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Mookeville, April 7. Hr. White's little girl haa been suffering tbr soine time, first from the whooping cough, then she had a swellïgin her thront wtllota bnikoon tk w ide and is now suffering from au atack of iuflamraation of the lungs. Martin Woolcott of Milan died Sunday morning at ons o'clouk. Fanral will beaLlended at Milan churoh at one o'olook Tuesday. The Eev. Mr. Dunning of Stony Creek will conduct the services. He is to be buried by the Odd Pellows. - Town meeting passed off ly Monday. There were no nota, ana only one fight and that was between a very small yellow dog and a man. The Damocrats and Nationals carried the day with tho exoeption of two men one justice to fill vacancy and one a school inspector. A sugar party and social was held at the residence of A. Mclntyre, Wednesday afternoon and evening of last week. The net proceeds were over four dollars. Student. Death of Josepii I. Barker. - Josepb I. Barker, a resident of the city about ten yoars, died at his residence on State St., on Sund ty afternoon, of heart disease. Mr. Barker has been engaged in the tobáceo business in Detroit having established a manufactory in company with another gentleman in 184-1, and with the exception of four years spent in Australia, been a ineinrer of the firra since. He was said to be the oldest tobáceo man on tho road, traveling for the past thirty years. He was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., and 63 years of age. He was buried by his fellow-tnembers of the masonic fraternity, a delegation of Knight Templars trom Detroit being present at funeral services on Wednesday. A large number followed the remains to the grave.


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