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- Rep. candidütti íoi mayor, F. O. Bray eleoted in Adrián. - Col. ïngersoll,, April 22. "Home Mititiikca of Moses." - H. M. S Pimtfore is billod in tho smaller cities in this vicinity. - Au uxcuïsioii tüiin fure $1, froin Albiou to Lanbing yesterdny. - Ingham Co. supurvisorH staad politictilly 14 Dotas., 8 iit-ps., 2 Dems. lind Nat. - Th! TCyc, nf Jiickson, is ono of thosc disreputablo papers thut üauiish for'u brioftimo. - Kppubs. aml Greenbacliurs of Pontiac, wero uuiiudly w'uipped by tbu Dornociiits. - Alviih Braiuiiid, th first white settler in Genesso Couuty, diud iu Fhnt last weuk Hged ?. - Tho li "i'.'lievt'S Lansing lias a populatioii ut' &.000, baaed on lile voto oi' 1,911 ca&t at thü late eleetion. - Warren N. Draper, shot by a Detroit denn-moude, has returned with his wift from Chicago, to his bouie in Pontinc. - Aaron Schwartz of Kiga went to hunt squirrels. Itesult - arcidentally shot himsolf, 75 shot taken froru his left arm. - Albertüayden of Tecumseh, a prominent odd fellovv and masou died on Thursduy night of lust week, at the age of 83. - A 10 year oíd son of Mr. HcMilian of Morenci, was kicked iu the bead by a horse ou the öth, ao that lio diud to days after. -Eer. L. D. Palmer of Battlo Creek, against. whoui ctiarges have been prei'ei tí d, h:.3 resigned tho pastorate of tho j Baptist church in that city. - For grain crookedneas, O. C. IIoIoomb, a grain buyer.of Burr Oik, station agei;t Mario, aud his adopted son are bailed for examination iu May. - A bounly of 25 cents was voted for the scalp of each .woodehuck killed in the towuship of Constantino during tho ensuing yoar, at tho recent town meeting. - Two girls are missing from Kalamazoo. They left without warning their parents, and no tidings can be obhiined of their whereabouts. Ons is Electa Baker and the other a Miss Tolles. - A council called to examine into the charges against Eev. W. II. Utley, of the Pontiac congregational church, bas ordared his suspension as a pastor. There are thoso who term this prooeeding a "snap judgment," as the accused was sick in bed and not able to be present at the meeting of the council. The ehurgos have never been made public, but are understood to be in the nature of refleciions upon his alleged unbusiness-Iike method of getting his salary paid. It is also said thit it generally requires the highest order of financial engineering to get a salary out of that church.


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Michigan Argus