis iouiitry. ROO.11S TTITH BOARD, 5S.OO TO 3.50 PEK 1)AY. Batha and 'arlors extra. A reduction from the aljove prices to pnries reiuainiug a week or moro. JOHN B. DRAKE &. CO., 13Tr2 lroprietors. lmvm.'jj. m mi. _._-i WIIXIAM EEID, SSAJSMAMÍSÉSAÁJKl Hílls. Successor to said Grm H r ; H W ft 11 WnolesalG & Itetait .1-nWin jflf BfcMWI FEEXCII & AMERICAN I! Bi W TVn i cw 'asS 'a'e 'ass lï 8 1 Hl 1 W JL B II Ribbed and Bongh Píate mr IfOlllSI'IrMttlDrAI-Jf man oing Glass Platea, IWJ '■ A"V t"J r1 and Oil, Cclors, ïutty, 1 - ' Points, etc. 12 & 14 Congress St. East, Detroit. Mioh. 13-13t LEGAL NOTICES. Bátate oí Bobert Fergoson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ Oí Washtenaw Sfl. At a session of the Probate Oourt ior the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, un S iturday, the twunty second dny of March, in the year one thousand eight bundred and seventy-nioe. Present, William U. Harriman, Judije of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Bobert Ferguson deceased. On reading and flling the petition. duly veiifled of W alinee Ferguson pruying that David Webb or some ntnersuitabls person, may bo appointed admintotrator of the estáte of the said deceased. Tuereupon it is ordered, that Moiulay.the twentvflrst day oí April next, at tea o'elock in the torenoon, be nssigoed ior the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said eslate, are rermired to appear at a session of said Court, then to bs holden at the l'robatp OHice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the nrayer )t the petitioner should not be srranted : And t is lurther ordered that unid petitioner eive notice to the persons intereated in raid estáte of he pendency of said petition anü the hearing ;hereof, by causin;? a copy ot this order to bepubïahed in the MlCHiOA Anurs, anewspaper printed ma cireulated in said eounty, throe successive yeeks previous to said day of hearing WILLIAM V. DAHKW AN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probato. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register, Estáte of Catlierine Vauglm. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session oí the Probate , Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oüice in the city of Anti Arbor, on Thuisday, the tliirteenth day of Mareta, in the year one thougand eiixht hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William U. üarriraan, Judgre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Catherine Vaughn," dectased. E] iza Kelly, edministratrix of said estate, comes into court and represents that she is dow preparad to render hur iiual account as sucli ' aaministratrix. Therenpon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the ninth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for exaraining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceascd, and all other persons interssted in said estáte, are required to appear atasossi.m of said court, ticen to ' be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Anu ' Arbor, in said county, and show cause, Ifanythere ; be, iiy tlie said account should not 'be ' lowed: A)id it is further ortlercil, that said administratrii give notice to the persons Interested ' in said estáte, of the pendency ot said account and ! the hearing thereof, ly causing a copy of this ( order to be publislied ín the Michigan Akiü-s a ( newspapor prlnted and circalating in said county tbree successive weeks previous to said dav of s ing. WILLIAM B. HAERIMAN, [Atruecopy.l Judge of Probate. s Wm. G. Doty, Probate EeRister. Election Noti0. To THE El.ECTOr.S OF THE CoUNTY OF r 5-n1 : You are hereby noti ied that at the election to be heldin this Statu on the iirst Monday of April next ', the following officera are to bc elested, vi : A Justioeof the Snpreme Court inpluceof James , V. Campbell, whose term of office will expire B cembor 31st, 1879, and two Eegents of the r sity in place of Claudius B. (raut and Charles ., Ilynd, whose terms of office will expire December Sist, 1879. Ualcd, Ann Arbor. B'eb 17,1879. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. lisíate of Henry Sinith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY of Washtenaw, as. At a session of the Probate ('i. un tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-füih day of March, In the year onethouaand eight hnndred and seventy-nine. Present, Wllliam 1). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the niattter of the estáte of Henry Suutli, dePeter Cook, administrator of gaid estáte, comes loto oourt ;tnd represente that ho is now prepared to render his final account as sneh admiDistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the nlneteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock n the forenooD, be assigued for ezamininsr am ug Buoh account, and that the helre a aw of Baid dflceaaed, and all other persona in ate, are required to appear at a i of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in ski. county, and show cause, if any there be, why tin aldaocounl should not be aüowed. And it is furher ordered that ?aid administrator glye DOtlce to he persona Interested in suiil estáte oí the pendea7 of ■ and the hearing thereof, hy ausing a eopy of fehis oröei Cd Be publlslied in the 1 KiitiiAN Ai:cls, a newspaper printed and elrculaing in said couiiiy, three Buocesslve weeks prerlous to said day of ht arlng. WLLLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) .Tudge of Probate. Wíl. . Doty, Probate Begister. ML H Sarsaparillal Blaacsno-wleded to bo tho bpst nnd mossH C IM reliablc prepara tion now prepared foi J l LIVER COMPLAIOTj l And fsr Purifyicg the Slosd. IgTh is preparr.tion is compoimdea with greatH oare, trom the b t oeleoted KÜonduras Sarsaparilla, Yellowflj [', Doek, Stillingia Daudelioa, I ai Wild Cherry, and othor 'tí Yaluablo Eemedies. ' t A Preparedonlyty A ir. joiixsioir & coM f! Cliemistï & Druggi&ta, u, 161 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich'1 S! Bold by all Druggiste.


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Michigan Argus