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Gov. Croswell has appointed the following Michman delégate to attend Ihe con ventura in Ne York in the 18th inst. to aid in orgauizini; the World's Fair, proposed for 1S80, in üiat citv : J. V. Hayes, Detroit; W. O. Hughart. Grand ïtapids; H. C. Potter, East Sagmaw; R. K. Trowbridge, Birmingham. J. Clark Barrows, of Stephen, Lapeer county, 'died Wednesday morning from the eftectB of morphine, taken probably with intent to commit suicide. He was aged 62 years. Wednesday morning fi broke out in the engine room of U. S. Wood's planing mili, on Clinton street, Jackson, and soon the planing mili and surrounding piles of lumber, the Sinith middling purifier manufactory, J. Ij. Needen's box factory, ü. Doig & Son's, builders and contractors, shops, several cars on the M. C. lí. B. track, and the Jackson City flouring milla of Bennett, Knickerbocker ife Co., the largest flouring mili in the State, were a mass of ruins, with several surrounding buildings more or less deamaged ïhe losses aggregate about $212,000 on which there was an insurance of about $80,000. About 10,000 people attended the race satJackson on Thursday. Protein won the free-forall in 2.33} {, 2.26,'i,and 2.31?i In the 2.30 race three heats were trotted. Big Soap got one. Brigadier two, and the fourth declared no heat, and the race postponed until Friday. Jiarus's best time was 2.21JÜ Bmith's extensive saw-miü at Duncan City, the largest anywhere in that región, was entirely dcstroyed by the fire ïuesday night. The lois is estimated at from $75,01 0 to 000. Nearly 100 men are thrown out ot empluy inent. The annual reunión of the old Fourth Michigan Inf aatry takes place at Monroe on the ÜOth. A number of improvements are to be made at the State Insütution tor the Deaf, Dumb and Blind at Flint during thiR tammer, among which is the building of a grand pórtico over the front entrancc, the erection of a large gram barn, additiona to the shops, etc. Shiawussee ooanty, on the 7th, the dweiling of Wirkwood Beelby being deatroyed by fire, and a babe of nine months perished in the ñames. Wm. ü. Axford of Flint, who started for Benton, Tennessee, several days ago to investígate the sudden death and supposed muraer of hia brother, Major T. W. Axford, who formerly resided near Pontiac, reports that his brother was unquestionably poisoned. The remains of the deceased have been disinterred for analysis. Detectives are working up the matter and think they are on the track of the guilty parties. Prosecuting Attorney Underwood and Deputy Sheriff Miller went to Ann Arborin search of the remains of Mrs. Joseph Stnith, taken f rom Oakwood Cemetery at Adrián on 1he night of May 5. The body was given over by the authorities of the medical college, taken back and reinterred. A young married man named Stephens, employed as night watch in Clark's lumber milis on the Detroit and Bay City Koad, became jealous of a man named John House, a laborer residing near by, whom he suspected was on too intímate terms rfith his (Stephens's) wife. About 11 o'clock Friday night Staphens saw a light at his residence, unusual at that hour, and went to see the cause of it, and discovered House there talking with his wife and perBuading her to elope with him on the night train. It appears the woman was resisting his entreaties, when the enraged husband, feeling his honor had been compromised, went back to the mili, a few rods distant, got hia revolver, and entering, emptied flve chambers of the deadly weapon into the body of the man he conceived had wronged him. He then retired and wrote out a statement of affairs, after which he shot his wife, and, some little time af ter, shot himself dead. The total loss in the fire which burned Thompson & Smith's sawmill at Duncan City is placed at $75,000 for the mili and $25,000 tor the lumber, which was mostly dry. No insurance. It is understood that the right of way for the Saginaw and Mt. Pleasant railroad is nearly all secured, the money for the constrnction of the road raised, and that the Work of building it will commence in a few days. Levi A. H. Buel, an old man, and one of the oldest resideuts of Band Beach, committed suicide by hanging himself in the woods Saturday night. líe was found Sunday. Lightning struck the house of L. Simmons at South Haven, Saturday night, taking three different directions froin the roof, tearing the building out side and in, passing within less than a foot of the heads of two girls but stunning neither. Tliey were sleepinff on feathers. There are now nearly 600 patients in the Kalamazoo asylum; the number has been increasing quite rapidly of late. The third annual State central teachers' institute will be held at Lansing, July 8-11, under the cïircction of the superintendent of public instruction. A new township is to be formed in Roscommon county, to be called Lake Township, embracing Higgins Lake, and is to be composed of two townships of land, according to rumor. A new court house is in process of tion at RoRcommon, costing, when completed $1,500, which will be a credit to the town and eounty. Governor Croswell announces hia intention to appoint Cyrus G. Luce of Gilead, Branch connty, as state oil inspector under the new law which goes into effect July 1. A season of four days1 races Vegan at East Saginaw, Tuesday. In the 2.50 race for a purse of $800 there were seven starters Ifc was won by McCurdy's Hambletonian in three straight heats. Time- 2.31, 2.30, 2.30. In the first heat in the 2.27 class, Lady Alice dropped dead after she had passed the wire. She was owned by Jere Dunn of Chicago. She ■ burst a bluod vessel. Value, $2,000. James Welch, a wealthy farmer of Lenawee county, went to Hudson Sunday with a hired man, Frank Palmer. Hudson claims to have had $1,500, in his possession. At Hudson they drank some and started for home each reinforced with a bottle of whisky. Monday Welch woke up in a grove eight miles from Hudson, found his horse and buggy hitched to a tree, but his comrade and money gone. One hundred KansaB editors, with 30 ladiea. arrived at Mackinac Tuesday morning on their annual excursión. Wm. J. French, a much esteemed farmer living five miles north of Romeo, hurig himself Tuesday morning. He has been insane for ome time, but has never mamfested any Buicidal intentions. Detroit m Brief. Charles unmarried man 26 years old, was instantly killed Wednesday morning in the Michigan Central yards, being run over by a freight car. He was attempting to couple the cara and feil upon the track. George Buchan, a Scotchman about 50 years of age and well known in the city, walked off the doek at the foot of Woodward avenue Tuesday night. and atruck his head againBt a DÍle with such forcé as to cause instant death. panied jatoxicated at the time and was accommarket changed hands Thursaay ai me uoou ses8ion of the board. The transaction connisted of 100,000 bushels of wheat for June delivery, Messrs. Johnson, Shaw & Co. being the sellers and Messre. John H. Wendell &Co. the buyers; the pnce paid f 1 10 1-8. The firat boat race of the season took place Thursday between the Excelsiors, the Detroitera and the Centenials for the champion cup of the Detroit River. The course was one mile up streain and return, staiting opposite the lower end of Wight's doek. The Excelsior won in 14.37, followed closcly by the Detroits. A large number ot people assembled at the Hamtramck Park Thursday afternoon to witnoas three well contested races. The trotting race between Seth T. Bañe and Bill McLaughlin, two mile heats, was a very exciting affair, and six heats were trotted, Bane winning the last three . Judge Brown Thursday discharged the United States Court jury until September 16. The State Medical Society reached an adjournment Thursday after a rather troubled meeting. The next meeting is to be held in Grand rapids on the second Weduesday of next May. The destruction of the old Industrial School building on Grand Kiver avenue was begun Thursday. The ei ntract for building the new one has been let to Allen F. Holmes for the mason work and Warren G. Vinton for the carpenter work. The new building 'is to be ready for occupaucy in September. Representative Cotterell, of Greenfield, has been made the recipiënt of a beauttf ul gold watch and chain by his constituents in token of their appreciation of his service in the Legislature. Mrs. Cotterell also received some elegant presents on the same occasion. Prof. Alvah BradiFh, the artist, is engaged in printing a portrait of the venerable John D. Pierce of Ypslanti, the first State superintendent of public instruction. Mr. l'ierce is now 83 years old. The committee of the Common Council which went to examino the electric light in Clevrland, have returned and will recommend the adoption cf the light by Detroit. A stranger about 40 years of ago shot hlmselt through the heart witli a revolver in the Grand Circus Park Saturday morning. Dr. Harria has notifind the diocesan committee that he will accept the office of Biihop to which the Diocese of Michigan has elected him. Jamea F. Joy returned from New York Monday and givea very encouraging reports concerniTig the WabaBh extensión. The indications ura that the road will certainly come here, entering the city by the Detroit, Grand Haven and MilwauSec track from the Junction, and using this company's depot accommodations, and that the right of connection will be open to tha Great Western as well as the Grand Trnnk. Paul 15oyton, the famous swimmer, floated down the Detroit river f rom Belle Isle to Amhersburg on Saturday, making the entire distance in nine hours. Monday and Tuesday ho gives novel exhibitions of nis skill in a small lake in Recreation Park. George V. Smythe, a former employé of the Grand Trunk, waB found dead in bed at the American House on Sunday, the effects of an overdose of niorphine. The State Sabbath School Asiociation began ita annual session in Detroit Tuesday evening. The Cojimon Council has resolved to pur chase Belle Isle by a Tote oE 18 to 7. The resolution will undoubtedly receive the approval of Mayor Langdon, and will next be connidered by the Board of Estimates at a special session to be held for that purpose on the evening of tho 80th inst. MISCELLANEOUS. The cyclone in Butler county, Ks., Monday last, wan very severe. Mrs. Hawkins and her two children were blown a quartcr of a mile and killed. Quite a number of persons were injured, some of them serioasly. Thirty-seven farm houses were blown down and completely wrecked. Others were moved from their foundations and twisted out of shape. There was a general destruction of outhouses in the cour&e of the storm, and corn was badly hurt, hut will grow again. Wheat is also badly injured. A hail storm in Areola, Wis., Wednesday night, stripped the foliage fnom the trees, did some damage to crops and broke the glass in Windows, It was most serious in Wright county. The houses of Frank Irwin, itfr. Hoss. Charles Valley, Mr, Wiggins and James Bhannon were blown down and others unroofed and otherwise damaged. A heavy shock of earthquake, lasting about 10 seconds, occurred at Montreal and St. Johns Mrs. Jane L. D. J. Huil, aged 58, wife of Dr Alonzo J. Huil, was found dead in bed at No. 1-iO West Forty-second street, New York, Wednesday morning. Her hands and feet were tied. She was blindfolded and a gag was in her mouth. A trunk at the side of her bed was opened and rifled of its contents. A fire Wednesday tarted by a Btroke of lightning, destroyed all the buildings on about 25 acres of ground on the banks of the Schuylkill just south of Philadelphia. The total loss was nearly $1,000,000. A large amount of shipping was burned at the same time. Work in the sub-drain of the S utro Tunnel is being rapidly pushed ahead. Although three-f ourths of the work is already completed 500 minera and carpenters are still employed. The waters from the flooded mines will be discharged into the tunnel on contract time, that is to say, on the 29th inst. This time is being looked forward to by the whole mining population, for it will work a new era cf prosperity for the mines of the Comstock lode. Since the water flooded the Savage and adjacent mines four years ago, the lower works have remained submerged, and it was then generally believed that the top of the new Bonanza had been struck. The explosión of fire damp in the mine at Coaldale, near Mauch Chunk, Pa., killed two men and injured several. The uaveiling of the bust of Wm. Gilmore Simms, poet and novelist, took place at White Point Garden, Charleston, S. C, Wednesday. Thfi Ohio Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in convention in Toledo, met at the First Congregational Churh. The usual business was transacted and addresses delivered. Dispatches from Ohio and Indiana, also Kentucky, Btate that a destructive storm of wind and rain passed over the región from north to south reaching points in Kentuckj , Wednesday night, doing considerable damage to crops. fences, etc. Lightning struck several dwellings at Salem, Ind. Daniel Mitchell of that place was killed by a stroke while standing nnder a tree. The railroad depot at Christianshurg, Ky., was completely demolished. Friday night as a hose cart was about to cross State street bridge from the north side, Chicago, running to a fire, it was diseovered, too late to stop, that the draws were open, and the cart took a sudden plunge into the river, a distance of about eighteen feet. The driver escaped after striking the mud at the bottom of the river, but John Coyle, a new man, who just went on Friday, was drowned. Geo. R. Reynolds, bigamist, was sentenced at Salt Lake Saturday to two years' Imprisonmont and $500 fine. He is the tirst Mormon convicted of polygamy since tne passage or the act in 1862, and every eftort was made to prevent conviction. It is expected that he will serve in the Detroit House of Coirection. Two brick masons, Walter Kendall and Harden Brown, were killed by the caving in of a new sewer building on líast Main street, Torre Haute, Ind., Saturday. Two other men, Patrick Fitzgerald and John Barse, were injured, the latter having a broken leg. About 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon nearly 150 persons were taking shelter in a low lumber shed at Boswell, Ind., from a severe thunder storm, when a thunderbolt struck the shed, eparating and passing down each side of it, killing instantly two men, Mike Wagman and Lew Shermes, and fataüy injuring John James and John Lane, while Lorenzo Stover, J. W Green, Samuel Gay and another man, name not learned, were seriously injured. The crowd was called together for a shooting tournament at that place. At Buffalo Gap, Dakota, Thursday night, by a sudden rise and overflow o E Bcaver Creek, caused by a water spout, 11 persons were drowned. Theiï names were Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Rhodes, Oliver Rhodes, Frank Reed, Clyde Rhodes, Clifton Rhodes, Mand Rhodes, (the latter three children), all emi granis on their way to the hills from Mills connty, Ia., and four men going from the hills to the railroad, names unknown. Two were team owners, one passenger and one night herder. Five minutes from the first alarm the whole country was flooded, and the water subsided as suddenly as it rose. The Congressional labor committee has agrecd to visit San Francisco and the leading western cities after the adjournment, for the purpose of taking further tcstimony. A dispatch from Deadwood on Monday says six bodies had thus far been recovered at Buffalo Gap,the scène of the terri1 Ie waterspout. They are those of Davis, the freighter going south, three men (names unknown) accompanying him, Oliver Rhodes, and Frank Reed. The bodie of Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Rhodes and her three children are still missing. Montgomery,Brothers and Clark's outlits were loaded with 40,000 pounds, generally merchandisc, havin only 40 shoes and 40 dies for the Homestake Company. The entire freight outfit is a total wreek. The water rose rapidly. No chance was offered for escape. Nothing was known of the disaster at Buffalo Gap station, ono mile distant, until 8 o'clock the following morning, too late to render any assistance to the helpless people. Beaver Creek has now gone down, and men are at work clearing away the debris with the hopes of saving son'e of the freight, but it is scattered for miles, and progress is slow. No way of getting any BubMrt - froiu the scène except by freighters coming in. murdered Miss Truuuiiii, on-Btf-BStf-tiat., near Weliford, S. C, was hanged by a mob of 150 armed men who rode into Spantansburg. The jailer had removel Moore, but the mob diseovered his wherebouts. The anniversary of Bunker Hill was observed at Boston, on Tuesday, by a general suspension of business, closing the banks. poetomce and custom house, and a procession in the city and Charlestown. There was a prof use display of bunting on public and private buildings. PERSONAL. The Prince of Orange, heir apparent to the throne of the Nfctherlands, died at Paris at 11 o'clock Weauesday morning. Gov. Falbot, of Massachusetts, is headcd for a ten days' visit to Michigan. The golden wedding of the Emperor William was celebrated at Berlin Wednesday with imposing ceremonies. The Rev. Dr. Storer, fcrmerly of Boston, has been baptized a Roman Cathohc. The Provincial Correspondence states that more than 600 pardons have already been granted by the lCmperor William in the celebration of his golden wedding, principally to persons imprisoned for offenses against himself. It is believed that 200 more will be granted almost immediately. Signor Canzio, son-in-law to Gen. Garibaldi, has been sentenced tooneyear's imprisonment for resisting the palice in March last. The latent from Egypt is to the effect that the Khedive is anxious to resign. The'wreetling match at ütica, N. ï., Friday night, between Prof. Miller, of Baltimore, and Col. J. H. McLaughlin, of Detroit, for $1,000, was won by Miller. The will of William Lloyd Garrison gives $ 300 each to his grandchildren, and bequeaths the remainder of his property to his five children, to be equally divided. Mrs. Matthew C. Perry.widow of Commodore Perry, of Japan treaty famo, and mother of Mrs. August Belmont, died Saturday afternoon at her daughter's residence at Newport, li. 1. John B. Gough has ended his lecture tour in Great Britain and is about to return home. He has given 115 lectures there. The report that John G. Saxe, the poet, is hopelessly ill is said to be untrue by his friends. He is suffering from nervous prostration induced by a railroad accident three years ago, and there is a prospect of his ultimate recovery. A disp&tch dated Hong Kon?. May 21 says: Gen. tirant and party bricfly visited Swataw, May 13, Amoy May 14, and ï'oo Chow May 15. The demonstrations were unimportant owing to the short stay. They orrived at Shanghai on the United States ship Ashuelot, May 17th. From present indications Gen. Grant is expected to arrive at Nagasaki in the first or second week in July, and will be received there by a deputation of high Japanese officials, including Yoshida, late Minister at Washington. A Japanese ironclad will be placed at the disposal of the party. Prof. Johaun Karl Frederich Rosenkranz, the erainent philosopher is dead. CONGRESS. Jnne 11.- In the Senate Mr. Beek (Dem., Kj.), from tho committee on appropriations, reported back with several ameudments the House legislativo and executive appropriation bill, and said that he would endeavor to have it taken up for action to-morrow. Ordered printed and placed on the calendar. In the House Mr. Stephene(Dem., Ga.), from the coinago committee, rcpoited a bill lor the adoption of the metrie system of weights, measnres and coinage. Printed and recominitted. The House then proceeded to the consideration of the army Mr. Clymer (Dein., Pa.), the member of the committee ou appropriations who has charge ot the bill, made a brief txplanation of lt. The amendments adopted in committee of the whole were agreed to, and the bill passed, yeas 172, nays 31. June 12.- In the Senate Mr. Beek (Dem., Ky.) offered an amendment in the nature of a substitnte for the legislativo, executivo and judicial appropriation bill. The substitute does not change the amount appropriated. but is intended to improve the form of the bill. Ordered printed and referred to the committee on appropriatic.ns. A resolution offered by Mr. Bayard was adopted ordering printod for nao of the committee on military affairs the papers and proceedings in the original Fitl John Porter case. The Mississippi improvement bill was taken up, but without acting thereon the Senate went into exeentive session. and whon the doors were opened adjourned. In the House Mr. Murch (Nat.,Me.) trom the committee on public buildings, reported a resolution for the investigation of the mode of construction, etc, of all public buildings of the government, with power to sit duriug the reoess at Washington and other cities. Under a point of order, made by Mr. Garfield (Rep , O.), the resolution was referred to the committee of the whole. June 13. - The Senate proceeded to consider the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill. Mr. Beek explained the bill. Mr. Blaine obtained an assurance from Mr. Beek that the bill contained nothinjr affecting disputed political questions, saying that he could not tind out himself what it did or did not contain. Tho bill was read a third time and passed. In the House Mr. Morton (Rep., N. Y.), from the committee on foreign affairs, reported, by unanimous consent, a bill to allow any telegraph company to land ocean cables on the coast of the United States. This ia the bill reported by Fernando Wood in the last Congress and intended to cut off all class legislation The bill is subject however, to the terms of such grants as have been heretofore made by Congress for maintaming telegraph cables. The bill passed Mr. Yonng (Dem., Tenn.) from the committee en public buildings and grounds, reported a joint resolution for the completion of' the foundation of the Washington monument. Passed. June 14.- In the Senate Mr. Chandle r (Rep. Mich.). from the committee on commerce, re-, ported favorable upon the House bill authorizing the Secretary of War to use certain moneys appropriated by the act of March 3, 1879, "for protection of high sand banks on Chippewa River," in the completion and protection of improvements in and near the mouth of said river. Passed. The Senate went into committee of the whole on the jupplemental judicial Appropr ation bill. and the debate on the jury clauso was renewrd. The substance of the Democratie argument was, that while the present law provides that jurors in United States courts are to be chosen, as far as practicable, in tho same manner afi in the highest courts of the states, Federal judgestake advantage of :he exception "as far as practicable" to make rules of court on the Bubjeot to suit their views, and Judge Bond was especialiy spoken of as one who invariably chose Republican ury commissioners under bis rule of court. The other side argued that any abuse of discretion vested in them exposed judgesto impeachment. In tne üoupc a j,i... 1_ ;-- , -„„,.4-oh From the committee on commerce. was passed, authorizing the Secretary of War to convene a board of officers of the engineer corps of the army to inquire whether for railroad purposes, the Detroit river can be bridged or tunneled at or near Detroit. June 16,- In the Senate the supplemental judicial appropriation bill was taken up. After f urther debate the bill was reported back to the Senate, and the amendments made in committee of the whole agreed to. Mr. Hill moved, as per previous notice, to strike out of the third section the words "in a district in which such is now the practice." Mr. Hill's amendment was adopted. The bill was read the third time and passed; yeas 27, nays 15, a strict party vote. In the House, Mr. Springer (Dem., 111 ) from the committee on elcctions, moved to suspend the rules and pass the following bill to prohibit military interference at elections: Whereas, The presence of troops at poll is contrary to the spirit of our institutions aud the traditions of our people, and tends to destrsy the freedom of elections: Therefore be it enacted, That it shall not be lawf ui to bring or employ, at any place where a general or special election is being held in a state, any part of the army or navy of the United States as a pólice forcé to keep the peace at the polls. The motion was lost, yeas 108, nays 82, not the necessary two-thirds in the affirmative. It was a strict party vote, all the Demoorats voting aje and the Republicans no. The total number of bilis thus far introduced the present session is 2,335. June 17.- In the Senate, Mr. Chandler (Rep., Mich.) from the committee on commerce reported favorably on the House joint resolution directing the Secretary of War to appoint a board of engineerB to consider the feasibility of erecting a bridge or piercing a tunnel under the Detroit river. The army appropriation bill was then taken up, and Mr. Withers (Dem., Va.) explained its provisions. The committee's amendment, to strike out the section providmg that graduates of the Military Academy in 1879 and 1880 may elect to receive $750, in which case they shall be meligible ton appointment in the army for two years was agreed to. After considerable debate but without reaching a vote on the bill, the Senate adjourned. In the House Mr. Atkins (Dem., Tenn.) reported back the legislative appropriation bill, and the Senate amendments thereto, with a report recommending concurrence in ome and non-concurrence in others. The report was agreed to. Mr Conger (Rep., Mich.) opposed the bill as an infamous polmual proposition. It was liticaT'pt.írlamous attack ever made on a poconclusion, the hope, sarcasticaUy,tnTit heJnáa said nothing in the least offensive to the other side. [Laughter ] Mr. Acklen - Everything that you say is generally offensive. The discussion was closed by a demand for the regular order óf business, and the bill went over till the morning hour tp-morrow. POLITICAL. The Republican State convention of Iowa met at Des Moines Wednesday. Gov. Gear and Lieut. Gov. Campbell were renominated by acclarnation. Mr. Beek was nominated for Supreme Judge and Van Coellen for Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the New Hiimpshire Legislature the Democratie caucus nominated Harry Bingham for United Btates Senator, and the Republican caucus has nominated Henry W. Blair. The State committee of the Greenback party of New York met at Syracuse Friday. All difference between factions wero harmonized and the State convention will meet at Utica August 26. The Louisiana constitutional convention after a spirited debate, refused to adopt the substituto to the ordinance on public education which would authorize aid from the school fund to sectional schools. At the Iowa fifth district congressional oonvention held at Cedar Rapids Friday, Major Thompson was nominated on the eighty-fourth ballot to fill the vacancy in Congress made by the aecease of Representative Clark. The Workingmen's Municipal Nomination Convention met in San Francisco, Tuesday. A regular committee was appointed and Kearney chosen president. The platform adopted pledges the party to secure a reduction of 40 per cent. on city taxes ; provides that Chinatown shall be obliterated and the Chinese f orced to live out of the city ; that the income of the water company shall not exceed $500,000 per annum, and that all nominees shall pledge themselve8 to accept a reduction of between 40 and 50 per cent. of their existing salaries, and to pay the difference over to the treasury. The New Hampshire House gave 161 votes for Henry W. Blair for United State Senator and 95 for Harry Bingham. The vote in the Senate was, Blair 20, Bingham 4. A Sacramento dispatch says that H. W. Page has been nominated for Congres in the aeuond distrigt. FOREIGN. An eruption oL Vesuvius has commenced. Jt haa so far been light, but is gradually racreasing. Two chiefa and 300 f their followers i'rom Basito-land, South África, have been captured A forcé of cavalry viaited leandula the 21st of May and buried the soldier who feil in the battle of the 22d of January. Fifty wagons were recovered. Greece, in accordance with the requeat of the powers, has consented to again appoint commissioners to negotiate the rectification of the frontier. Algerian advices are to the effect that the inaurgenta appear to intend fieeing in the direction of Tunis. They number 800 foot and 100 horsemen. The great couneil of Geneva haa rcf used to discuss the re-establishment of capital punishment. Not a single voice wu raised in its behalf, The bark Collector, f rom Arenal, Norway, f or London, was sunk by the steamship Oder, June 8, latitude 47 degrees 1 minute, longitude 38 degrees 9 minutes, and four of the crew and passenger of the bark were drowned The French Senate at Versailles on Baturday discuased the bill providing for the retnrn of the Chambera to Paria. M. Waddinton, president of the couneil, supportcd the bill. The government, he aaid would be answerable for the maintenance of order. The bill paased by a large majority. The great boat race on the Tyne, England, between Edward Hanlan, of Toronto, and Wm. Elliott, cha'-npion of England, on Monday, was won by Hanlan, who led easily by . about 10 lengths. The time for the flrst mile waB six minutes and eleven seconds. A dispatch from Algiers saya the column of troopa which lef t Botnia, province of Constantino, Monday, encountered 600 insurgents in a defile in the Onetouba billa. The insurgenta were dialodged by the artillery, and the t roopg xccupied their The column continued its march to Medina. The Capitale (Rome) declarea that eighteen persons were killed in the recent riots at Callabiano, in Sicily, and sixty wounded. Seventy arrests were made.


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