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DETROIT Throat 1 Lung Institute MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward and Jefferaon aves., Detroit, Mich. IC. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r, Who personally receives patients at the Inatitute for the cure of all the vaiious diseaaes of thellead, Throat and Chest, and their cqmplications, through the syatem of inhalation, corabined with proper internal treatment. To thoae who have wiiat they are pleased to cali "lingering colds " we would say unhesitatingly, and if possible with a voice that would awaken all from that pleasant delusinn, that without prompt and earnest efïbrts in a rational and proper manner, raany will soon t'ollow those whohave found releaBe from their sufferiiig iu that "sleep which knows no wakiiig." IftYou have been conscious, but almost afraid toi conlesa the fact, and unwilling to admit it to yourselves that the slight irritation of the throat, the annoyance of nasal catarrh, the symptoius of t bronchial inílammatíon of a few weeks or niontha apo, which you confldently believed would " wear oír," hasjbecome firmly established, and Ís most certainly, and by degreta. more or less rapidly, and with fatal precisión aud unyielding grap, advancing to hopeless consuiiiption, You inay object to and shrink from the frank .statement by yo'ur medical adviser ; you muy deny the truthi'ul cunviction which forces itself upon yuur obscrvatio i rpnson. hut tb1 riai" "t, aivuui f Huttcilng surances that can only cheat you of even life itaolf, is that these ihroat diseasen, the bronchial inflammations andother constitutional causes, are telling: aíiinst you with unerring certainty, and the assurances - so pleasant to the ear - that all wil # well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and cruel. You do not want to stupety the senaes by opiatw, nor take into the Btoinach drugs that will forever destroyitstone and im pair its office. You do not want merely palliative treatment to conduct and lull you into fancied security to the very brink of the grave, font is neither reasonable nor just to yourselves, or those who regard your cases with trenibling solicitude and painful anxiety. The chilly blasts and storms of advanced autumn, the inelement winter with its searchiDR windsand atmosphere charged with moisture, hav had their effect upon you - thegreatand rapid vicissitudes of spring, thtit, with the re-awakening of vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptives- these changes of seasons are now upon the invalid aa well as upon the robuat, and it is wise to just now stop and rcflect upon the nature and progresi of your dibcaao, and the remedial measures you have employed, and seriousry to inquire if there is a way open to you by which you uxay escape the danger whieh ia impeoding. WeBay, without hesitation, that thegreater nuraber of pulmonary diseases can be cured. We neednotdilute upon theories while we are able to present living evidences of the efncácy oí judicious medication in a class of cases so long and pereistently pronounced hopeles-s. Tnhoifttione are applicable in all diseases of the respiratory organs, ineludiugcatarrh, throat diseases, asthma, bronchitis, consnmption ; and thousands of cases can be cured by this mode of treatment when nothing else can reach theni. Those who desire to consult me in regard to their cases had better cali at the office for an examination, but if impossible to visit the office personally, may write for "List of Queations," and circular both of which will be sent free of charge. Addrea M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. cjjat's spkcific mkdicine. TRADE MARK.,. ,.,.„„ w„ TRADE WARK.f My _ Jk uj nnfiilint.' "r; Êfjtji. J n r Jm ui Sell Abuse; as 3 ' helore laKmgLoSSof Memory, fter Taking. Univeral Lassitude, l'ain in the Back, Dimness oí A'ision, Fremature üld Age, and many otherdisea es that lead to lnsanity, Consuraption and a Pwmatnre GTave. Full particuhirs iu our pamphlets, which tw desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine ia 8old by all Druggistsat $1 per package, or 8ix piickages for $5, or witl b aent by mail on receipt of the money by addresaing THE (iRAY MEDICINE CO., No 10 Mechtinics' Block, Detroit Mich. ' 4SSold in Ann Arbor by all Druggists, andbjs druggints every where CT 'VIBRATOR' THE ORIGINAL & ONLY BENUINE "Vibrator" Threshers, ■VITH EffPROVEO MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Stcom Threshcr Eligirnos, Hade only by NfGHOLS, SHEFARD & GO., BATTLE ('REEK, MICH. ■ THE Mntchles8Grain-Saviniï, Time Saving, and Money-SaviiiR Tlireahers of tuis fiy anl generatlon. Beyond all Rlvalry for Rupld Work, Ptf f eet Cleauius, and for Saviug Oraln from Wastage. GRAIN Raisers will not Submit to the .■Hormons wast;; of Graill & Ihe inlerlor work {lonu bf iliö other machines, when ooce jost ol ou the üiñttrenct THE ENTIUE Threshins Expenset and ol'ten 3 to 5 Timen ttuit amoimit nu l.x mule I] tho Extia üi-uin SAVKO by tbctc luiproved Macbtuei. NO ReTolvin&r Shnfts Timide the Scpnrator. Eiitirely freo trom Beaierti, Ptckam, JUiiiK, and all Btich tiroe-wasting and Rrain-wantinic coniplirationa. Perfectly adaptad to all Kinds and Cnmlftiotufli Qrain, Wet or Dry, Loug or Short, Ueaded or Bouad. NOT only Vastly Saperior for Whent Oata, Brley, Bye, and like Oraina. btu itie osly smcesBful Threeher in Flax, Tlmothy, Mlllet, CloTer, ai HkeSeetla. Reqnfroa no " attachmenta " or rebuildius" to cliange from Grain to Seeds. UARVEIiOUS for SimpHcUy of Parts, IH iisiní losa Itmn one-half tlt iisiihI Belt an-1 HWI ■ MAkea no Litteriugs or Scatteriags. rUR SizeB or Scparntors Made, rnnïiiii; trom Klx to Twclve Hurte sue, uim iwqtylri Mouuted Horse Power to match. STEAM Power Threshers a Special tra .if i'iaI sio öeparator madu exprusal y tor bitüin l'ower. OUR Unrivalcd Steam Thresher EnRtnM, witli VAltMble Iniiovemenl3 mi DiistincCirt 0-Ftfttures, far beyond any other ïuak-s or kind. IX Tïioroucfh Workmansïiip, Eïoffnni Finish, ParfectKin of ParW, dmipleteiiehH or Kquipmeni) etc, our " Vibbator" Threstier üutöuaiu lDCüiuprbit. POR Partlcnlars, cali on our Dealen W or wrlte to u for IUustraUd Circular, viúch vro mail írrtj oosten rW.Ttj'tJitjl L' aií "t Colora, P k jn-1 ■■■■! pont8 etc. 18 & 14 Congrew St. Est, Detroit, Mleh .m COMPOUND EXTRACT OF-P II CONTAININOH CuttGtis, Jnnii3er & Spirits of Nitre IN K CONOENTRATED FORM. FOR H Diseases of the Kidneys i Slaider, M C-onorrhea, Wcaknessos, OverEsertions, Sleet, Stristure, Obstruction of the urine, ■ and II Iip'"'s of t!l' 'ry nl Noxuiil Orgnus, " MALE OR FEWIAÍ.E. TvIoe. - - - One Iollar. rre.„„d froiotlieorlBtiiiil nIP f DR" ""-1" ,;j bj W. JOUNSTON S Cü., 1G1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. FOB SAI.E BT v'i!iiÜJ


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