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The stcam sawmill at Summit was burned Tutuday night. JLoss, ton thousanil dollars; iaaured for bíx thousand dollars. James Morgan, a woodsman, Ruicided Weduesday on the railroad ahout three miles üouthwest of Alleyton, Newaygo county, by knoeling in the middle of the track ahead of an approaching extra freight train. Ho cause is known for the action as the deceaaed when last seen was in nis right mind. His parents reside in Detroit. The workmen cngaged in digging the new newer at the State Prison have struck a valuable vein of coal. At the present depth of the aewer, 25 feet, this vein is two and a half feet in thickness, dipping to the northeast and increaning in thickness and quality as it progresses. The coal already taken out and used by the prison hos Bsved to the State more tiian $3,000 over all the cost of material, etc., incurred in opening the sewer. The yearly amount of coal used at the prison is a large item, aggregating over $4,000. Ooppcr products for March: Calumet and Hecla. l,350K tons; Osceola 158; Franklin, 139; Atlantic, 137%; Quincy, 120J; AUouea tributen, 100. Xhere is a rumor of a rich find on the sixth level at the Silver Islet mine, reported to assay as high as 2,000 onnces to the ton. Wednesday morning the residence of Dr. C. W. Baren, of Lansing, was totally destroyed bv fire with all the furniture, wearing apparel, etc. Loss about $1,200; insnred for $700. Thursday Josiah Walker, of Flourfield township, set fire to his barn and house, went up Rtairs w th his wife and held her, intending that hoth fthould perish. The neighbors came, however, and af ter a Reveré struggle succeeded in rencuing them, but not until he had stabbed two men, one not dangerously. He has been J brought to Three Rivers for trial. The house was destroyed. Lobs, $2,000. Wm. H. Garrison's new house, near Pontiac, waB burned on the 4th, with part of its contente. Loss $4,500; insured $3,000. Alvah Brainard,thc first white setler in Genesee County, has just died at Grand Blanc, aged 73. He settled there fifty years since, when the site of Flint was a wilderness. He was the anthor of a book on pioneer reminiswnce, and was a prominent member of the l'ioneer Society Roscommon county voted for the permanent location of her connty seat. The result was 361 in favor of Roscommon Village. J. Ij. Quimby & Son, manufaoturers of Grand Rápida have obtained a verdict in the United Btates court of $12,800 against Olivcr Ames & Sons, manufacturera at Middleboro, Maas., for supplies furnished on contract. Thomas Wilkinson aged 89, a resident at Mt. Clemens for abont 18 years, a veteran of the war of 1812, and one of the men who helped curry Gen. Scott from the battle-field of LunriyV Lañe, died on the lOth of oíd age. The preliminary examination of James Frk, charged with the murder of Miss Inez 'Tj. Henry was held before Jnstice Phillips in Ithica Thuraday. Accused pleaded not guilty, and was committed to await a regular examintion April 24. C. Davey, the agent for a Detroit paper house, while Crossing the Str&its of Mackinaw in a cutter a few days siuce, had a narrow escape. Híb horse broke through the ice, and was drowned, and Mr. Davey drew the cutter to the shore - a diBtance of several miles- by band. Josiah Walker, of Three Rivers. who bnrned his house and barn and tried to destroy hlmnelf and wife in the dames, is in jail in Centreville. He is believed to be insane. Mrs. H. A. N. Taylor, ran for justice of the peace in Constantine on her own ticket at the recent election and received 24 votes. A young man from Lowell has a ticket for 90 days in tho Kent county jail for beating his mother, who is 60 years old, blind and paralyzedi The Lumberman's Gazette annonnces that the failing health of C. B. Headley, for a few months past one of the publishers of the Lumberman's Gazette, rendering imperative his retirement from active business for a time, he has sold his interest to Mr. E. L. Bennett, who thns becomes sole proprietor. Mrs. d'Arcambal, of Kalamazoo, received 458 handkerchiefs and a quantity of material for making them, which were presented to the convicta in the State Prison Sunday, as an Kaater offering. A few daya Bince Ur. Stowell, of the physiological laboratory of the University, received Bome specimens of a child's muscle with the request that he examine them for trichina. The child was a girl about 3)4 yeara old and lived in Ionia. She died after an illness of six weekB. Dr. Stowell found two small pieces of muácle suspected of containing trichina, and fter soaking them in distilled water for twelve hour he examined them with a threejuarter inch objectlve, when he readily found the parasites. Another child in the same family as the little girl who died, has also been sick but is now recovering. Mr. Conger has appointed the following gentlemen as a cammittee to examine candidates for the West Point cadetship in his apointment: Dr. Stockwell, Port Hurón; A. L. Canfield, Mt. Clemena ; L. L. Wixaon, Lexington ; Kiohard Winaon, Port Austin. The committee will hold the examination at 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, May 7. Jeremiah Goodwin, of Deerfield, Lapeer coanty, shot Daniel Haskill in the side with duck shot, while the latter was opening a road through Goodwin's land under orders of the town authorities. Haakill was not dangerously wounded, bnt the shooting has occasioned intense excitement in the neighborhood. Antrim county has voted to remove the county seat f rom Elk Kapids to a point on Intermediate Kiver. The Holmes grist and aaw milU were burncd at Dewitt Clinton county, on the lOth. Loss, $60,000 Frank Vanevery, a single man 35 years oíd a nativo of Belgium, feil into the canal at Grand Rápida and was drowned before assistanoe conld reach Mm. About March 20, a lady 70 years of age, named Sarah ltobinson, left her daughter's house in Girard Township, Branch Ce., for the purpose of visiting lome relations in Butler township. öince that time nothing had been heard of her uutil Sunday afternoon, when her remains were found in a large marsh in Butler township, where it is suppoaed ahe had wandered and being unable to get out either fruze or died from exposure. James Isbell, a young boy of 15, engaged in the Saginaw barrel works, in Saginaw City teil into a vat of boiling water six feet deep Tuesday, and was cooked to death. The Michigan Central Raüroad Company ha just paid to the State its speoifio taxes for the past year, which amonnted, on the main line, to $134,083,20- interest on samo, $1,877.16, and on the Grand River Valley route, 934- interest on name, $209.04. Total, $151,103.41. A man giving nis name as Geo. C. Clary, and his residence at Birmingham, Erie connty, Obio, wan found dead in his bed at the American House, Windsor, Tuesday morning, haring taken a done of morphine. By his ido was a note reqnesting the Masons to take care of hia remains, he having left $85 for that pnrpose. A young man named Samuel Jarrett was drowned in Manistee River while driving logs. His body bas been recovered.


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