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-Ten arresta during April. -$88,08 distributed among the pooT on Monday. - Salary of chief of pólice for ensuing year f 600 ; two policemen f óOOeach. - Thomas Kearns, geoond vioe president of the Reform Club, has resigned the office. - One of our leading grocery houses Las in stook one hundred and twentyfive bárrela of silgar. - The dog case, valué placed by jury on the animal f I, noticed in these columns last week, has been appealed to the j circuit courb. -On Friday the teed of Louis Rhode tu uway as he was harnessing him in the vicinity of the Toledo depot. Loss - a badly brok en harnero. - Common Council voted a yearly I licence beginiug on the first day of this month to manager Whitney of the Opera House, upon the payment of $60. - A resolution, prohibiting the propulsión of velocipedes on the sidewalks of the city was introduced at Tuesday's erening meeting of the O. C, by Alderman Besimer and referred to the citv sttorney. - Louis Schleïcher entered complaint on Wednesday bef ore Justice Frueauff ' against Thomas Sullivan for jumping a board bill. Sullivan was assessed $4, beside costs. No money. Eegisteredat 8 the Case House. c - a ueiegation trom South Lyon, composed of Hon. A. S. Knapp, K. Calkins, T. A. Sager, and Dwight Peeblee, were in town last week consulting in regard to the extensión of the Toledo & Aan Arbor railroad. - Recorder Clark has made out about hundred applications for arreara of ponsions for ex-soldiers in this viciuity_ who will come in for a share of the" money recently appropriated by congress tot umvinsr such claim. - On Monday eveuing next, May IS s vocal entertainment will be given b the Swredish Lady Quartette club at th Opera House, under the auspices of th. Reform club of this city. Keserved seat at Watts', prioe 50 cents. - The temperance meeting Sundaj afternoon was well attended. A verj iuteresting addresa was delivered by J B. H. Bratshaw of Detroit. In th ovening he talked at Leland's Church in Northfield, and at the close of his retiiarks 40 signed the pledge. - The executive cominittee of the Washtenaw Uounty Agricultural and Horticultural Society met Saturday for the purpose of making the necessary arrangemente for the forthcoming fair. The revisión of the premium list was also coujpleted and a number of Judges appointed. - The annual state convention of the Woman's Chistian Temperance Union of Michigan will be held in Detroit, May 27, 28, 29. The following delegates have been apgointed by this union; Mrs. D. Wood, Mrs. B. Day, Mra. t! Taylor, Mrs.C. ö. Clark, Mrs M. Thompaon and Mrs. R. E. Frazer. - A linen wedding was celebrated at the residence of and by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bliss on ihe ovening of May lst THe presenta oompriged 72 pieces, in all conceivable shapes. Dancing was kept np nntil a late hour, and those present agreed it was one of the most enjoyable occasions thev ever attcniind - "Tufe early bird" is altogether too early sometimos, lieorge W. Cropsey, is ereoting a building on Washington Street and intends to stock it with grooeries when ready. The first story is hardly completed now, aud he has had at least fifty agents, two on Tuesday, cali upon him with the view of selling him stock number one. -Toledo is again stirred up on the ubjeot of the Pontiac extensión. John B. Alley, of Boston, thinks that Bostón capitalists will furnish $220,000 of the $340,000 necessary to build the road from Pontiac to Ann Arbor, if Toledo will take the reinainiug $120,000 of bonds. Toledo fondly believes that Detroit will be nowhere if the scheine sucoeeds. -Sheriff Case returned on Tuesday from Mansfield, Ohio, with Lmcolu D. Sella, charged with being one of the parties interested in the burglaries recently oommitted in this city, in connection with the University student, Delf. Sells was committed in default of bail, to jail for examination to take place to-day. He graduated from the Dental department in March. - Supposing from the intirnacy between Harry G. Merry and Delf. both hailing from Negaunee, that Merry might be familiar with souie of Dolf's transactions, he was approaehed by officials for that purpose. Merry let in light on his chum's thefts, and in a few days he himself was arrested and taken before Justice Granger. Examination began on Wednesday afternoon and continued through jesterday. - At a regular meeting of the Com mou Council on Monday eveniug, Peter D. Woodruff was elected city tre:tsurer; John G. Johnson, chief, and HeMrw A W. Porter and Daniel Amsden, polic men; Drs. George, Kappand Breakey, '{ board of health. Eight ballnts were tuken for city attorney, J. F. Liwreiice rtfeeiving seven and J. Q,. A. Sessions seveu. Without election adjouruinent was , dered to the next regular meeting. - The Washtenaw Pioneer Society have assessed the metabors of the ( izatiou 25 cents each to re-imbursp Mrs. c N. H. Pieroe for couipihnt; manuorii for puVilioatiin ia fpok u u G Clnrk collfCts from the city -. The Vice Presidunts in etcli inwn will oollect for their town. The Kocity is 8 trying to raisR meaus to furniah thenew t room given them iu the Uourt House by e the Supervisors, where papers and relies t can be aafely deposited. -The folio ing officers of the I. O. G. rt' T. were instal led on Wednesday eveniui;. (, for the ensuinir quarter . W. C. T., Chas ,$ O. Wilson ; W. V. T., Miss Marión Brown ; „ W. S. Henry Mi.rphy; WPS, , thtn Sjirague ; W. T„ N.h Arksey ; W. c M.. Wm Pitkm ; W. G., Wm. Hilton ; W. „ B. S.. Gpoirb Clark; W. L H 8 , Mr. f W I G., iCiiwMirv Sesis; „ w-0 fï-, E. H-M-oid Hil ,„ W D M, ., m Jetwi.1 W., ,. ff; [ ■■ , n W-iwirutT Visi . ;, . lï invited . The ñull ia over No Dies atora, j „ - Boom wanted - see adveitiaement. j - A hop will be giren iittho resiáence j of Prof. Winchell thia cvoning by the I Grande Jolite club. - Wonder of the microscope. Anirnalculne magnified to 15 feet. A very instructive, scientifio exhibition at Union 8ohool Hall, this evening. Admission 10 cents.


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Michigan Argus