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qtrayId ür stolen ! Duriti fno night of Friday, Mny 1G, A DARK BROAVN MARE, 9 yenrs old, weiïlis nbnnt 1,000 lbs., witli otirs slishtly tipned. Any person returaing her ot fiirninhing infonnntion of her wnereaboats wil] be libamliy rewatdod, G. H. wiNSiow. Eliziioeth Streut, Aun Arbor. FarmerS the echo MICHIGAn'faRMER From now until Jan. 1, 1880, for $1.00. ing News, h sp,cy she:ti dcvoted cmire) , ncws and nnsccllany Tin; FarmÉH h „dl known as a standard AgriculturaJ Journal, and was never bettcr than it s to-ilay. S1.ÜO pays for bolli papers from now until the "' J:'""-'ry ncxt, postage ncludcd-just the cost of the white oaper. Send „ yol,r Jollar at ? Pnce too low to allow of sending out s,.„, . pl". Offer of-en for bo rfars ontv '■iJirirt all Tdersto TUE EVENIN'8 XKÜK. i),x, „,, Pricos of Lime Reduced ! Kelly Islanil lime, 25 cis. per buata. Monroe I.inic, 25 cents per busbcl. Iflacou L,ime, 23 cents per busuei. FOR SALE. CaloLnd Piaster, Woler Limo, ('..ment, Platerïng Hair, and Lnud Piaster, at my Lime-Kilu ncar Central Depot. 16tf JACOB TOIiLAND. ivotice. The Relief Park Asso'.'iation of tliis n!ly propose to rent the park to the highest bidder for the ontire season, from June 1, 1879, to May 1, issn, nnd the undersigned will r.coive sealed proposals until the first day ot June, 1879, with the privilege (o accept or reject the same, at ttie store of O. Fberbach tt Sou C. EBERBACH, President. J. Wil. HANG8TEEFER, Sec'y. rpHü LIRGESr AND BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIITDOW CI.ASS All Size. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. A NEW GROCERY! AT 16 EAST HURÓN STREET. GASPAR REiySEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprising evprythiri(f lo (lie line at bottom Drices - imd purchased exchisively forcash. From a lons experienee in the traje, retnil and wholMinla, he beUnea he chu scll gooas as oieap as the chuupeat. OALL AND SEE HI8 PEICES ! All (Joods Warranted Plrst-Clas. B" Eemember the place, 16 East ! Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. i ODíSBir & SJiAHOLT'S Bakery, Grocery, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep eonstuntly on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 4e., For Wholesale and Xtetai] Tradr. We shall also keep n supply of DELHI XiOTJia, J. SI. Swlft & Co's Uest White Wheat l'lour, Bye Floor, Huckwheat Flonr, torn Meal, Feed, Ac, &c., &c. At wholesalc and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on liand, whieh will be sold on as reasonable torms as at any oüier house in the city. f Cash paid for Butter, Egga, and Country Produce generally. ' (oods deliverea to any part of the city without extra charge. INSJ5Y & S15ABOIT. Ana Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. To try tlic? taf Miii CEFOIÍE YOU BUY. ItisSimplyWonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. pUEDERICK. ItRAUSE, AUCTIOliri]EB; T,Ü' í"'1 to;;llfl,on short notice, at reaeon ..ble chiirgca. P O. address Ann Artjor'ïlich. AND UPHOLSTERYI A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Announeos (o the public tliat ho is botter thanever prepared ti show thom a complete stock of Furniturc, coinj)risiiig BED EOOM SUITES, TAELOR SUITES, , SOFAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &c, At priccs i o;u! i fnlly low. ï" Cali and soe our stock. Estáte of Conrad G. Helber. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY JO of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for ■the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofhce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday the twenty-second day of May in !iïnJear Ue thouaand eighthundred aud seventy. Present, William D.Harriman, Judgo of Probate, dcceasèd eStatC f Conrad ö- Helber, Christian Helber, administretor of said estáte comes mto court and representa that he is nonprepared to render his final account as suoh adniinistrator. Thereuponit is ordered, thnt Wednestaay, the clevciith duy of June next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be awigned for examininpr and allowine nch account, and that the heirs at law of siiid deceased, and all other peraons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at e. session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottira. in the city of Ann Arhnr.i" said countv and show cause, if nny there be, why the' said account should not be allowed; And it is further ordeieil, that aid admiuistrator aive notice to the persons interesled m said estáte, of the pcinlency of said account, and the hearin tliereof. by pusinga copy ol this order to be publishcd in the JIiobioan At,gus, a newspaper pnntert and on-culating in said county, thrce sucfentre woeks Eora to mid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, (A tnie copy.) .juige ol probate. W. G. Doty, Probate Register Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. IraBassett vs. Noah Stc vens Bj Tirtne of a writ of execulion issued out ot und under the seal of the Cirouit Court for the countyot Washtenaw, ío theahove anfltted causo and to medirec ed and dclivered.I didon the ninetePiith aay of March, A. D. 1879, levy upon all the right, tule and interest of Noah Steven; tlie defen dantinsaidwntnamod, in and to the followinp descnbed real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : Lots number seven(7; and seventeen C17),section fonr in K.s.Um'8 plat of the Tillase of Saline, town four eoulh ransre flve eaat; also the east half of the southeast quartcr of section thirty-three, town three aouth range flve east, county of Washtenaw, State of Micliisiin. w hi,h above doscrihed real es tate I shall sell at public vondue to the highest bídiler at the north door of the Court llouse in the ?lJ?u ■" Arbor, in miá county of Washtenaw, fthiit being the place of holding the Circuit Courts where.the promises are situated) on the Sevknth day of Jrr.v, A. D. 1S79, at two o'clock in the" aftemooQ of that day. Dated, May 23, 1879. JOSIAn S. CASE, Sheriff. Hcal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTINTY kj of VVashtenaw; ss. ín thenmtterof theeetatcof .Tacohflauer.deceased. Notice is hereby riven lhí.t ni punraance of an order granted to the uúderslgned, artniimstrator debonisnon of the estáte of said deceased, by the Ilon. Judge of l'robate for the ( ouniy of ashtennw, on the twenty-sixth duv of April, A D 1879, Hiere will be sold al public ve" due tothe highest Indder, at the late residonce of saiddecised,inLodi,intheCountyofWashtenaw, in said State, oa Wodaesilay, the eighteenth dny of June A. D. 179, at ten o'clock in tlie furenoon of Ihat ilayisuhject to all encumbrances bv mort gage or di existlng at the time of the death ofsaid deewsed, and also subject to the risht of duwer of the widow of said deceased in said real estáte) the following described real estáte, to wit : Ihe west. hall of the southwes quarter of eectioñ number thlrtynne (31) and fhe west twenty (201 MMS of the wist half of the southwest quaiter of tion thiity-one (31) in town three f.1) south range flve (5) east (Lodi), in Michigan. And ten 10j acres of land off the uortheasf corner of the rii.rt!, sixty (60) aores of the east half of ihe northMt quarter of aection number thirty-six (3;;) in town three (3j south rangefour(4) east (l'reedom) ín MichiKan. " Dated, April 2.;, 1879. AA11ON L. FELDKAJIP, Administrator de bonis non. Notice of Chancery Order. STATE Of MICHIGAN, THE CIECÜIT Courtlor theCounty of W'ashtenaw, in Chnncery. Alinira Thompson, Complainant, %; Silas Thompson, Defendant, Washtenaw County, ss. It satisfactoriiy appearmi; to me that Kilaa Thompson, the defendant ia a mm-resident of thia State, on motion of Crarner, Fruenuff & Corlan, solicittira and of counsel tor the oomplaihant, it is ordered Ihat the said defendant, Silas TbofcpsOD, catne bis appearance in tlus cause tobe entercd within three montha irum the date of thta order, and tbat in rase of his appearanoe he canse hls answer to the complainani's lull of comalaiot to ue filed in tliis cause and i oop thereof to be served on the complaioant's solicitora withm twouly dnys after due service of a copv of said bill on the defendant or his solicitor and á noticc of this order, and in dcfault thereof tbat the said Uil! bc taken as confissed by the aaid defendant. And it is furthcr ordered that wilhin twcnty days thesaidcomplainant cause a notice of thia order to be publishcd in the Mhhioan Aik;us :i I weekly paper printed in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and that the said pubUeatioo be continued in said paper at least once in eaoh week for six successive weeks, or that Bhe cause a copy of tbis order tobe personally served oa the said defendant, Silas Thompson, at leut twintydajs belore llic time above prescribed for his auDcarance Dated, Aun Arbor, May S, 1879. JAMKS McMAIION, Circuit Court Oommisaioner for Washtenaw County, Mich. Cbahib, Fhueaüff & Cohhin, Solicitors and of Counsel lor Complainant. Chanoery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE CIRCUIT COÜET J fpr the (Jouuty oí W'nahtcnaw- in Chanoery. Luther James, cotaulafnañt. vs. Martin Eran Catherine Eyan, ana Znm P. Kinsr, defendánt! In purgnanec and ly viriuenf a cli-oivc of saidcourt made ana entered by said eourt in the abofe en titled cause on the i-Uli day ofjannary L T) 1H7!) Not icéis hereby given that I shall sel'l at public ■ucuon to the highest bidder, on HTondat thf TwKNTY-sixTir ,.iï of iUi, A. D. 187, ai ten o'clock in thefbreuoon, atthe.east front door oftha (ouil House in the city of Ann Arbor couutv of Tasliteuaw and State of UiohlMn, the follovina des. ribfd real Mtate, belng thesamemeotionedaña desenbed in siiul decree, to wit : All that certain tract or parcel ot hmd sitúate and beinj; in the I township ot Northfield, county of Washteiinw imd Btate 01 Mioiiigan, and described as followg.ta wit Beraf th north half of the Dorthaaal quarter of Beotion nnmber sixteen in townsotp one south range sixeast.accordingtotho United States survev contiiimng ighty acres of land. , Dated, April 10, 1879 JAMES McMAHON, ( ireuit Court Commissiouer in and for the County of Washtenaw. Johü X. Goxi, Solieitor for said Coin]lalnant. I J __ LEGAL NOTICES. lístate of .Samuel ). l.:. STE,F MICHIGAN, CÜUNTT rm.,, t ht"n!iw' At u teasion of the Probate 1 r?ol , uv": "U,",ty of Wnshtenaw, hulden at 1) o dív t l! TV" U''"y ot A Arljor, „„ Thur.tffht huí Ir S y ?f M:'y' in ""■ yciu Wle ' "ousund eifint nuudred and seventy-nine Present, WilliamD. Harriman, Judge of Probnte uv"''ï. "' ür or the cstaie oí S;i'""1-'1 b"?; tl,r"lwt(í'11'''d ,and Waii!l1" I. Bird, cxccutors of t 0 ""í tetament of "M deased, comea inarorl UV rlmsl!1't 't thcy are now pre' pared to render Iheir fin! acSOunt &a sucli exí,,,,,,,, , [orded,tbal T„es,lay. tbc twen'""■ I'" ;.;:,,rd for examlDlug and allowing h n , ' 5a-'d decoascd. aB'' 11 othei persona ■ ni . .„i,,! lnd estáte, are requlred toappear jooate Office in the olty of Ann Arborlnsaldcouq ty, and Bhow cause, If any there be whv theasM wconot bould not be nllowea ■ And W fu?ther ordered,, that said executors elfe noti ti thí peraons luterested in satd estatídf the pendeñcTl said account and the hearing thereofPbv c„„ oan Akcus, a newspapcrprinted and drculaMnffin Sí CSSJS2 successivc ' p (A truo -n i WILLIAJI HABBIMAK, S itoud101 Probatelístate of Christian Miller STF 0F MICHIGAN, COUNTY one thousaml eiKl,t l.undrtd and evón y-„ ne ? Present, Willi1n) D. Uairiman, J,,dKeol "ohate in siv a óslate, are required to ur,r--ir ..( noüce to tl' Ordeved thBt 8ilid ipSttaSi ge notice to the persona Titerested in said eitate li Ï of' by oau8ins n copy uf this order to lie pubhshed in the SJam Wm1 pnnted and circulated in said countv, tliTt?uccesaive weeka previous to aaid day of hcarin? fAW 1 W1LLIAM D HAKRIMAN, Jrobatet1-'6 Prbat!: Estáte of Mary A. Tliayer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTT In the matter of the estáte of Mary A Tbiver dcceased. Charles ïhayer, Clarissa "y Hayes ancï W alter I. Hayes, executors of the lust will and tessenTt," SHd deCea3ed e0"' ilt0 "rep sent that thcy are dow prepared to render their account as such éxocutnrs lhereuponitisoi-dered, that Tucsday the third a,asiOno,"fUe DeXt' -at-teD OCIock in "e fcrenoo" , be andgn,at if e?a".n"lnff and allowing such account, and that the devíseos, leñatees and heirs at law of said eS 'aUd Olï" Persons int'"d in said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in thecityof AnnArbor, insaid connty and show causo, il any there be, wh'y the nid acciiSïïhould not ,e allowed : And it U furtbei ordered that said sSl I?,? i="v;n),notu;e ' thc Psons intereïted In höir t.' r f PLM'dt'ncy of saidaoconntand the boivMi of' b.v cus"8 a copyoi this order to be pub hshcd 1? the MlCHIOAB A.BOOT, a newspaper pnntedand Clronltig in said countv, two s ,ccessive weeks prcviotis to said day of hèarine [A true copy] WILLZAM D. HARRIM "Ñ T O. DoxT, Probate Ret Prübate' Estáte of Samuel Cross. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY r f Washtenaw, ss. At a session of tlie Probate Court for the County of Washfnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ana Arbor. on Saturday, theteiithciayofMay, in the year one thousand cight hundred and Beyenty-niae Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate ceised mattterOftbeeStateOfSam Cross' aeJortro Forbes and James N. Cross, administrators ol said estáte, comes into court and represent tha't tliey nrenow j.repared to reader thoir na] account as such administrators. ' Tliereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the tenth day of June uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowïng sucli account, and that the lieirs at law of said (loceascd, and all other persons intere-sted m said estáte, are requlxed to appear at a sesswn of said court, then to be hollen at the Probate Ofhce in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show causo, if a nv there be whythe sM acrount should not be allowed. And' it is Airthcr ordered that said administrators give notice to the persons interestcd in aid etate ui il, peniteucy 01 said account and the hearing thereof bv causing a copy of this order to be published in' the MicHifiANAKGU8,anWspaperprlntedandclrenIatms in id euu.ily, three suecossive weeks provious to said day of hearing. F , . , . WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, r','. í.0157-' Jut'Be of Probate Wa. ti. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of William Daiicer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÍX o' Wariilenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteoaw. holden ut the I róbate íd the city of Ann Albor, on Tlmrster, the hfteenth dny of .May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-uine. Present, Willium D. Harriman, Jud'g-e of Proba'te In the matter of the estáte of William Dancor' dectased. Alexander Dancer, executor of the last will and testuiiH'iitufsuiddeceased.comeBinto court and representa that he is now prcpared to render his flnal account asaiich executor Thereupon it isordered.that Wednesday, the lltt day of .Tune next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be ITiïT'l nr ea?inlnf "" allowing such account and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased.and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of sa„U,,urt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should notbe allowed: And it is further oráered that said executor give notice to the persons interested the hearing thereof, by caiising a copy of tliis order to be published in the Michigan Am'f sa newspuperprlDtedaDd drcalating in said county threesuccessive wocksprpviuus tosaid dayofhearh ■, WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAIf, [Atruecopy.: Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Jacob Berry. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY t-J of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court forthe Oounty of Washtanaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tliursday, the lifteenth day of May, in the year one thoussnd eight hundred and seventy-niue. Present, William I). Hiirriman, j'udge of Probate In the matter ot theestate of Jacob iierry deceased. J On rending and flüng the petiiion, duly verifled of (Jlanssa I. Berry, praying that a eertafn instrument now on faie m this Cuuit, puiportmj? to be the Inst will and testament of said deceasid may be admilted to probate, and that she may be appointcd executrix thereof. Thcreupon it s ordered, that Monday, the nlnth day of Juno next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asignad for the hearing of said petition, nnd th.-.t the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all ot her persons interested in said Mtate, are required to appear at a Sfssion of eaid Cour!, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if nny there be.why the prayer of the petitionc-r should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pemïency ol said petition, and the hearmsr thereof , by causinu a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Abgüs, a newspaper pnnted and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day ot hearing. WILLIAM D. HARBIMAN, ( A troe eopy.) ju tffe of probate. William U. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Erastus Whaley. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY . k3 of Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the (Jounty of Wnslilennw, holden at the Pi obute Office in the city of Ann Albor, on Wedne Say, the fourteenth day of May, in the year one thousund eiiiht hundred and &eventy-mne. Present, WiIIiam D. Hurriman, Judjje oi Probate In the matter of theestate of Eruslus Whalev deceiiBed " On rending and fllinjr the petition, duly verifled of James M.Caogdon attoroey in fact of Bliza Ii' Waad, praying that tí. W. Turn Bu!l may be I [ poiTvted administratorde bonis non of the estáte of said deceased. Thcreuponitisordercd.tliat Monday, the rmth day of June next, Kt ten o'clock in the forenoon be asaijjned for the hearing of eaid petition! and that the heira at law ot said dceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted And it is further ordered that Paid petitioner irive Mtlce tu the persona Interested in said estáte ot the pendency of said petition and the hear-' I int; thcreof, by eausing copy of thls order to bc published in the Michigan Aitcus, a newsp;iper printudand circulated in suid county, thrce succi'ssive weeks previous to said day of heurin, WILLIAM D. HAH1UMAN (A true copy.) Judse of Probate. Wm. ü. Dotï, Probate Register. ílutnci'r.v Sale. otate of mtoiikiax. the circuit covnr J for tlie County of Washfenaw- iu Ohaneery James Ottley and Jane Ottley, complainiinta ra Elijab w. Morcan and Tlu' Ann Arbor i-avlng Jiank, defendants. ín pursuance and byvirtueof adccreeof suid court made and entered by raid court in tho abovií euliilcd cause uii tlio 24th day otJanuiuy, A. I). 1879. Notice Ís herfby givfn that I sliall sell nt public auction to tho bighesí bidder, On MOKDAY, TUK TWENTY-SlXTH DAY OV M V A. D. 1879, at ton o'cloefc in tin; foienoon, at thé east front door of the Court Ilonsc in the city of Ann Arbor, county of "W'ashtcnaw and Stalo of Michigan, the following deacribed real estáte, beins the HMQe mertioned md deseribed in the said despee, to wit: Being block nimilicr six south in range numher six eaet, in the city of AnnArüor, jountyof Washtenaw anil State of Miehilnn, exepting lot number 10 and the west half of Iota one f md two. I Dated Anril 10, 1879. JAMES JIcMAIION, Circuit Court Cominissioii.-r in and tbe County of Vii.-.liiBl.w. 'OUN N. Gou, Ks.j.jSoIicitorl'ur fuonaplinnt j LEGAL NOTICES. Cliancery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRCUIT COUET for the County of Washtenaw, ia Chancery. Dewit H. Taylor, Guardian of Arthur Il.Chainphn, complainant, vs. Tracy W. Root and Ezrn C. Seaman, defendantB. ín pursuance and by virtue of a decree of said Court made and entered by raid Court in the above entitled cause, on thc 23d day of I January, A. D. 1879. Xotice is hereby BiTen tliát I shall sell at public auction, to the h'ighost bidder On MONJJAÏ, IHE SlXTEESTH HAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1S79, at ten o'clock in the foreooon, ot the east front door of the.Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor Coucty of Washtenaw and Siate of Michigan, the j .ntiuR uwuinieu reai estáte, oeinfr the sanie mentionedand described in s;iil dcpree, to wit: AU that ccitain piecb or parcel of laDd situated in the County of Washtonaw and State of Michigan kuown. boundcd and described as follows, to wit : Heginning at a stake flve ebains north of the center of section nuinber twenty-cight in township two south rango six east on the quurter line and running tbs Meeasl parallel to the nortt line of Forest Hill Cemetery as it now runs on the east and west quarter line twen y chaina and thirty-livo links, thence north íorty six minutes enst sixti en chaina and eighty-pight links, thence south eighty-seven aegrees and litty-six minutes ivest eight chaina and thirty-nine links, thence soiithensterly nlong the east bounds of lunds now owned by Holman and ü loolesixchaiusand seventy links, thence west parallel to the east unrl wi st qüarter line twelve cliams and tiity links, thenre south on the quarter line ten chains and sixty-four links to the land of UiarlosT. Wilmot to the place of beginning. Also the f ollowing described parcel of land sitúate in the same township and rane, county and 8tatQ aforesaid, beginning at the point where the half quarter line between the east and west halves of the northcasi quarter of said section number twenty-ei"ht mtersects the middle of the ravino eight ohains and two links north of the northeast corner of forest Hill Cem tery pprounds, thence northeasterly aloiiir the middle of the revine to the Huron river, tflenee along the south and west bank of said river to the north and south half quarter line of said quaiter section. thence south along said half quarter line to the place of beginninfj, oontaining abont ftve acres of land more or less. All of the above desoribed lands biing the same purchased by said Iraey V Rootof Philetus Stnrka !.m! xvlf ir,. LL AWerlon nntl wifc, Jacob Vollund nnd wife and hartes T. Wilmot and wife, and supposed to contain nboutthirty three acres moro or less, together trith the hereditaments and nppurtenances theret unto belonging or in iinywise appertaininír. April 2(!, A. D. 1S79. JAMES SrcMAIION, Circuit Court Commisionor in and for the County of Wnshtouaw. A. Felc-h, Esq., Solicitor for Complainant. Chancery Sale. JÉTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRCUIT COÜRT Ofoi the Conuty of Washtcnaw-iu Ch ncery. imner Jaraeg, complainant, vs. Qeorire Speechle: John Vanostitzann Tliomns Bpeechley , deïendaDts! In pursuance and by virtue of a deerec of said' (.ourt, made and entered by sakl court, in the above outitled OUH OU the 2-itli day of Jauuarv A. U. 1879. Ivoticc is heroby given that I shsll sejl t public the highest bidder, on Mondav the 26th day of May A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clook in the forenoon at the east front doorof' the Court house in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Wasbtenaw and state of Michigan, the followtng descrlbed real bemgtho same incntioned and described in saiddecrcc . towit: That part of the west half of the i-nst half ofthe northwest quarter ut Bectton immher twenty, township two souih range, six east huil li. s on the n.irth of the hifFËway run nlng north-wesl from the Spring milis io called in the city of Ann Arbor aforosaid oontalnisg thirtyttveacresof land. UatuAAprillO, 18Ï9. T_ . JAMES MoMAHOW, C ïrcuit Court Commissmner in and for the Counlyof Wnshti'iiaw. John H .flOTT, Esq.,8olidtor forsaid Complalnant Ccimmissioiifi-s' Notlce. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kjoi : riislitonaw,ss. Th underaifrned hviiigleen appointcd by the Probate Court for Baid County ommMionew to receivi'. examine and adjust álj claims and demuda of all persons aKiunst the estatfofC.itlicrmeliross.latoofsaidcouiKy,,] i oerebygire nol ice U.nt ais months from dato nr. aUowed, by order of said Plobate Court, lor CrcdiÏm a pn's"'lt üeir claims against the estáte oí , WW deceaaed, nnd thnt they will meet at the store 01 J' the cily of Ann Albor, in lald ' comily, on Friday the üftecnth day of AwLat and on Batmday the lifteenth day ot NoTembefnext, at , ten o'clock A. M., of each ot said duys, to receive examine and adjust aaid claims. "ceiTe, DatetJ, Muy l.Hh, A. I). 1879 JOHN GEORGB KOCU.l LEGAL NOTICES. Mortgage Sale.; TJEFAULT HAVIKG BEEN MADE IN THE J- eonditions of a certain mortgnge hearing dato the eleventh day of July, one thoraand eieht bundred and scventy-six, made and executed by Charles Gwinner and Klizabcth (ninner, his wife hoth of the vilJage of Manchester, Wushteuaw Counly, Michigan, as mortgagors, to John Conrad Binder, of the towuship ot Uridewater, couoty of Waahteikuv and State of Michigan as mortagee and rocorded oe the twenty flrst day of August, A. D. 187G, at 'yz p. m., in über 51 of mortgages, o'u paee 531, in the office of the Regútei of Ieed for be jounty of Washlenr.w, .Michigan, and more tlan sixty üays naving elapsea siocb dofault was made m tho payment of interest and principal due thoreby according to the terms of said mortgage and the note accompanying the same, giving the mortgatree the right to elect that tho sum of principal and interest should be due and owing at onee, mi the said mortgagee having so made his election and tnere beinj claimed to be due on said mortgageandthe note aforementioned at the date of this notioe the sum of nino hundred and two dollars, and no proceeding at law or in eqnity haTing been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Xotico is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of a power ot sule in said morïgage codlaineil, audof the stutute in such cases made and proYided, I shallsell at public auction or .endne. to the liighest bidder, on Satcrday, the TtsjtiSixth day of Jci.y, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House (that beini? the place for holding the circuit court for the eounty oí Washtenaw, Michigan;, the preniises described in said morteaee s follows. to wit : All those certain pietes orparc'els ot land Bituateand being in the village of Mchester, in the eounty o( Washtemw and State of Michigan, and beinjr moreparticularly described in a deed given by Christopher Katz, his wife and Jacob Katz and Anra Mary Katz, his wife, of the township of Manchester, eounty and Stute Charles Gwinner. and leing recorded in the Iiegister's Office of Washtenaw eounty in liber 53 of deeds, on page 729, on the 17th dn y of Auirust 1864 and also in a deed given by John W. Oown md Doreas Cowan. his wife, of the townof Sharon Munty and State aforesaid, to Charles Gwinner' d being recorded -in the Register's Office of iVasniRnnp rnnntv in l!hni ño wua air. . -_ j __- in a deed griven by William H. and Cedelin Bessac. bis wife, of Mancheeter, coanty and State aforesaid to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded in the Register's Office of Waslitcnaw connly, in liier 65, page 482. Itbcin? expressly herehy intended by the pardos of the flrst part tliia raorti?aBe is to cover their entire interest nmler the lust metioned three depds. The said premiws being dssenbed in Ihc deeds above mentioned, as follows towit: Pait of lot numberseven in block Dumber three m the villaje of Manchester, beKinnine at me nortftwest corner of snid Iet thence sóutb. on a parallel Imewith the line of said lot sixty-two and one-balf ieet,tlionce east ou a lineparallel wilh tbesouth lino ofsaid lot thirty-two feet, thence nnrtli ons line pariillel with the east line ofsaid lot sixty-two and ono half feet, tbence west thirtytwo feet to the place of beffinniiiL' ; also beinjt five roda off Boutheasterly end of villape lot mimbfi seven in block nuniber three in the füUge of Ha, ohester; also part of lot nuniber seven in block number three of the village of Manchester beginm.iE: sixty-two and one-half ieet south of the northwest corner of said lot, runnin? thence east thirty-two lest, thence south thirty-eight feet thence west tbirty-two feet, thence north tlirtyeii?ht feet to the place of beginning. Said premisea will be sold to satisfy the amount so claimed to be iluc,ivitli the interest accruing after tliis date and an attorney fee of thirty dollars provided for ia nul nkottgage, and the coets and expenses allowed Dated, Aprit 22, JS7:. JOHN CONRAD BINDER, Mortffaeeo. Crajiek, Fhdeaüff cfc Coebis, Attorneys ior Mortgogee. Estáte of IVllIlam A. Jones. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washteuaw, as. Notice !s hercby given tlmt y Bn order oítho Probate Conrt for tlie County o{ s-htciiaw, made on the twenty-eighth day of pril, A. D. 1879, six months from that date were [owed for cmlitors to present tlu-ir claims acainst ilo of William A. Jotics, íate of said cóunty ceaeea, and that al] creditors of saiddccvascd are requiredto present tl., r claima t. s;Ud Trobate Coart, at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, for cxamination and allowance. on or befor thc twenty-eighth day of Ootober next, and tha such clanris will be liearrt before said Court, m Monday, the twenty-efabtl day of J,,ly, and on riesday, the twenty-eiühth dny of October next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days' Dated, Ann Arbor, April 28 'A D 1870 WILLIAM D. ÍIAKRIM A N, 18t4 Judge of Probate. MICBIGAiliLlflllfïCAiEMr Sead for Catalegnc. Ouluakü Lkg, )ica


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