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- tlop at Armory liail tlus evening. - New plank have taken place of rotten boards in the floot1. - By all odds the Savings Bank front is the handsoineët in the city. - J. Q,. A. Sessions Esq , holds over as eity attorney until an electitm takts place. - JohnSoii is araply prepared to hat And cap the world iu arty or all tbe latest styles. 1 - Subsfriptions for instruinents for the new bami are coiuins in livoly. Mr. R. A. Beal of the Courier heads the list with f25. - Treadwell and Oaborno aro offering $1 per bushei for wheat. Farmers ouglit to improvo the opportunity by disposing of stock on hand. - Two serenading partiea were out Wednosday evening discoursing musio to the delectation of citizeas on the borders of dreainland. - Deputy-Sheriff Gruest of Dexter, was iu the city on Tuesday in search of ft man who took $65 in cash on ÏViday night froin the pocket of Juhn Djlan of Dexter. =-"Rejoice" is the title to the new fcdvertiseinent of the Star Clothing House. It is an interesting article and will repay a careful perusal, especially if you want anything in the clothing line. - Chaplain MoCabe was the guest of Mr. J. T. Jacobs during his stay in the city. After his lecture Wednesday eveuing a nuiuber of Phi Kappa Psi students called upon and escorted the gentleman to the depot. -The case of the People vs. Hicks, ftrraigned before Justice FrueaufF on Monday, charged with procuring indorsetuent. of a note through Lalse pretences, went by default, no one appearng aeainst defendant. - Under au ordor adopted by the Board of Supervisors, Judge Haniman is causing a numerical index of the records of tbe Probate Office beginning with the year 1827, and continuing to the nresent. to be made of files - William Burke'shorse hitched under the sheds of the M. E. churoh, was taken by some oug about 8 P. M. Sunday evening. It was found by policemen Amsden andPorter threehours later hitched in front of Seyler's boot and shoe store. - While John P. Little a carpenter was at work at the residence of Mrs. IiOomis ou Catherine Street, on Monday ome person lifted his English lever watch from his vest pocket hanging on the post of the porch. Three tramps were searched but without avail. - Hard times is the cry, but wil] they ever get so hard that a street peddler, with the veriest nostruiu, cannot get up and take more dollars frora the gying crowd in an hour thau n honest professional man can collect for a month's servioÉS. - Prof. Heek will give an entertainment this evening at the Unitarian church at 8 p. M. Consisting of recitations and readitigs in costume. Prof. Meek is a fine actor and elocutionist and a rare treat tuay be expected. Ad'fnÍKfiinn 10 ronfo - At the annnal convention of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar held at Detroit on Tnesday and Wednesday of this week, the following named gentlemen were delèg'atea froru Ann Arbor Coinmandery No. i 3, K. T : E. C, C. H. Richmoud; Gen., John N. Gott ; Capt. Gen., M. J. Noyes. - Mechanics of all descriptions are busy this spring. Low Wages and cheap material have induced people to put their residences and other buildings in good repair; relay sidowalks, rebuild and paint fences, and otherwisa beauti fy their preinises, in the aggregate, adding to the personal appearance of our liandsome city. - Tho shower of Tuesday feil on the warmest day of the season. It was excessive'y bot and feit the more beoause of its suddenness. Tho rain cooled the sultry atmosphere, laid the dust and ad vaneed vegetation. Although it was not 8uffering, the earth drank in the refreshiugdewa froin Heaven w;th alaerity and responded by sending forward the seeds planted for mankind. - Officers of Hurón Fire Company Ne. 3, for the ensuing year : Poreman, Newton Felch ; First Assisfant, Albert Williams ; Second, J. W. Maroney ; Third, David King ; Secretary, N. G. Gates ; Treasurer.E. S. Manly ; Steward, Chas. Burnham ; FireWardens, Hiram Storras. David S. Gates, Erastus Masón, Patrick Mulligan; Finance Coramittee, David King, John W. Maroney, Win. Cooper. - The most significant fact bearing npon the extensión of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad is the fact that at a meeting of the Toledo committee lust week Thursdav. Warren Colburn, a director in the Wabash, and intimately associated with its management, hs been appointed a ineinber of the committee to snggest ways and means to build the Toledo and Ann Arbor Eailroad to a connection with the Grand Trunk at Pontiac. - Articlea are already being sent into the Pioneer'8 museum in the new Uourt House. All persons wilüng to con tribute raay rest assured it will be a safe place of deposit for any okl fatnily relies, where it will be seen without handling as soon as a case of shelves ean be secured. Those who may not find Gen. K Clarfc'g office may lesive thein in the County Clerk's offioe until sotne -tneinber of the committee shall take ohargis of them. M. H. Goodiich, R. Waterman, J. W. Wing, Mary E. Poster, Mrs. N. H. Pierce, Committee. -The meeting of the Pomological Society was wll attended Saturday, the audience including a large niimber of ladis. Thre was a very handsorae display of flowers and the inusio furnighed by Prof. Saga's qnurtette added greatly to the interest of the meeting A. B. Covert read an iustructive paper on the Kobin, its liahits, uwfulness, eto. He also asked the iDfinberg of the Associa tion to assist him in enlarging his collection of rt-licd. He hasahenriy a Urge nianJier of Indihn nnd other untiquiries collccted hereabouts. Th diaousrfon previously begunonthe gnbjct n{ inspoiR injurious to the applo was continued and partioipated in by those preeent. - Öecoration day will bf observed in this city by the ladies of theFifth ward. - Mrs. WilliaQi Connelly, residing on Lawrence street, is recovering from a Borious attack of eickfiess. - Charles Weissirmn was taken to the Eeform School at Lansing, Wednesdoy, by deputy sheriff Mclntyre. - Aceording to sdvestispment elsewhere in these columns, thellulief Park Association offor to rent their park from June lat. - The Reform Club eume out even with their engagement with theSwedish vocalista' entertainment on, Mouday evening. - Heira of the Botsford eatate are putting in a píate glass front to the drug store on corner of Main aud Huron streets. - Tiiesday, a box contuining sevcn süvor epoon8 marked E. II. S., was found near the second railroad bridge by a party in bathing. - Mrs. Louis E. Buchoz manyyearsa resident of the city, and an inmate of asylums in the past, was removed to the lJontiac asylum on Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff Warreu. - Gompared with corresponding uionths of 1878, transfers of real estáte have fallen off considerably. Last year the f'orce in the office of Register of Ueeds weie kept busy through the most of June, but this year, five employee?, at this date, have been discharged for want of something to do. - The records and papers in the clerk's office are being ao arranged and systeinatized that, when the work is eorapleted, a great saving in time will be ofFered those who may wish to refer to them. Since Washtenaw county was organized, over 15,000 cases have been disposed of in the Circuit Court. - Exohanges publishod wht-re enovvdrifts linger and cold weather does not depart, may enjoy reading about conditiou of vegetation in old Washtenaw County. The hardier sort, suoh as peas and lettuce have been abovs ground many days, while beana, beets, corn and cucumbers are to be observed in inany gardens. - Thoobald Seyler, brother of' A. D. Seyler, one of our boot and shoe dealers, died yesterday morning of consumption, agcd '21 years. Mr. Seyler had been afflicted with this diseaae abont eight ïoouths, and died one of its riumberless victiins. He was salesman for nis surviving brother eleven years. He wa3 unmarried. Funeral services will be held on Sunday next at 2 1-2 P. M., at Zion's Lutheran church. - Thoso present pronounce entertainment giveu in the Hall over Bach & Abel's store on Wednesday evening by the Youns; Mens' Musical Society, composed of amateurs, under the direotorship of Prof. C. Scbaeoerle, a fine aff;iir. Those taking part were Messrs. T. Suhuiid, violiu ; Theo. Husg, viola ; J. S. E. Sinke, 'cello; Albert Mann, bass ; Geo. Grossman, piccolo : H. Allmatidinger, A. G. Suhiuidt, flute; E. E. Muss, clarionet ; F. W. Lutz, coruet. The ubjve members weru assisted by Mr. V. E. Widenmarin. - Aiuong the records of the Probate office that came under our ubservtition tlie Other day is that of an anti-masoino address issued shortly after he conven tiou was held ilirch 9, 1831, at which Mamuel Duxter, fonnder of the villatie ot this name iu this couiity, was nomiiiated as the anti-raasouiu caudidate; Austin E. Wing of Monroe, was the mnsomic candidate, and Jno. B. Williams of Detroit, independent candidate foi territorial delégales to Congress. Although thiscouuty, which consisted of the towns of Aun Arbor, Ypsilanti, Panamá (now Superior) Dexter, Saline and Jacksonburg fnow coutity of Jaukson) gave its vote as folio wa : Dexter 410, Wing 233, Williams 5, Wing was eleuted despite the warniugs that might happen to people and country if he was sent to CoDgress.


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