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Ohio Democracy

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At theOMo Democratie State conventiOD held at Columbus, June 4th, IIon.Thos. Ewing was nominated for Governor, and the following platform was adopted: Resolved, That the Democracy of' Ohio deinand t'roo and fair elections, and to that end denouuce all interference with eleclions by the military power; that the experience of this and other countries has abuudantly proved that the presence of tronps at the pclls is destructive of the freedom of election, and is incompatible with the existence of freo nstitutions; that the laws enacted by Congress, which undor the protense of regulatlng themanner of Congressional electloüs, interfero with Lhe electiou of State yffleera and overtlnow tho laws of the staies governIngthe ohoice of uoh ofnoers, are unoonstituüonal, and lor that reason ought to be repealüd; that ilioy are alno inHLruiiHuitalilles of fiaud, torce and corruption, by whieli tne party in power uses the money of the people to corrupt, and thousands of irresponsible offleers to harass and coerce, the voters, and especially by force and iraud to deprive our uaturalized citizen of the riant to vote; aud lor (hese reasons also said laws ought to bo ioimediately repealed. Resolved. That impartial jurien are essential to the adminstration of josilof, aud thereby to the preser vation of liberty ; that no man can be secure in his person or proporty when thejuries are packed and coutrolled by the government pólice and for partisan purposep; that, ander the Federal jury laws now in oxistence, juries tuay be, and havo been, so paeked and controlled; and that the highest interests of iusticeandfree government reiure ihat theso laws be ohanged so as to Mocure fair, impartial aud independent juries in the Federal oourts." llcxolvcd, That ihe Hepublican minority iu Conjjressi, by rofusing to vote supplies to maintaiu the goverument, unless the inajoiity would agree to use oftroops at the polls, and alsa to the maintenauco of the unoonstitutional, corruptiug, violent and unjust election laws, aforesaid, and the President of the United Stateü, by his unp.-eeedented use of' the veto power in ord?r to perpetúate said laws an.i the use of armod men at the polls, havo shown a spirit of faeüon aud a devotiou to party succosa, instead of' the welfare of the country aud the preservation o i its coustitution aud liberties, that demand the condemnation of the wbole American people. Resolved, That President Hayes, by his frequent interposition of the veto in order to defeat legislation that was plainly constitutioual, tliat in no way inteviered with the mdependenco of any other department of the govornineut, and had receivod the most mature consideration of Congress, ha shown a disregard of the cousiderations and principies tliat induced ihe insertion of the veto power ia the Constitutiou, and a like disregard of the wishes aul welfare of the people. Resolved, That we declare it as the seuse of the Deuiocracy of Ohio that uot a dollar shoulil bo appropriatel by Congress to pay soldier.-i, marshals, deputy niarshais orsuperïisors of eloctions to interiore with or control elections. Resolved, That the efïorts of the Republican party to open and keep alive the war fetling between the north and south are to be coudernned by every lover of nis country. Resolved. That we roaffirm tho liuanal principies lioretoforo advocated by the Bomocraiic party of Ohio ; that the issue of money in any form and the regulatiou thereof belongto the general government alone, andought nol, to be delegat ed or entrusted to individuáis or corporations; that we thorofore oppose the perpetuation of the present nationai banking system as a uieans of control over tho ourrenoy of the country, and demand the gradual Bubstitntlon of treasury notes for nationai bank curroncy, to be made receivable lor all dues, and a legal tender equally with coin, such govermnent issues to be regulated upon principies cstablished by legislativo or organic law, s as to secure tho greatost possible stability of value. Resolved, That alter changing the valuation of all property from the scale of paper rnouey, by which the heavy barden ol debts now resting upon the people were created, to tho former level of gold and silver, the change then made In the metallic Standard itself by the demonitization of silver was a itioustrous fraud upon the people, unningly devised m the intorest of the holders ofbonds, that should be condemued as a violatiou ot every principie oí honest dealing, and a covort luisault upon tl lundameuíal rights of proporty ; and wetherefore demand the full restoration of sllver to its original place as a metal the same as gold. Resolved, That the rapid inerease of the interest-bearing debt of the government under the present administraUon ought to excite the serious apprehon.sion of the people. We domand Ihat the íurther iucrease in the bonáed debt Ín time of peace be stopped, and H be put iu process of extinotion. Resolved, That the attack made upon the State Legislature in the Kepnblican platform is wholly undeserved. and that the Legislature in its arduous work of codifyiug the laws of the State, and in the reduction of tees and salaries of county oftioers, and the passage of a law to protect the ballot and prevent bribery at elections, deserves the commendation of the people of the State. Resolved, That it is the duty of our governmentlo maintain, to itslullest extent, the doctrino that a man rnay, in good faith, chance bis habitation and become a cilizen of any other country. We shou ld protect, in overy part of the world, all our naturalizod citizens as we would our nativo bern, and should resist all iraproper claims upon them by governnieuts to which they no longor oye allegiance. We demand tht existing treaties with all foreign governmeiit.s b rigidly enforced, and that early steps be taken to obtain trom the Germán empire tWe fullest recognition of tho right of ixpatriation, and of ihe rights of ournaluralized citizens, rotuniing or having property there, bv a modifloation oí the ireaties existing between us.


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