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- Wool at Lansing : 32a35 cents. - Adrián driving park races July 2, 3,4. - Our pluraagea bird, yclepttheeagle will scream in Coldwater. - Colored peoplo of Albion excurse to Ann Arbor next Thursday. - Three couples were unhitched at laat week's circuit in Jackson. - Tbo total insurance on the property burned at Jackson on the llth was $63,552. - Phehe Havons, 18 years of age, mysteriously disappearpd from Battle Creek. - The M. C. railroad company is digging a wel! at North Lansiug 37 feet in circumference. - N. Moulton of the Jackson shoe factory has assigned. Liabüities and asspts about $9,000. - Hon. Chas. S. May of Detroit will teil the East Tecumsehians how our forefat.hers suffered, &c. - Monroe county settles with the inguranoe men for $12,932.50, and will build a new Court House for about $14,000. - A story is going the rounds that Lenawee county farmers are re-planting their corn, "with overcoats and mitteus on." - Senator Chandlor declined to accept an invitation to orate at Blissfield. He will take bia leinonade in the shade and quiet. - Elon Marsh, of Battle Oreek, has invented a water velooipede that skims along the top of Goguao lake lika a swallow. - Lowell will give a site on the bluff near that village for the proposed state school for girls ; also a yearly supply of chewing gum. -The old, old, story. Miss Sarah A. Townley of Summit, Jaekson county, hastoncd a iire with kerosene. Funeral next day. Age 23. - James Seger used his molars so sucoessfully on the person of Harvey Griffin, in a drunken fight at Adrián, that he has ono ear less. -The theft of $300 from a Palmyra farmer occurred while the family were attending the circus. The moral is obvious. We shall never go to a circus. - A correspondent of the Morenci Observcr describes a brilhant rainbow There is a big field for a'n active temperance organization in Morenci. -While Mrs. Chase, of Battle Creek was cleaning house her little girl got a box of arsenical pills and ate thern.- The result carne near being fatal. - Justice Barber of Lapeer, fined a man trom th country $10 the other day for hitching his team to a shado tree in tbat village. Served him right. - Wra. Fleming, a well known lumberman near Port Hurón, was seriously gored about tho abdomen having two ribs broken, by a bul], on Sunday last. -The Umtarian church, Jackson, of which Rev. Ira C. Billman is pastor, are to build a new ohuroh edifico, and the work will bo begun about the first of July. - At the great Loudon airean in Ion8, Thursday, oue of tho doublo soirmersault performers was injured so that hj died the next day. He elippetl and struck on tho back of his head and neck. - Eegretfulíy we were obliged to decline an invitation to appear at ürohard Lake yesterday and olasp hands with our cid friond Gen. Sherman, and attract a portion of the gaze of the thousands present. - Don Henderson's " wioked pard'Meliberatoly and with malice ftforothought says tho architect who daily erects tais state new8 column is rod-headed. Detroit News. And very much mistaken is the Argus ií'ho isn't cross-eyed. - Wm. K. Pickett of Henrietta, has kind neighbors. He was burned oat last week, and they tarned out on Monday, cleared away the dobris, dug hia cellar, and sent nine teams to towu for lumber for a new house. ica next inonth, in company with Prof Steere, of Arm Arbor, to make collections along the Auiazon fortho museum of the Battle Creek High School I mg. His expenses will be paid by E. O. Nichols, a wealthy gentleman of that city, with the understanding that the entire collection which is seoured shall be given to the museum.


Old News
Michigan Argus