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Special Baroains. - 2 bales Russia Crash at 10c per yard. 1 case Marceilo Quilts at 1.50. 1 case choice Quilts at $1.20. And a iull assortment of 5o goods, at 10-tf Mack & Scumid's. "piNSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKEliY, GHOCERY -ANDFJL.OUR & FEED STORE. We keep constan tly on nana, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOlt WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shall ultfo keep a suppiy of DELHI FLOTJIfc, J. M. 8WIFT & OO'S EEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUll, CORN MJiAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, ■which will be sold on as reas-jiiüble termo iirf at any other house in thie city. Cash puid for iïutter, Eggs, and Country Proiuoe fjenerally. fiar Goods delivercd o any part of the city with out extra charge. KINSEY i SEABOLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 18!í). 15C4 TTOUSE AND LOT FOK SALE. Looatedin adsalmble part of the city, and in good repair. Abo a house to reut on favorable terms. Incjuire at tlio Aitnu? olñce, (ir n TlIOMciON STKEET. Ann Arbor, Jau. 20, 1U79. Ui Republican County Convention. - Delegates from tho towns and warda of the county met ia tho courtroom and organized by elecüng Andrew Campbell Chairman and L. F. Wade, Secretary. Delegates to Judicial convention are the folio wing; First District- Iliram Thompson, H. S. Boutell, E. B. Clark, N. E. Vantuyl, Andrew Campbell. 2nd District- J. C. Knovvlton, Frank Emrick.EverettSaott, R. A.Beal, S.F. La wrence. 3d District- J. T. Honey, Wm. Judson, J. G. Crjiwell, A. E. Baal, II. M. Wood. At large- A. J. Sawyer. Mr. I. E. Grosvenor of Monroe was selectedfor the Judgeship candidacy. JNATIONAL UONVENTION. - Delogates from tho towna and wards of the county met at Firemen's Hall, organizing by the seleoiion of li. Beahan, Esq., of this city for Chainnan, Ezra Jones of Salino, Secretary. Delcgates from representativo districts were electod asfollows: lst, E. Jones of Salem, E. McNicoland J. N. Forsyth of Ypsilanti, Dr. It. E. Douglass of Augusta. 2d., H. C. Waldron and W. E. Walker of Ann Arbor, Geo. Benwiek of Northfield, Chas. Walker of Salem. 3d., Geo. A. Peters of Soio, E, A. Nordman of Lima, C. T. Stevens of Manchester, Asa Blaekner of Sylvan. Robert E. IVazer, Esq , of this city was nominated for Judgo of the new Circuit. Temperante, - Dr. Eoynolds opens a campaign in Ypsilanti, April 11, and will continue threo days. - A. B. Hawkins of Ypsilanti Lodge has been appointed district deputy G. W. C. T. of Good Templars of Washtenaw county. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAlt EARNED ! NSW GOODS ! And pnces LOWEU TIIAN EVER, I have pnrchasod in New York, for enBh, and iamnow daily reoeiviní; one ofthe largent and moat select stocks of Groceriea in Wiishtenaw County. couBistins of a full and well selected LISSE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- including impowdcrs, Imperial, Voung Hy. ko:is, ííj sojis, Japans, Oolougs, Formosus, Cougons, SoncUongs, and Xwankays, Together wilh a full line of COFFEES, consistínsr of the follovvin? branda: J1O0HA mn Ïot"'1' iïnt' '!,iACAIB,0 LAGUAYIAÈ,8AL annseíectedbUSttoekoared gTOUnd ! ÍU" SÜGARS, SYRÜPS AND MOLASSES. Together with everything ia the line cf Pure Spices.Cunned fruits. and Vegetables. We have a full and complet" line of BOOTS & SÏÏOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. .liso, a choiee assortment of Liidies' imdGentlemen's Underwear. Cali and exiimine Good und Pnces and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block,-' cor.JIain and Ann etreeta ___„. , Ann Arbor, Mich. ■aTHishest caBh price paid fo: all farm produce, "Lffl MICHieANliLifMlÉASl?, Süiid for Catalogue. Oucuird Lakb, Micu. MÍRAME COMPANT. Capital, - - 3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $8,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includi"g Ee-Insurance Reservo, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ee-Insurance and Capital Stook, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. riHIE MONARCH Brunswick BILLIARD HALL 1 UNDER COOK'S nOTEL, ANN AIU30B. 5 New Billiard Tables. CALL AND SEE THEM. _5 WM. FRANK, Proprictor. FS. FOOTJJ, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Milu:i, Mtcli. Notary Tublic, collccüons.


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Michigan Argus