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April 9.- In the Senate consideration was resumed of the New Hampshire Senatorial case. Mr. Davis opposed the admission of Mr. Bell, arguing that there was no such vacancy as could be iüled by the Governor. Mr. McDonald (Dem., Ind.) said he believed the appointment of Mr. Bell oame within the spirit and letter of the Constitution, and therefore Mr. Bell was entitled to admission. Mr. Jones (Dem., Fia.) spoke in favor of admitting Mr. Bell. After further debate the Senate went into executive session, and when the doors reopened, adjourned. In the House Mr. Stephens (Dem., Ga.), from the committee on rules, reported a resolution for the re-appointment of the following select committees : On census, on the reform of the civil service, on the law respecting the ascertainment and declaration of Presidential elections, on the prevention of epidemie diseases, on the ventilation of the hall, and on the cauBes of the depression of labor; also to increase the committee memberehips as f ollows : On enrolled bilis to 7, on coinage to 11, on ways and means to 18, on agricnlture, judiciary, elections, commerce and appropriations to 15 each; alsoanew rule providing that motionp to suspend the rules and pass general appropriation bilis shall require a three-fourths majority, instead of (as now) two-thirds. The report was then discussed ind the several propositions finally adopted. April 10. - In the Senate soon after the beginning of the session, consideration was resumed of the New Hampshire Senatorial case, and Mr. Saulebury opposed the admission of Mr. Bell. The Vice President announced the qnestion to be on the pending amendment, namely that Hon. Chas. H. Bell is entitled to a seat as Senator by virtue of appointment by the executive of New Hampshire, and the amendment was agreed to. The resolution of the committee, as amended, was then passed by the same vote, yeas 35, naya 28. Mr. Bell was then worn in. A resolution was adopted givinp to the select committee to examine the finance reports, accounts and books of the Treasnry department, the power to have printed the testimony taken from time, to time and such statement as the committee may desire. In the House, the appropriation bill was taken up ín committee of the whole. Mr. Mc Mahon (Dem., O.) offered on amendment repealing the sections providing for biennial examination of pensioners, and concluding an f ollows : In order to provide for the payment of arrears of pensions, the Secretary íb directed to issue immediately, in payment thereof, as they may be adjusted, the $10.000,000 of legal tender currency now in the TreaBury kept as a Bpecial fund for the redemption of fractional currency. It was f urther amended by a provisión offered by Mr. Cannon (Rep., 111.) that fractional currency may be redeemed in any class of money in the Treasury, and, as thus amended, was agreed to. Mr. Atkina (Dem., Tenn.,) submitted [an amendment, which was adopted, for the appoiniment of a department of commisBioners of pensions at a salary of $2,400. On motion of Mr, Dunnell (Rep., Minn.,) an amendment was adopted making imrnediately available the $25,000 appropriation for the general land office. April 11.- In the Senate Mr. G ar land, from the committee on epidemie diseases, reported a joint resolution setting forth that doubts exiBt as to the legal organization of the National Board of Health and that to remove them the resolution ratifies the organization and action of that body. Agreed to. The army appropriation bill was then taken up and Mr. Withers (Dem., Va.) explai ïed its provieions. No amendments were adopted, the commi tee on appropriations have agreed to resist al amendments and the majority of the Senate seconding them accordingly. The reason aBsigned by Mr. Withers for such a course was that amendments would delay the passage of the bill. The clerk reached the sixth section, which prohibitB the presence of troops at election places, etc, when the Senate adjourned till Monday, yeas 29, nays 23. The House went intq committee of the whole on the legislative, etc, appropriation bill, Mr. Blackburn.(Dem., Ky.) in the chair. A proposition to increase the aalary of the commissioner of agriculture, after a short diicuBsion, was withdrawn, and amendments were agreed to directing the commissioner to supply a reasonable quantity of seeds, shrubs. etc., to members of Congreso for distribution aníong their agricultural conatituents, and to report the quantity of seeds, etc.. distributed and the states and counties sent from, who purchaaed, and the quántities. The appropriation for purchase and distribution of eeeds, etc., was increased from $65,000 to $100,000. Mr. Hunton (Dem., Va.) Bubmitted an amendment increasíng the appropriation for er,adicating infectioua diseases among domesticated animáis, from $25,000 to $250,000. He stated that the object of the large increase was to stamp out the diaease known as pleuropneumonía, and the only way known to eradicate the disease was to buy and kill all the diaea&ed cattle, and cattle which have been subjected to contagión. April 14. - In the Senate, after the usual morning buBineBs, conBideration was resumed of the army appropriation bill, Mr. Blaine (Hep., Me.) having the floor. He denounced the House amendmenta to the bill at length, and was followed by Mr. Withers, (Dem. Va.) and Mr. Wallace, (Dem., Pa.) who Bpoke in defence of the bill. Mr. Logan (Uep, 111.) obtained the floor, but gave way to Senator ferry (HepM Mich.), who moved that the Senate pxoceed to the consid eration of executive business. The Senate, by a vote of 36 to 17, went into oxecutive Bession, and when the doors were reopened adjourned. In the House, immediately after the reading of the journal, the Speaker called the otates for billa for reference, beginning wïth Maine. Mr. Monroe (Rep., O.) moved to Buspend the rules and adopt the following resolution: Resolved, That in the judgment of the House the buBiness interents of the country require that no legislation ohanging the law in regard to the currency or the tariff Bhall be ttdrtkeii at tbe praxt aftion of Cougreat. The resolution was defeated, yeas 108, naya 117. Mr. Atkina (üem., Tenn.) then moved to go into committee of the whole on the Legislative bill. Mr. AtkinB1 motion wan agreed to, yeaa , 128, naya 92, and the House adjourned. April 15. - Vice-Preaident Wheeler having been called home on account of Bickneaa, Senator Thurman waa chosen President of the Senate pro tem. Mr. Beek (Dem., Ky.), took the floor at the cloae of Mr. Logan's remarka, and apoke at length in defence of the bill. In the House, consideration resumed of the Senate bill for the purchaae or construction of a refrigerating Bhip for the diBinfection of ressels and cargoes. The bill passed with a trifliiiK amendment. The House theji went mtc committee of the whole on the legislative. etc , appropriation bill, and apent the balance of the day discuasing it but without reaching a vote.


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