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The number of persons killed by the fire damp explosión in the Agrappe coal pit, near Mona, Belgium, April 17, is ascertained to be 117. Only 47 corpses have so far been recovered. Two thousand persons have been arrested at St. Peterfiburg the last few days. Persons suapected of complicïty in the murder of Gov. Kropatkin and the attempt on Gen. Dreutehm have been arrested in Warsaw and Pleosk, reRpectively. The well-known novelist, Turguneiff, has been expelled from Russia. . The Khedïve has issaed a decree creating a Council of the 8tate under the prestdency of a native. who will also be President of the Council of MinisterB. There will be two European Vice Presidenta a id five European and five native members, with two native lawyers, The council will prepare bilis to be submitted to the Chamber of Delegates, but will not interfere with the English and French Comptrollers Genera!. A private telegram says that Pisagua, Peru has been bombarded. The guano loading appliances at Hunenillos and Pabellonde Pica have been destroyed. Iquique is still blockaded and all sailing vossels have left. The workmen have fled. Business in the interior is entirely disorganized. The high price of provisions has caused a disturbance in Malaga and Grenada. The Austrian Emperor emphasizes nis silver wedding by pardoning 212 prisoners. Garibaldi has started for Albano. Ue has published a manifestó to the Italian people, enthusiastically congratu lating them on the formation of a democratie league for the attainment of universal aufferage. The manifestó condueles as follows: "The league haB decided to work by pacific means. Whoever rules Italy must take note that if, by impeding the work of the league, he compele it to resort to other means, he will be held accountable by bistory and the nation." On the reassembling of the Reichfltag, a let ter from Bismarck was preaented asking leave to prosecute Deputy Hesselmann for smug?ling prohibited newspaper into tbe empire, rhe introduction of copies of three Germán newspapers published in the United Staten has been prohibited. The Bulgarian assembly of notables has unanimously eleoted Prince Alexander of Battenburg to the throne of Bulgaria with the title of Alexander I. Prince Waldemar's candidacy for the throne was supported by England, but HuRsia resolutely opposed it. It is statfd on good authority that the Prince of Battenberg stipulates that the Husaians employed Ín Bulgaria sha.ll retain their dohIb tíve years, and afterwards be naturalized if they bo denired.


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Michigan Argus