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Milán may have auotuer hotel. - James Goodyear of Manchestergoes to Kansas, soon. - B. Alley & Co., of Dexter, succeed L. D. Alley in trade. -Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tozer havo returned to Dexter after a prolonged tour in tlie fur west. - Wirt Newkirk of Dexter has accopted a position in the office of an at_ torney at Bay City. - Its barber having removed to Detroit, the adulta of Milán will henceforth go uusbaved and unshorn. - Elwartl Ecimold and family of Lodi, 8tarted for Selina, K vnsas, on T-uesilay vvhere Mr. R. has purchased aí'arm. - (Jhas. H. lliinly is planting 500 early Crawford peach trees on the premisc's of Geo. Kellet in Ann Arbor township. - The Leader maltes an earnest appeal to the citizens of Dexter to contribute to the maiutainance of her cornet band. For the prohibitory liquor law, representative Allen voted. Against, srs. Robison and Sawyer. Bill lost, yeas 31, nays 59. Prof. J. W. Robinson of Wayne County, N. Y., has been engagod to take charge of Manchester 's public school for $8jO per annum. The Ypsilanti Commercial speaks veryfavorably of theDavis Vurtieal Feed Sewing Mashiue, for which Mr. J. F. Schuh of this city is agent, - Tbe Michigan Central Eailroad Company is to erect au iron bridge over the Huron River at Paper Mili Crossing one and a half miles west of Ypsilanti. - -Mr. Blodgett, whose decease is chronicled in tho death oolunin, was a resident of Webster 43 years. A good citizen, kind neighbor and oonsistent christian. - Mr. Walter Hawkins of Ypsilanti has recently come hito possession of a five dollar bill issned by the Bank of Ypsilanti, and sigtied by T. Treadwell, President. - Thomas Palmer of Ypsilaati went down to Detroit to sse thesighta. gome body saw hún fco the extern of his wsrtch and chain, subsequeytly found at a pawnshop. - A two yearolddaughter of Ira Bortles residiug one mile north of Miian was so badly Bcalded by sitting down in a pail of hot water that doubts of recovery are entertained. - J F. Schuh of this city was in Manchester yesterday, and will be in Chelsea t.o-day, to exhibit the Davis sewing machine in competition withanyor all other machines extant. - Tuomey Bros. of Dexter are doing an excellent trade this spring. Stirring business men, all of thein, and with a reputation for fair dealing, the success which they are having is fully merited. - Plaintiff's attorneys, Messrs. Cram r, Frueauff & Corbin have filed their declaration in the Obert va. Dakebreach f proraise ca8ë, in wuich plaintiff wants 10,000 dauiages. Parties reside in Saem. - Norman Wood and Ara Palmer of Suline dug out and captured six young 'oxes. In their nest were found tho muins of two young lamba and arabbit, which had recently been brought in by the old ones. - In the divorce case of Egeler vs. Egeler, parties residing in Lima, in which the plaintiff alleges cruel treatment, &c, against the defendant, he denies in toto the charges and proposes to contest them. - Mrs. Godfrey Beek, a resident of Scio, about two miles from this city, died on Saturday. Deceased was a sister of Mr. A. D. Seyler of tuiscity, buried on Monday afternoon from Zion church, and was 23 years of age. - T, ut lier Benson, temperanco, Light Guaní Hall, Ypsiliinti, thia evening. John Taylor aud family and Mrs. Dalton Eicharda left Hilan for Kansas latei y. The new hotel in Ypsilanti is exppcted to be prepared to reoeive guest?, Rept. 1. The family of Thomas Haley of Delhi Mills, have beoome residents of Ann Arbor. Total cost of an election spree in Dextor foots up $114.80. ïhis is exclusive of the boer drunk and wasted.- One of the participant, James Bushaw, was invited to pay $25 for tha fun he enjoyed and his brother, rather than let him stsy longer in jail paid theamount. Frank Magoffin has returned to Dexter aud the parental roof. A trip to Kansas cominees hiin that all ia not so lovely and gold does not hang in clusters on busbes waiting to bo clutcbed off, in Kansas, as agents and emigrant rumora would have the world believe. John Hughes, Jr., eon of John Hughes, of Scio, was drilling oats ou Wodnesday. He saw a stone in front of the drill, and stopped to take it aw.iy, thinking it too large to pass over. One of the. horses, being restive. kicked, striking him just baok of the forehead, making a bad looking flush wound.- Dexter Leader. Senator Ohüds has introduced into ouflegislature a bilí which, if passed, would " give the oíd man a chance," being a bilí to give the husband, upon the daath of his wife, the same right of inheritance in her real estáte as isnow joyed by the wife in the estáte of her husband. "VViiy not ? A daring young Ypsilantian rowing a party of young ladies on the river in that city on Monday wanted to show his female friends how near he oould get to the dam without being drawn over by the current. He got too cloíe and over the party went. The water being shallow no lives were lost, but a gooil deal of the courage was taken out of the brave fellow. jas. Keton, a tramp just disoharged from the county house, attempted to board a train at YpsiUnti on Monday but missing his hold feil under the oar, tha journal of the car catching him ou the head, completely scalping hirn. He aiso e-ot both arms under the wheels, mangling them in a fearful manner. - He was picked up and taken toa boarding-house near the depot, and Dr. Batwell called to see him. He found it necessary to ampútate both arms, one naar the shoulder and Ehe other justbelow the elbow. The man now lies in a precarious oondition. He claims Mass. his home.


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