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In Xelson county, Va., ;i hawk was reoently seen to seize a large moccasin snak e, and soar toa considerable height with the serpent writhing in its claws, when suddenly the bird clasped its wings and feil ueavily to the ground. The moccasin had bitten it in theneck, but tbc talons of the hawk were so buried in the vitáis of the serpent that it also died. DETROIT ThroatlLunglnstitute MKUKILLBLOUK, corner of Woodward and Jefferson aves., Detroit, Mich. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Wtio personally receivea patients at the Institute for the cure of all the varioua diseaaes of theHead, Throat and Chest, and tlieir complications, through the system of inlialatioii, coinbined with proper interual treatnient. „ T ""ose who have what they are pleaaed to cali "lingerinü colds " we would say unhesitatingly and if possible wilh a voice that would awaken all trom that pleasaut delusion, that witliout iirompt and eainest efforts in a rational and proper manner many will soon follow those who have f'ound release trom their suiiering in that "sleep which knowa no waking." You have been consciou!, but almoit afraid to contcss the fact, and unwilling to ndmit it to yourel vos that the slight irritation of the throat, the annoyance of nasal eatarrh, the syinptoma of a bronchial initammation of a few weeks or months ago, which you confldently believed would "wear off," has becotue flrmly eslablished, and is most eertainly, and by degreea, more or lesa rapidly, and with fatal precisión and unyielding grap, advancing to hopeless eonaumption. You may object to and shriuk from the frank statement by your medical adviser; you may deny the truthful conviction which forces itself upou your observation and reason, but the plain fact, divested of fiattering atsurances that can ouly cheat you of even life itself is that these throat diseases, the bronchlal inflammations and other constitutional causes, are telling against you with unerring certainty, and the assurances- so pleasaut to the ear- that all wi.l be well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and cruel. You do not waut to stupefy the senaes by opiates nor take into the stoinach drugs that wlll forever deslroyitstoneandinipairitöoffice. You do not want me palliative trealment to conduct and lull you into l'ancied security to the very brink of Ihe grave, font is neither reasonable nor just to yoursclves, or those who regard your cascB with treinblingsolicitude and painiul anxiety. The chilly blasts and storms of advanced autuinn, the inclement winter with its searching winds and atmosphere eharged with moisture, have had their effect npo-j you- the great and rapid vicissitudes of spring, that, with tile re-awakening of vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptives these changes of seasous are now upon the invalid aa well as upon the robust, and it ia wise to just now stop and rtllect upon the nature and progresa of your disease, and the remedial measures you have employed, and seriously to inquire if there is a way open to you by which you may escape the danger which isimpending. We say, without hesilation, that the greatcr number of pulmonar? diseases can be cured. We need not dilate upou theories while we are able to present living evidouces of the etficacy of judieious medication in a class of cases so long and persistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are applieable in all diseases of the respiratory organs, iucluding eatarrh, throat diseases, asthnia, bronchitis, consumption ; and thousandsof cases can be cured by this mode of tieatment when nothingelse can reach theni. Those who desire to consult me in regard to their oases had better cali at the office for an examination, hut if impossible to visit tbeotHce personally may write or "List of (Juestions," and circular, both of which will be sent free of charge. Addresa M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Mebkill Block, Detroit, Mich. griy's si'kx'ii'k; mkdicine. TRADE MARI Tle QreatEn. T RADE MARK. Cï fy Hf JSv .i TiK ils ;l sequence on99gQPIa T2P T öelt Abuse; aa BeforeTakmgLo.SüfMcn'oryiAfter TaJng ITniveral Lassitude, l'ain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature oíd Age, and many other diseaaeathat lead to Insa'iity, Conaumption and a Preinatnre Grave. 4Sf Full particulnrs in our pampblets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specifie Medicine ia sold by all ftruggists at $1 perpackage, orsix puckages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money l.y addreasine THE OKAY MEDICINÉ CO., No lü Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. #a-Soldin Ann Albor by all Pruggists, and br druggiïta every where NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Hattlo Creek, Mlh. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VI B Ifc .A. T O Ifc THRESHING WflCHINERY. THE SUtchless firain-Savinsr. Ttme-SaTlny, and Honuy-Savlng Threshers ofthta day and gruwttlon. Beyoad all for Rapid Work, Perrect Clanlnf , and for Saving Grain Trom Waal STËAH Power Th res he ra a Special ty. Special slzea of Separa tora made expressly for Steam Power, O UB Unrlvaled Stenin Thresher Engine. both Portable and Traetion, with Valnable Improvtments, far bevond any other in&ke or kind. THE ENTIRE Threshlng Expenses (and often thrcetofive times that amount) oan be made by th Kxtra Graiu 8AVED by these Improi-ed Machinw. GIUIX IIuIserR nïll not submit to the morraous wastage of flraln and the Inferior work don bj all other machines, when once i'osted on the dlffertnce. NOT Vusth Superior for Wheat, Oati, Barley, Rre, and like Grains, bat the Only Sacoasful Thresher in' Flax, Timothy, Millet, Clover, and like Seeda. Requirea no "attachments " or "rebuUdtng" tu ehauge from (raio to Sceds. V5 Thorouifli WorkmuisMp. Elerant Finish, ■■ Perfeetiou of Parts, Complétenos of Kqutpmcnt, etc., our " Vibrator " Thresher OutQts are Incomparable. MARVKLOUS for glmpllelt of Part, minst IttU thanone-hitlf tb usual Belts and Geara. Mtkoa Cleaq Work, wiih uo I.Itterlug nr Scttrings. pOI'K Sizes of Separators Made, Baufflnv from Six to Twplve-Horsize, and twottrlei of Iftunied Horse Powen to match. POR Partionliirs, Cali on oor Dealen or rite to ud tor Hlontrued Circular, which w mU ÍN. 'I. UO;i;iis, Atftnl, AnnArbor.Mlcb. 1 WILLIAK BEID, aft A JB B ik. i yAA A di Ilills. Successorto aald flnu , Ko3K3nBnnMBB ia u'f,s9 oad Lead BuaiocM.) !i fi i ÏQRri Wholes&l & R-uii 'MKrÜ BV T. TOL FRENCH & AMKBn AN I fef M V M V Ribbwl imd Rowgh Pist for - Sky LightS, Cut and Knm t j 1 1 L J -Jfl aÍTLX, B eleJ Glusa, Silver Plate4 iisll I H M ■T.,- " Kash Biirs, Freuch and Qr PSBTjZilKl - 1? lll:in 1-tMkiu8 Glaua Plates, I LJ A. 'J 1J it Leurt and Oil, Colort, Puttyt L. ... - J PoinU, etc. 12 & 14 Congresa St. East, Detroit, Mich. W Sa-rsaparillal llsacsno-wledKed to be the beat and mottH reliable preparation now prepared for I LIVER COMPLAINT J And for Furifying the Blsod. c I iThispreparation is compounaedwithgreitB I care, from tho best Bolected ■Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellowl Doek, Stillingia Dandelioo, Wild Cherry, and other ValuablO Bemedies. Prepared only ty W. JOHN STOUT & OOM ClifiaisU & Druggists, Il61 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich'l BoldbyaUBruggiBts.


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