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Mooreville, June 9. - Walter Culver's wifo presented him with a fino boy last week. - Mrs. Liddy Conde ia recovering from a very severeattack of hemorrhage of the lungs. -Mrs. Fred Ktoddard assaulted her sister Mrs. D. D. Stoddard, choked and beat her, nnd sho (Mrs. D. D.) lies dangerously ill in consequence. - The Universalist Society held a social and bowery dance at E. Vescelius' farm, Friday of last week, proceeds of which were one hundred and twentytwo dollars, tbirty-three cents, which wont to pay for the new ohurch. Student. Mooreville, June 10. - Samuel Hartwell and wife, a son. - Baptist concert next Sabbath evening. -Methodist social at the residence of O. Case June 13. - Baptist social at the residence of Lyman Warner June 18. - The prospect for a largo supply of peaches, cherries, raspberries, &o., is good in this vicinity. - Will H. Orr who had the misfortune to have a leg broken about two iDontbs ago is still confined to his bed. His prospect for a speedy recovery is not very flattering. - Mr. Lowe of Nora Station, has moved his stock of goods to this place, which will be a two-fold benefit here, first by raising a littlo competition among the merchants of which there are now tbree; second, by removing the last saloon, and establishing a more respectable business in its stead. - The social held at tho residence of Ralph Vescelius, June G, for the benefit of the Universalist Society here was a completo success financially, and outnumbered anything of the kind ever held here, unless we oxcept the one held on tho same grounds last year. It is estimated that about 1,000 persons were present; net receipts $130. The amusernents were base ball plavinir, glass ball ahcvting, bowcry dancing, &o. The Eaisin band was present, also other music of minor impĆ³rtanos. A bountiful rspast composed of all the nicoties usually found on Buch occasions, was spread on tables in the grove. The breaking of one carriage was the only accident reported and that caused by a drunken driver. Very good order prevailed considering the large number prestmt. - Potato bugs are not os plenty here as usual, but currant worms and entworms are doing a lively business in their line.


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Michigan Argus