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- -High school exeroises begin at 10 1. M., this day. - Bach and Abel receive new goods everyday in the year, Sundaysexcepted. - Jfity the poor. From a law office in this city there went forth on Monday two bundrnd letters. - Strawberries are very plenty this season and sell from first hands at flvo dnd six cents per quart. -The Barrett Dramatic Club have ndopted the play of "Dollars and Cents " to be brought out in the fall. ? - Pomological society meet at the Court house on Saturday afternoon whon the efrawbprry will be duly considered. - For :j:JS Messrs. Graff and Horn nave seoured a contract for building two cisterns on Tiorth and West Second Btreeta. - Arehis Dunn purchascd at auction, Monday, for $2,011, the Roswell Hoore j place, on corner of Main and Packard st reets. -The Senior class of the High School pent Wednesday at Whitmore lake where the class exercises were carrried out r heretofore given. - The anniversary of the juvenile "Temperance Society was held at the Opera House on Sunday and was a very Bucceesful affair. -"The class social given by Mr. John N. Gott for his grandson, Eddie Pitkin, on Fri.Uy evening last was iu every respect H. success. - If velocipede riders indulge in the amusement afterSunday next, they will do so at peril of prosecution of city attorney Sessions. - Edward Herman was arrested for trespassing on Frederick Wurster's fruit I tjees, in second ward, and arraigned before Justice Frueauff on Tuesday evening and adjournment ordered for two weeks. This is the first of a series of MNtta expected for frait stealing. -Beginning with Friday evening last a social will be held once in two weeks at the Opera House basement.- The entertainment will consistof recitations, bailada &c. The first known as Schumacher'8 social comprised comic songs, recitations, music, quartettes, &o. The next will be known as Jones's social. -The entertainment given at Mr. Jas. B. Gott's by the Little Bailder's Society - of St. Andrew's Church, for the benefit, ( of the chapol fund, last Tuesday evening is pronounced a success fiiiancially as well as socially. The grounds wero prettily lightecl with Japanese lanterns and a Urge reflector. Kefreshments being sold as well as fanoy articles. Net reoeipts -$50. - About a dozen Vioe Presidenta of the Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County met in the city on Saturday to select a room for deposit of records and relies. It was ascertained per resolution of the Board of Supervisors that a particular juuui uaa oeen desígnate'!, and tbat was accepted as Hobson's ehoice. Baid room is the southwest corner on third floor, above supervisors' room. - G. W. Sharplnss w:is a formor agent of the M. C. R. R. in tb is city. He is now agen tof Atchison, Topekaand Santé Fe R. E., involvuil in a contest with tbe Denver and Uio Grand R. R. Of date Colorado Springs, June 9, he telegraphs Got. Pitkin of Col., thus: "Danvar and Eio Grande have taken possessiou ufeur i property with an srnied foroe. Please order out corapanv. G. W. Sharpless. - The High Schooi alumni association will hold its annual meeting at Union School Hall thh eveninrr, br-tjirining at 8 o'clock ; doors open at 7:30. Au address will be givan by Prof. J. B. 8tere, olasa of '64, and an essay read by Miss Clara L. Conover. o.Ih nf '79. ii.,.,i; í - '- v v m. I Bi j 4111 III'. H(ately after whicb. there will be a business meeting. After the formal exercises there will be Alumni Social and re freshments. A cordial invitation to the exeroises is extended. -Prof. W. H. Meek, who has beén in this city during the past two month8 left yesterday for London, Ontario. - The Prof. is universally r.cknowledged here, to be a first class elooutiouist and the best impersonator and dialect reader we have ever he.ird and in the eetiujation of those who have taken lessons ot him he is not less oompatent as a teaoher of the art. His system of voice oul ture is admirably adapted to develop that compass quality, and control of voiee so essential to every public speaker. - After a lengthy illness one of the pioneers of this city, Abrain Hawkins, died on Monday night. Decoased, born in Orango, Orango Co., N Y., Feb. 14, 1814, with his parents removed to Itbuca, N. Y., where they lived until 1834. In Juna of that year Mr. Hawkius arrived in Ann Arbor. Three days after his death, the 45th anniversary of his ar' ■' would have leaves a 1 ster, Mrs. 'ices held r.iay at hin - Deputy Sheriff ilProcecut- i-drian arrived in ihe city on Friday in search of theremainaof Mrs. Joseph Smith, buried in Adrián May 5. The body wm found to be removed frora the grave, and efforts resulted in tracing it to this city, Where it was identified by peeuliurities bout the teeth and a partially amput ited finger. In search of the body of Mrs. Smith, another, that of Mrs. John Townsend, who died at her residence near Toledo, was discovered. The autborities gave the officials assistance in faoovering both bodies, which were removed to Adrián. - Our citizens will remember the excursión to Coluuibus to-morrow, thofare being reduced to the low figure of f3.- The train leaves here at 5 A. M. on the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad, arriving atColumbusat 11:30 A. II. Over 5 hours will be spent in the city, the train returning at 5 p. ie., and arriving here at 12 o'clock midnight. Arrangeaients We been perfected so that the excurlonists may visit the State House, Deaf &nd Dumb Asylum, Institute for the Blind, the new State Prison, the largest m the world, and other public buildings. The people of Ann Arbor may never We another chance of taking so desirve a trip, at ao low a prioo and should avail themselves of the present -Messrs. Bach & Abel pnrohased one day last week 4,000 lbs. wool. - City Fathers are consicierins; (be propriety of purchasing a safe for Eeoorder Clark. -Tickets fof round trip to Toledo iinder auppiees of the Maenerchor club on Sunday next, $1. -Daniel Fletcher, a member of Hook and Ladder conjpany fell from a ladder one day last week, breaking his right I arm near the elbow joint. - Directorsof Leavenworta GasLight Corapany met in tho office of Judge of Probate on Satnrday and orpanized by the election of E. C. Seaman, President, Chas. H. Richrannd, Secretary. - An ïncipient fire was discorerod in ! Mts. Walker'8 boarding house on Miller Avenue on Tuesday afternoon, believed to be at tho hands of au inccndiary, who, rnisinga window thrust in a bundie of straw, and eet it on fire. About $5 damsge was done before extinguishment. - Aftcr a illness dating from Febnary last, Alfred Eberbnch fifth son of Christian F. Eberbach diod yesterdsy morning, of Bright's disease of the kidneys, aged 19 years and 9 months. He has been galesman in the hardware store ! corner of Main and Washington streets, the past few years. Deceased was universally respeeted by those who fcnew him. Funeral sarvïces at the residenoo of his parents to-morrow afternoon. '


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