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A man aauied .lolin Parta was killed while falliug k tic oet Dowitgi'-'" n fe 9th. He lea ve a wife and two childreu. Lewis 0. Ott, a respected resident oí Tawa City, is reported to have fallen heir to an estáte in AuBtria, Yalued at $4,000,000. Edward Snyder of Fremont, who was out hnnting Sunday, May 4, and was accidentally Bhot in the arm, died lust Sunday. Mortification Bet la and he refused to have his arm amputated. A barn belonging to C. 0. Warner, of Lodi, wasstrnck hy lightning during a thunder Btorm, Taesday, and barned with its valuable contenta, consisting of agricultural implementa, a quantity of grain, a cow and calf,and 25 sheep. Los, #l,8uO; partially insnred in the Wanhtenaw Mutual. The legislative investigation of the Catholio charges against the blind department of the Institutionat FHut, commenceg at the court house tn that city Wednesday afternoon, Mesers. Newton, HowRtd, O'Brien J. Atkinson appearing as counsel for the Catholic church, and prosecuting attorney Charles Long as counsel in bei 'f of the trustees of the Institu tion. The entiro f ternoon was spent by counsel in sparring upon tho question which side ■ hould take the afflrmative and the Bhape in which the charges should bo preferred. The counsel for the church finally agreed to take the affirniative. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, of Caseville, Hurou county, are about to be divorced, and Mrs. C. will retire from the firm with about (31,000 alimony. The American House at Au Sable was burned Thursday morning; loss about $4,000. The diploma awarded the State University of Michigan, fur exoellency in the method of teaching, by the Paris Expoaition, has arrived. It was the highest testimonial givea for exhibits made, and only fcwo others wero awarded institutiong of learning in thia country, Harvard College and the Naval Acactemy at Annnpolis. Une thonaand acres of wheat are reported winter-kil ed in the township of Conatantine, Bt. Joseph connty, alone. Thursday evenine the roof of the largest of the Cleveland iron mines at Ishpeming feil in with a terrific crash, carrying down the haft house tram-roads and machinery, and a good many hundred ton of rock. Three acres were embraced in the fall, doing ''gre amoant of damage which will take siz to eight ■weeks to repair. Fortunately no live were lost. B. M. Shepard's wheat house and elevator at Shepardsville, Clinton county was burned on the llth, with nearly 4,000 buahela of wheat. Ijoss $5,000; mostly inBured. Nearly all the inland lakes of Oceana county hare been stocked with fish tnis spring. The Hon. J. B. Dickinson, mayor of Mt. Cleinens, died at his residence Friday after noon, after an illness of about one week. The first wool erop of the season wss pnrchased at Imlay City on the 15th by J. O. Lamb & Sons tor 55 cents. The lightning psrformed a onrious 'reak at the Cei-tral School house in Cooper. The appearance of a ball of fire was seen by Mr. Hart' who lives next north of the school house, pass right throngh his house through the open door. It shot through the basement of the chool house in its course southward, break ing several lights of glass in each window. It did almost no damage to the building, raerely splintering the joists a ltttle. Atter passing through the buiding it shot by two lads, knocking them both down. ilotli were partially stunned and sensation was destroyed in a iimb of one, the other being temporarily inj ured in the side and f orearm. The ball broke like a piece of fireworks on the ground near by and disappeared. The 14th annual meeting of the Michigan Btate Medical Society will be held in Detroit, rnmmencing June 11 and contiuuing two days. wm. P. Healy, one of Tilden's att' ineys in the HuitB againet the New York Ircm Mine, hap been convicted in the United Slates District Court at Marquette of purloining the company's account books Rome months a?o while they were being copied before a notary public. The graiut jury has presen ted indictments against Lawrence McCloskey and Michael O'Leary as Healy's accompliccs in the matter The damage in the Cleveland iron mine disaster is estimated at froni tl5,COO to $20,000. J. A. Grier, general freight agent of the Michigan Central, has ABUed a circular to agents and connecting lines, calling attention to the fact that gunpowder, friction matches and other combustible articles will be taken by hift road by special agreement only. Nitrogiycerine and giant-powder, or other articles of a similar nature, will not be received. The Legislative investigation into the Flint Institution affairs ended Friday night in a compromise, the Board of Trustees to restore the expelled Catholic pupils at the beginning of the next term, and "ather Haire hereafter to lay his grievances before the board or Principal and not to encourage insubordinaron amoug the pupila. Willie Prato, aged 15, was drowned at West Bay City, on the 17th, while bathing in the riTer. An explosión at Berry Bros.' varnish factory in Detroit Monday afternoon fatally injured one man and severely scalded four others. Kugene Carpenter, a lawyer residing at Wayland, was brought to Grand Rápida Monday and lodged in jail for contempt of court. Kev. F. 8. Freeman, of Ionia, was robbed on the night of the 17th of his gold watch, $140 n money, and Taluable papers rcpresenting ten thousand dollars. John liayner, ot MaRin. an old settler, and one of the wealthiest men and heaviest land owners in the State, died on the 18th after an illness cf only two dayfl. A large building at Kast baginaw, owned by Hon. W. L. Webber, arid occupied by Mrs. E. A. Smith.was partially dentro} ed by fire on the 18th Loss $1.500 1 insured. lt may be of interest to know that the Wabash directora at a recent meeting ordered a preliroinary Burvey of the proposed extensión f rom Toledo to Detroit; also an entíznate of the proposed eest of construction. The teuth anmial meeting of the State Homeopathie Society met in Detroit Tnesday af ternoon and continued its sesaions through Wedncsday. The annual addrees was delivered by Br. Wm. M. Bailey, of Detroit. John Thurston, one of the men bnrned at the explosión in Berry's varnish factory in Detroit, died of his injuries Tuesday. Chauncey Carman, a farmer, aged abont 56, in Maeon. Cass county, hung himself in his barn on the 13th. He was in comfortable circumBtances,and poor health producing despondency, is Mipposed to have been the cause of his taking bis own life. The village of Stanton has voted to issne $10,000 of village bonds and dónate to Montcalm county to aid in the constrnction of a court house and jail in that place. The barn of Phillip Monher. of Richmond, Osceola county, wbs burued on the 12th, with four hundred bnshels of nheat, three hundred bushels of oats, and Bome hay and farm ïroplements- Loss $1,500. The fire wan caused by cbildren playing a' uut the barn with matches.


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