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March 26. - Various bilis were introduood, in the Senate one by Mr. Pendelton, that the principal officer of each executive department may occupy a seat on the fioor of the Senate and House. An executive sesaion was held and when the doors were opened the Senate adjourned. In the House Mr. Frye (Reu., Me.) asked leave to c.ffer a resolution reciting that the extra session was occasioned by the failure of the last Congress to make the necessary appropriations, and that the business interests of the country and tbe welfare of the people demanded rest and peace from legislation, and instructing the comniittee on rules to report forthwith a rule providing that no bilis except those making the necessary appropriations shall be reported from any committee or considered by the House during the special esnon. Mr. Frye gave notice that on Monday next he would move to suspend the rules and adopt hia resolution. After considerable discusnion, bnt without transacting any busineas, tho House adjourned. March 27.- In the Senate: Mr. Hoar's resolution of Tuesday, declaring the courso of the majority revolutionaiy, etc, was taken np. In a running debate, Mr. Hoar (Rep., Manu.) charged that the majority had usurpcd the functions of legislation by maturing measures in caucus, thus anticipating constitutional forms. Messrs. Beek (Dem., Ky.), Bayard (Dera., Del.), and Voorhees (Dem., Ind.) replied, saying that the Democrats were acting with caution and circumspection, which was more than the Republicans had done when in the majority. Without disposing of the sub juct the Senate went into executive sessiun. and when the doors were reopeucd adjoumed to Monday. In the Houso Mr. Sparks (Dem., HL) introduced the Army Appropriation bill. He stati'd that it was subfltantialiy the bijl thai. passed the last House, with the reorganiz;nu;u feature stricken out. It retained the clause prohibiting the use of troops at polls. The bill was referred lo the committee of the whole. and the house went into committee. A. motion to rduw the army to 15,000 men was rejected, 58 to 119. Mr. íteagan (Dem., Tex.) moved to strike onc the provisión in regard to appropriatiuns for "regular supplies," "incideiiial expenses;' "barracks and quarters," and "army transportation." Mr. Mt-Cook (Rep., N. ï.) Huggcsted a culty that raiyht arise ïf nota should suddenly break out in some qnarters, and if the President, in reply to a cali even f rom Deirocratic Governors, shuuld Bend troop there while there is nu provisión made for the expense of such transportation o-f troopfl. After diseussion the provisión was stricken out, all the Demócrata and some Republicans votinj in thts afïirmative. March 28. - The House went into committee of the whole on the Army Appropriation Bill. Mr. Tucker (Dem., Va.) otfered an amendment repealing the law which prohibits any person who has served in the military, naval or civil service of the Confedérate states trom being appointed to a position in the army of the United States. Mr. Conger rose to a point of order that the section changed existing laws and did not rotrench expenditures. It could not be held soriously that striking out the words "to keep peace at the polls" retrenched expenditures. Mr. Sparks admitted that the Rection changed existing law, butargued that it retrenched expenditures. Stephens (Dem., Ga.) obtained the floor, but stated that he was unable to I roceed at present, and, at his suggestion, the committee rose and the House adjourned. March 31.- In the Senate numerous bilis were introduced and ref erred, among them the following: By Mr. Grover (Dem., Or.) extending the time for the construction of the Northern Pacific Raüroad. By Mr. Johnston (Dem., Va ) to anthonze the National Board of Health to investígate and report on the infectious and contagious diseases of animáis. By Mr. Windom (Rep., Minn.), to repeal so much of the bill making appropriations for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1880, is authorizes the Searetary of War to release the Moline Water WorkB, Rock Island, 111.


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