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- Marshall's bauka hold $50,000 4 peí cents. - Flint authorities are breaking uj disreputable houses. . - Mrs. Etheridge dropped dead in thi streets of Jackson on Wednesday. - A flre at Hillsdale ou Saturdaydestroyed $25,000 worth of properly. - Coldwater gives her Supt. of schools ?1,100; Principal $800; Preceptress $000. - - The Ooldwator Kepubücan suggeats Congressman Hubbell as a candidate for Governor. -The Michigan State Pólice associatiou meeta at Kalatnazoo on the 14th and lüth inst. -David Stylea of Ceresco, Calhoun county, lost a four-year old stallion on the 2d worth $110,000. - Rev. Geo. 1). Spining hns been installed pastor of the First presbyterian ghurch of K:lamazoo. - George W. Dixon of Pulaski, Jackson county, is reported to have Cümmitted suicide in Kansas. -Geo. W. Burt convicted of ïnurder in the second degree at ïïowell, goes to Jackson for eight years. -Chas. J. Brown of Detroit, a liquor dealer, died on Satur,lay leaving an estato valued at 30,000. - J udse Huntington was presented by the jury of the Jackson circuit last week with a $25 gold watch chain. - Some of tho saloons at Hillsdale have failed to file their bonds, and intend to go out of the business. -Mr. Oscar Hartson, agraduate from the Medical Department of the University, haa located in Cold water. - Afireiu North Lansing on Wednesday oonsumed the grooery stook of Geo. Christopher and building containing thein. - Luther Hiscock of Leoni, died aged 78 years. He was an old teacher, and during his lifetime had taught forty terms of school. - 'Tia a puzzle for the Flint Globe to understand how a Eepublican Council could elect a Democratie Marshal, Health offioer and city printer. - There is trouble at the Deaf and Dumb asylum iu Flint over the expulsión of Uatholic pupils who ref'used to sing a Catholic masa set to Protestant words. - Ilanlon won t.)o singlo oouli race at Jfewcastle-on-Tyne, England, on Monday, a distance of three miles and three furlongs in twenty-two minutos, fue 8,'couds. - The death cf Congressman Clark is attribtited to overwork, in thu vain attempt by sitting up late at night aud getting up early in the morning to keep up ivith hiscorrespondenco. - In the present Congress Union college has the most graduates. Harvard has four, Yale five, Dartmoulh three, Bowdoin three, Williams tvvo, Brown four, and Prineeton three graduates. - A very interesting publication is promiscd in June Seribner, being nothing less than a selection from tbo letters of Madame Bonaparte to her father, written from Europe between 1805 and 1833. -as severai persons claim to have the original autograph shoot-him-dead-onthe-spot order of Geu. Dix, his son, the Rüv. Morgan Dix, of New York, has published a card saying that he hus the dispatch himself. - There were 500 business remováis ia New York on Thursday and 400 Fri day. The changes of locaiions by business men in the great commercial metropolis this Jlay time have beon ereater than in any previous year. - Caleb Cushing's estáte is not so large as was reported at the time of his death, and, being chiefly wild and unproductive lands, is unprofitable property and had eaten up his income for 25 years. Cushing's residence and library at Newburyport will shortly be sold. - Urop reporta froua 00 counties in Ohio and Indiana show largely increasod acreage in wheat, oats and corn.- Spring cropa generally are retarded by baekward weather. There are excellent prospeots for all fruit except poachos, which are about all killed. - A terrible explosión ooourred at Stratford, Ont., Monday, by whioh a number were killed and over one hundred wounded. A car load of nitroglycerine shipped as blasting powder exploded, deuiolishing twentysix cars and shaking the earth for miles around -Miss Bessie, daughtor of senator ooniuing was married to VVüliiim Oakmaa, a railroad man, April 30. The senator, opposed to the match was not present. Mr3. Conkling's brother, Horatio Seymour and a large gatheriug of distinguished persons were present. Costly presents crowned the occasion. -The Governor of Tenn. has issued a proclamation calling an election, to be "held August 7, for the purpose of affording the people of the state an opportu nity to express their approval or disapproval of the settlement of the debt at 50 cents on tho dollar and 1 per cont. interest. -A Lyons, N. Y., gentleman recently died íq New York, and his body was embalmed and sent home for interinent. As the coffin was being closed for the buriitl, his wife kissed his cheek. She is now lying in a eritical conditiou- f rom poison, it is thought, which had been used iu etnbalming the body, whioh took effeot on her lips and rapidly infused itself through her systom. -Marshal Frederick Douglass, in n leoture at Staunton, Va., last week, advised his colored hearers not to trust altogether to prayer, but to go to work honestly, systematically and conscientiously. He himself, he said, had prayed for three long years that freedom might come to him, but it never carne until the prayers got down into his legs nd carried him away. He did not approve the exodus. - - ■-. - t m _ May lat., was a big day with tobáceo dealers. On that day the reduotion of tax from 24 to 16 cents went into effect. In consequenee of this the trado has been lightfor months preceding, dealers buying as sparingly as possible. The weed will hereafter be from 2 to 6 cenlg per pound oheaper. Dealers in Detroit held their stock ia bond and on the opening day of thia month purchased stamps to the amount of $40,937,20. How changed! ïhe time ha8 been these many years when smuggling across the lines to this country was a lucrativo business. Tobáceos, coffues, teas, silks, &c, could be brought over the lines at a great saving, and muoh oi it was done by residents along the border. Now, Canadian custom house officials are busily watching persons as thcy return, and soarch them for American mauufaotured goods. A number lost ready made suits concoaled beneath old ones, at Windsor last week. Grant himself as a candidato might be tolerable. But when we think of his brother Orville, brother-in-law Corbin, the Dents, his sisters, and his cousins' and his auots - ugh ! Who paya Grant'a expenses in trave!ing arouud the woihl, is to be made the subject of investigation by the seuate committee on foreign relations, certain charges having been made, as to the msmiericr which the resources of the government havo beou drawn upon to assist hiuri in his tour.


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