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Mr. Samuel Jcffers, of Muakegon, committed BUitiiie Ly iwallowing atrycüniue. SUtí said shu was driven to it by poverty. Freil. Müler, the young man who wa run over at Lapeer, Saturday morning, by the morning express, going Bouth, and had both legs amputated above the knees, died Sunday "'i'finnily named Carruthera, living near Otaego, have been singularly aftiicted. Within a few days uve of the i'amily have died with the diphtheria, and the father íb lying dangerously Ul with the same disease. The staúiun aj;eut and other citizens of Burr Oak, have been indnlging in wheat crookedness. so report says. The agent has .been bounced aad with otherB has beeu arrested; they have a)l given bail for appearanee for examination. Philip Kunyon died at Fenton on Wednesday f rom the effects of a blow on the head ■with an iron scale weiht in the hands of hia father-in-law, James Lacy. Lacy is under arrest. A homeless girl who was snppoaed to nave been stolen from her parents in Tennesseo during the war, was recently diacovered near Vassar, Tuscola county, and returned to her Rupposed parents at Stevenaon, Alabama. 8he has since returned saying they were not her parentB.and she has begun Buit for eeduction againat a prominent citizen of Caro who sent her South. The caae is set for a hearing on the lOth inst., and has ocoasioned quite a Bensation in Tuscola county. The April term of the Supreme Court be(rins April 8. There are 109 cases on the A ickct. Oliver Cummings, an old resident of Sturgis, committed suicide by drowning himself in a cistern on the Sd. The act is supposed to have boen occasioned by despondency over recent losses of property. Joseph E. Shaw, a prominent and widely known bnsiness man of East Saginaw, died Friday of apoplexy, aged 67. A fiouring mili in Tecumseh, on Friday, filled an order for flour for Sligo, Ireland, which was to be delivered in New York City on one train and thence by ocean steamer across the Atlantic. There were 2,294 barrels of flour put up in sacks and 250 barrels, making a total of 2,544, and filling twenty freight cara. This grist was ground out in less than 10 days, but the mili was running twenty-four honra each day. This was the largeBt shipment ver made from Tecumseh, and the freight, which was paid in advance, was f999 34 P. G. Blanchard, the proprietor of the new village of Blanchard, has made an assignment of all nis property. It is reported that his indebtedness is quite heavy, but that the real estáte is nearly enough to cover it if it could be sold for its value. C. B. Lovejoy'a house at Big Kapids was badly damaged by fire on the lst. Loss, 1,000. .Lambert Thompson, of Alma, Gratiot county, was so badly crushed by a rolling log, at a lamber camp near Evart, a few days Bince, that he died three days after. The bond of $300,000 recently ordered by Jndge Baxter to be given by the Chicago and Northeastern Railroad Company to pay any turn that may eventually be found to be due from that road to the bondholders of the Chicago and Lake Huron was filed in the United Btates Circuit Court, at Detroit, on Saturday. The sureties are Wm. H. Vanderbilt and CorneliuB Vanderbilt, both of whom qualify in doublé the amount of the bond. General Manager Hickson, of the Grand Trunk, has offered a reward of $500 f or the apprehension of the wretches who recently wrecked an express train near Smith's Creek. The difficulty between the Chicago and Northeastern and Chicago and Lake Huron roads has been adjusted and through traini will run as usual. Kev. I. Cogshall, presiding eider of the M. E. church in the Coldwater district, died Monday morning, af ter a long illness, aged 58. He was a chaplain in the Union army, and wae one of the strong men in his denomination in thU State. The new county seat of Sanilac ha8 been amed Sandusky. The blast furnace at Elk Kapids closed on the 4th for want of wood. They had been running" between 11 and 12 months. Work will Ue resumed again in about six weeks. In the election for Judge of the Superior Court in Detroit on Monday J. Logan Chipman reccived 6,075 votes, William Jennison 4.666 and Charles 8. May 1,369. Postoffice changes in Michigan during the week ending April 5, are as followB: Hshed- Mount Haley, llidland county; Anthony Dean, postm aster. Postmasters appointed - Berlamont, Van Burén county, Alonzo W. Dorr; Houghton Lake, Koscommon connty, Lawton W. Knapp; West Branch, Ogemaw couuty. Oscar F. Huneywell. "The Battle Creek Onion Manufacturing (Jotnpany" is the name of a new organization in thát city'under the suspices of the Sovereigns of Iiidustry and Grange. lts object i to manufacture agricultural implements. Dr. Fred. Sovereign, of Three Oaks, has been arrested on a charge of grave-robbing. Dr. G. H. McLin and George Van Order, Bupposed to have been concerned in the Bame transaction, are not to be found. The victim was a tramp liamed Johri Uiley, who was buried at Three Oaks in January, and part of whose body has been f ound near McLiu's barn. The miormatión leading to the arrest was given by Wm Glenn, sentenced to State Prison for three years.and has occasioned great ercitement. A laundry girl at Sweet's Hotel. Grand Rapids, named Mary Leet, was almost instantly killed by being'struck on the head by the descending elevator. The tnutilated body of Benjamin Young was found near East Saginaw Tuesday It is supposed to be a case of murder but as yet there ir no clue to the perpetrators. John Roach, owner oí the Ford title to the land on which a large part of the city of Ludiïigton stands, bas commenced suit in ejectment against 140 persons occupying the land. Lawton fruit men say that the fruit buds of all kinds never looked better at this time of the year tnan now, and that over 20,000 new peach tree will come into bearing this year in that vicinity,


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