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- Will MoKiunon of YpsüanU has gonc to Colorado. - Business on the Hillsdale road is slowly iuiproviiif. - Kobcrt E. Frazer spoaksat Ypsilauti to-morrow evenin. - Miss (Jrreen of Saline has oponed a millinery store in Milán. - Artliur Bridge of Augusta, wrostling on election day, broke liis arm. - Ypsilárití's Comiuou Council ncxt year wil! stand politically, thus: Denis. G ; Keps. 4. - Erama Harris of Ypsilanti township, aged 1 "), died l'riday raorning of sore tbroat. - Charlie Weil of Dexter towuship aad an arm broken by being thrown 'rom a colt. - $130. üO was subscribed last week to pay exponses of Dr. Reynold'soampaign in Ypailauti. - Justice Doyle of Milan married lin Pepper and Ella Thomas, both of York, April 5. - Prof'. Miller will not principal the Manchester school another year, but gocs to Constantino. - Jumes Weir has sold his farm in Bridevater and purcuased hisold farm near East Manchester. - Ground is purchased for the new opcr:i ho:is(. mj Ypsilnuti, and only $300 more needed to start building. - A string band is fiirnishing music for tho tempéranos meetings lm Ypoilauti this week. - Eiy and Ten Broeck have pnrchased the stook of goodsof C. W. Mtfnèfleld of Ypilanti. - Mrs. Dtniel Putnarn will preside over the Ladies Xiibrary Association of Ypsilanti, for tho year to come. - Rev. Stephen Klingman will hold confinuation services at Lis churoh in Scio ou the first Sunday in May. - Tüoso persons going out with Indian agent Newell of Ypsilanti, will reoeive salaries of $800 and upward, - On or about the first üf May, a new banking firm will be staited in Ypsilanti, under the title of' Heinphill,Biitchelder & Co. -Miss Ida Wella of Ypsilanti has been compelled to abandon teaching in Ida, on account of a severa attack of diptheria. - Stephen and Burton Alley have purchased the stock and fixtures of L. D. Alley of Dexter, and will begin business May lst. - Harrison Voorhies purohasedastore and seyorul lots in Milau belonging to estáte of George Whiting, on the Stb. ultimo, for {il, 400. - lïecollect that the lawsaysyoushall not shoot or npear fish in the inland waters ot' Michigan during the months of April, May, and June. - Lambeit A. Barnes Rep., was elected mayor oí Ypsilanti by G4 raaj. over Fred. H. Pease. Por Judge, Grosvenor'a majority over Morris, 91. - A thief eptered tho foundry of J. & W. L. MuCullough of Ypsilanli, Thursday night of last week, and wasrowarded with less than $1 from the tí 11. - Justice Doyle of Milan left home on the day a suit The Peoplo vs. Ingle and Hendersun, arrestad lor drunk, was returnable before him, and the case therefore went down. Win. II. Lewis. forinerly of the Leonard Houae, of this city, haa leased Carr's new hotel in Ypsilanti, and iutends to koep a first-class house, which he has the reputation of so doing. - Dexter boys had a lively time election evening. Beside bon iires a half barre] of beer was stolen from Priester's cellar, from which the liquid was dealt. Three boys were to be tried before Justice Pge yosterday, for the latter offmisfi. - A Ypsilauti exchange givescurrency to the rumor that " thereis a prospect of a new railroad from Detroit to Ypsilauti to conneot witb the Hillsdale road and open up the southern country, securing ut (he same time a through line to Chicago." - To accompany Indian Agent Major Newell to the Kosebud Ageucy, several Ypsilantians wíll gfo, among whoin are Geo. N. Noyes, E. A. Bovee, Seth Mreness and James MuCoy. The two rirst left on Tiies lay. Tliu others will depait about May Ist. - Martin Wolcottof' Milán, died April 7. He has been a temper. tuco man and a good workor i'or the past two years til only i week or so Hgo when lia beoamé strongly tempted with the atrong appetite and drank unly twiee, and cune tu his dnath in const quence of the snuit. - Mía. L irenzo Calkinst, residing iu Loudon, about four miles soutb-east pí ililan, whose illuess was criruuicled in these columns, died on Sunday, of paralysis, agcd oj j",a,ra. Dnceased was motherof Mis. James E. Carr of tLis city, and buriüd trom her late rosidenee on Tuesday torenoon. - Mr Marray is expected to appear before lile Detruit Presbytery on the 23d iiiístant aud contess to an error of judgment in keeping Miss Jolinaon in bis house after she circulated stories of ciiiniíidl intitnacy betweeu theui, in thu hope of seeurinij; reinstatement as a minister in the presbytery. - CbrÍH, Saley, of Bridgewater, against whiim bis wife made oumplaiut toi diV'reu, on account of allegü'l cruelty, has uot only consented to a división of tbe property, but in settling the amount of aiiiuouy, has done more than the fair thing. As regards the charge of cruelty, Mr. Saley bas his story to tel], and oí íouise, 8ymptthziug friends. - In giving the result of town meet ing in Northfluld iu last weuk's AEGUS, we stated that the Uomoerats fused with the Nationals. This is an error. The Deuiocrats nominated a ticket whioh the National subsequently adopted.excepting candidates tor supervisor, Justice (long term) ana Highway Coinmis lioner, all of whom werebowever elected. - It would seom after a supervisor had servod the people of a town twuntytwo ye.irs, they would be willingtogive him a receipt in full jmd ask hiiu nu longer to represent theiu. NotwithBtanding repeattd endeavors to kuep off the ticket, the Deniooriits of Bridpe water placed Mr. Daniel LeBaron ut the head of their ticket and ot course elucted him to look after the town'a intorests another year. Mr. Youug has ïepresciited Lyndoa fourtocn yoara.


Old News
Michigan Argus