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LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Jolin G. Grocsinger. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. Notice is hereby given, fchat by an order of the Probate Court f or the County oí washtenaw, raatle on tlie socond day oí July, A. D. 1879, six months from that date were allowed for cre-ditors to present their claims agninst the est ate ot.íohn G. Groesinger, late of said county, dece-.tsed, and that all cremtors of saiJ deceased areroquired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Uöice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinaiion and allowance, on or bef ore the second day oí' Jauuury next, and that such claims will be heard betbre aaid Court, on Thursday, the second day of October, and on Kriday the b'econd day of Januiiry next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Anu Arbor, July 2, A. 1). 1870. W1LLIAM1) n.VRHIÜAN, 17w4 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. In tbc matter of the ostate of George Fischer, A unie Fischer, John Fiacher, Lewis Fischer, and Mary Fischer, minors. NoticMH hereby given. that in pursuance ufan order gran teil tothe undersigued, guardián of ihe estáte of said minors, by the iïnn. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the, 2d day of July, A. P. ISTO, tbere will bo BOld at. pntllo vetidue, to the highest biiider, at the aouth front door of t he Court House in tho eily of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenuw in said State, on Wedxk&pay, the Twentibtii day OP AUGUST, V. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in th forenoon of tl at day {subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the ■ulij), au the rlghr, tille, and interest, of said minors in and lo the tollowing aesorlbed real estáte, to wit: Lot numbor three iu Wock number three aouth rjDge aix eafllta The northeast part of lot number three in blnck number one south ringe number leur east, beiug sixtei'n and a half feet front and flfty feet deep. Also sixteeu feet otf of the west Bide of lot number two in block number one south of range four ent ; all in the city of Ann Arbor, in the ötatoof Micliigan. Also a piere of land on wection minibar tbirty-twoin town two aouth rasgg six e;ist, i u tlin State of Michigan, beginning on thn north and eouili quarter Irae eleven chains north oí the center of said section, theuce north along the quarter line thirteen cbains and twenty-six link. tbenoe east alvng the south line ol Iirown & BaciVa additïim to the city of Ann Arbor lourtern chauis and tlurtecn linkn to a stake. theuce outh four ohalua and six links to Üie lmlf qoarter line, thence east long the half quarter lirm tive chains and ight links to the nortli and south half quarter line, tlience oiith nine chains tind seventeen linka to fi atafce, which is eleven eliains north of the east and west quarter line of said seotion, thence veat twenty chaiirstothe place of bezinning, beinff twenty-four ana üineone-hundredtbs aeres of land ranre or lesa. Also a piene oí laúd on the northWtist quarter of the north webt quarter of w ction uuinber thirty-two in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtuaaw and State of Michigan, exoeptisg the west seven qhains and flfty links wide aaross said a uur ter of said sectiou, containing twenty-tive and torty-four one-hundredtlis acres. Alao the north half of thesouthweat quarter of snetion nuruber Hvc wnd the southeabt quartei of sectiou number ;ive, towu one south range six east, exeeuting the -vest iorty acres, in Michigan. Also Iota number five, bis, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, tliirteen, and fourteen in Brown's Becond additiou to the city of Ann Arbor in said plntn Alao lots fifteen and nixtetn in Brown's second additlon to the city of Ann Arbor in the state of Miclñan. Alt-o lots one, two, three, four, five and the north twenty-two links wide of lot number bíx in block four, south ot range number two east in the city of Ann Arbor in the state of Michigan. Dated July 2d, 1879. LEONHARD QRUKEK, Guardian. "pAUM FOK SALE. CO aerea, %ví;]1 ii!iiirivel, off the wast BÍde of the west h;üf of tlio Buutbensi quarter of secl ion eleven in the towii.-:hljj of PittsfleJd, Vusht"nnw Omnty. Will bc suld eheup. Xerms easy. Enquire of L, C. EISDüN, 27-.'tni Amu Arbor, Mieli. si;u;i) BUILDING rilOPOSAi.s For a two-stury bnek nddition with basement to the Second ward school-hoaoe, ftoni Masons. Car maters aad Pain ter, eaoh cluss of voik to be bid for vflpnratcly, for füt-nishlna; all the material, ot ?ood qimiity, and doinjj all tl t o woik in Kood, workmari'like maiiner, ander the direction oí' the Tl urd of I'Mitcntion, or itn agent, and aocordinx to plana aml tpe ïficatious, which cun ba neen at tb e store of the unriersigned, will ba reeeivd at the sanie place froni tMi day untU July iheKtï, at f, inclnrive The building to i Qniahed 1 y the 25tli of Aunst. The saccessfu! bidders wlllbo reqtrired to join in a con trad andtogive se cu rit y for the faithftil performance of the same. The Board rt.servts the right oi rejocliug1 tny m 1 t proponía. f.. ÜKÜNEft, Chaïrman "f Baildiog CoinmitftK. Ann Arbur,.Tuly the '21, l,s;'J. 1JANÜOOD: How Logt, How Hetftored. !sji Jnit piibiislu-d, n now edttion f t)m, Cult VKI'Wl I.T.'s CKI.XBkATH.O KSAY OM tll6 7 raeH&tl (witboul infdicin) ol Ppwif MAToatrHcfi or Seinlnu] rt-t; ucpb, Involunlary nu: ml [,.-i-fs, MPU'l KKCV, .Mental mul Physidi] Ioipncity, Impedimetiti to HnrHtvg e!r.; nlno, C ivsuMi'Tios, I'.i-ii kvsy ■ n-l Kit, Endured by Belt indulcrcnce ir mxqhI extravafraue firc. The cl lebrated au t hor, in tliis admirable Fmöj, eleatly demnatrate, trean n thirty years' su-tc-Viul praotlce, thut, the alarmliig conapquene s of mav be radioa)I cu"ed irithotit thp Uncrrons nse of Interim] medicina of the nppl'catïon of the kitile ; pointing out h modo of cutb at once simple, eert ui n, ana itiW-i ut] by monrw of whieh every suÖcriT, no matter what his oondiiion m:iy 1"-, may cure himilf chaaply, prïvately, teid radicalty. it.w" Th is Leoture liou'd bc in the handt u'f every youl li mul gv&ry man in thi land. 8ent trte, unncr soal. in n pluín envrlope, í,o any address. Addross the Publishers. The Oulverwell Medical Co., 41 Aun St., Kkw Yoi:k; PoU Office Box, 43S6. ANEWGROCERY! AT 16 EASTHURON STREET, GASPAR RS&SSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compriainir evprytliing in tlie line at bottom priceB - aml michBtd exclusively ior c;ish. From a lnnp ncporienoe in the fraile, retaü find irholenlc, ho behuves lie ciiu scll goous aa cheap as the cheapost. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! All (Joods Warruated First-Class. X'nrmers pToduco wautcd for which the highest cash price ill be puid. ÏT" Eemembor the place, 1G East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. TTNIVEESITY TONSOEIAL -AND- Batli Eooms I CALL AND 8EK Ol'R CÏGARS & TOBACCOS, TEY OUR I-VE CE35TT CIGAES, Chewing and Smoking Tobáceos. TOïs'SORIAL all wliite operator?. Ilair Cutting, Sbampooini;, nnd Shaving, in the best and latest stylos. Satisf;iction guaranteed. THE OSL.Y BATII ROOMS IX THE CITY. 85 CKNTS A BATH. TOO CII EAP TO GO DIKT Y ! No. 5 Xorth Main Street, Ana Arbor. G. C. SCHUTT AND UPHOLSTERYI A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Annnunooy to the public ttiat tic is better thnn ecr prepured to show them complete stock of lMirniture, eomprising BED EOOM SUITES, PAELOR SUITES, SOPAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &c, At prices M ondel (ulij luw. 2 Cali and see our stock. p INSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocery, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hund BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, W&X Wholesale and Iletail Trad e Wc shall also keep a supply of J. M. Swift & Co's Best White Wheat Flour, Ry Flour, lSnckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Keod, &c, &c, &c. At wholesule aud retail. A general stock of GEOCERIES AND PEOVISIONS citnsfivntly on liand, which will be solden as reasonable terrns as at nuy otlior house in the city. flfèr" Cash piid for Butter, Egga, and Country Produce gt'iierally, Mi' Goodsdelirered to any part of the city without extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1S79. MICBBAiriliïÖBfTCADEMT. Scu.1 for r„,,w-„,. (teun I.k. .Mi.h. THE AMAICE REAPER so celcbruted in the East, Is on exhibition and FOR SALE at A. R, Schmldt's Carriago Factory, corner of Detroit and North Sts., Ann Arbor. Also, nt "Ij. D. Alley's, Dexter; at .1. O. Gross & Bro.'s, Bahne; aad at R. II. Eaton's, townsbip of York. Be sure and see it before purchasing any other! A. W. BRITTEN, Agent. 25-3W rfcJMJ"ttO Send for samples and rrltiU PK P'!'s of Paper, Car.1 I IlllV I UN Board and Printers' Supphos to OBBHABD & KRAMER, 6 and H East Lamed St., DETROIT. DETROIT FREE PRESS Electrotpye & Stereotype FOUJNI_DRY. We have iinequaled facilities for Electrotyplng and Stereotypmg Book Plates, Engraved Cuts, Metal Plates 'for Encravers, Circulars. Cards, Labels-In fact everythinu pertaining to the art. LABELS, CIRCULARA, CARDS, etc, tastily set up and Metal Casta sbipped at avery reasonable rate. Nevvspaper Headings, Sub-Headings, Number Slugs, etc., alto furnished. Correspondeuce solicUed. Address FREE PRESS CO., X3o-fcxoi.tJ 31o3-. LEGAL NOT ICES. Estáte of Nathan lïuzzartl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY )O ot Wahhtenaw, sa. At a seaaion ot' tho Probate Court íor t lie County of Washtenaw, liolden al the Probale Olfice inthecity oi Ann Arbor, on Bttuduy, the seventh day of June, in the year oiie ihousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, WilliaraD. Harriman,. ludpe oí' Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi Nuthan Buzzaid, dcceased. Ou reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Benjamin E. Nichols, prayinií that he inay be Liceneed to soll the real estáte whereof said deceased di-'d seized Thereupon it is ordered. that Wednesdny. thtninth day of July next, at ten n'clock in the forenoon. be nssined for the hearinji ol said petition, find that the heirs at law ol aaiti deceased, and all olher persone interested in said estáte, re required to appear at a sensiou oí' Raid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show ?auee, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted: And it is further ordered that efiid petitioners gwe notice to the persons intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of eaid petition, and the hearing thereof, hy causing copy of this order to be published in the Michigan , - , ..-„..- n-pfntttJ arxr ,.m-ai 1 ■' h,1 „ .r-J county, three successive weeks previoua to taid day of henn(j. ' WILL1AM D. HAKRIMAN, f A true copy } Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Silas Day. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY IO of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probat Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at th Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tues day, theseventeenth day of June, in the year on tbouoand eighl hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the mattter of the estáte of Silas Day, de ceased. Myron Webb and Sarah Ann Day, administrator of said estáte, come into court and represent tha they are now prepared to render their final accoun as such administrators. Thereupon it is ordered, tliat Baturday, the twclfth day of July uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allow ing mich account, and that the heirs at law ii taid dcceased, and all ut her persous in ter es tel in said estáte, are requircd to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Oiüce in the city of Ann Arbor in aaid county, and show cause, if any there be, why tlic said account should not be allowed. And it is fur ther ordered that said administrators give notice to the persons interestod in said estáte oi the penden cy of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publishcd in the MiOHir.AN Akgus, a uewspaper printed and circula ting in said county, three suceessive weeks previ ous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Kslate of Kebekali Walker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the eloventh day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, WiUiana Hui riman, Judge of Probate In the matter oi' the estute of llcbekah Walker deceased. On ronding and filing the petition duly yerificd o: Grolde C. Page, praylng that a certain instrument now on tile in this Court, purporting to be the last WiJl and Testament of snid deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed exfeutor thereof. Thereupon ifc is ordered, that Monday, the seventh day of July next, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of siiid petition, and that the devíseos, leyatetsand hebraat law of aid deceased, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at tho Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearintr tbereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in 'the Michigan Augus, a newspaper printd and circula ted in said county, thrte successive weeks previouw to p;iid day of hearing. WILLIAM D HARHIMAN, CA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY ÍO of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Russell BriftíEtj, an incompetent persoü. Notice is hereby priven, tfiat in pursuance of an order ffranted to the undersigned, í?u ardían of the said linsseil Brigfptt by the lïon. Jndsre of Probate for the county of Waabtenaw on the third day of June, A. D. 1S7S), thero will be sold at public ver.ilue, to the highest bidder, at the reidenee of said Russell Brisas, in the townhip of Saline, in the county of Washtenaw in sttifl State, on Tdesdat, the Twenty-segond day of Jüly, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by tnortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the eae) the following deseribed estáte, to wit : The east half of the oorHieaat quaiter of soclion two (2) and twenty aeiM on the east slde of the west hiilf of the mrthe;ist qnarter of soction two (2), all in town four (4) south range five (5) past (Saline), Wnshtenaw County in UlohlffaB. Also thirty five f35; hcj-ps on the west Bidt of the west half of thenorthwest quarter of section one fl town four(4) Bouth range rive(5) rast (Saline), Washtenaw County in Michigan. Also the aoutheast quarter of section thirty ftve, town three (Sj south rauge five east (Lodi), "Wnshtenaw County in Michigan. MYEON WKBB, Guardián. Pated, June?, 1?7P. LEGAL NOTICES. Mortfjage Sitie. DÉTFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN TH1 condiciona of a certaín mortgmje bearing daíi the eleventh dny of July, one thousand eicht hno' red and seventy-six, madeand execnted byChari G winner aod Efaaabeth Gwintwr, hís wife, hoth of the village of Manchester, Washunaw Countj, Michigan, as mortgagors, to Johu Conrad Bindpr; I of thc townsliip ot Bridgewater, county of Wahtn a w and State of Michigan as mortgogee, and recoidc-d on tlio tvyenty flrst day of August, A. P. 1876, at l]4 p m., in liber 51 of mortgages, ou pBíf Giíl, in tlio'otfice df the Register of Deeds for tbf uounty of Washtennw, Michigan, ftod more tb sixty duvs bftTiDg olapsed since defanlt waa iudi in the payment of interest and principal due theri-' by aecoraing to the terras of said mortAge and tifl note accompanyiog the same, giving tlie morígase, the right to elect that tlie whole sum ot priucipi1 and iuterest should bo due and owíng t once, m the said morígagee haviug so matle his electio and there being chiimed to be due on said niort-l gage and the cote aforementioned at the date el thiB notictí the su ra of nine bundred and twodot'i hirs, and no proceeding at hiw or in equíty haTUfl been instituto! to recover the same ot uny par' thereof : Notice Ís therefore heieby given, that bT virtue of a power ot sale in said mortgnge cod tairied, and of the statu te in euch case roade así roTided, I shall sell at public auctíon or Tendu fei&i feWt"ÏPf tÍ4fiíÜJaAJlíeJ1Í.Y tita tfftBWTI the foresoon of said Jay, at the south door of the Court Houee (that beinethe place for holding ti circuitcourt for the county ol Washtenaw, Michi' gan), the premises described in said raortgage.ifi lolTowa, to wit: All thoae certafn pieees oí parrti; of land sitúate and being in the village of Mi ctaester, in the county of Washtea-nr and State ff Michigan, and beinjr ranre partïcnlarïy depcribedi" a deed given by Christopher Kta, his wife, Sil Jacob Katzand Anna Mary Katz, bis wifs, Of M townshïp of Manchester, county and Stute afowl Charles Gwinner. and being recorded Ji the Register's Office of Washtenaw county, in litml 53 of deeds, on page 729, on the 17th day of AuguAl 1861 ; and also in a deed given by John W. Cow and Dorens Co-wan, his wil'e, of .the townof Sharot J county and State aforesaid, to Charles Gwinneij and büing recorded in the Kegiuter's Ottice Waslitenaw county, in liber 62, page 61fi ; and al: in a deed given by Williara H. and Cedelia Best his wife, of ManehePter, county and State afort-J said. to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded i the Register! Otn'ceof Washtenaw county, inliWj 6ö, page 432. It being expressly hereby intend by the parlies of the tirst part that this mortgil if to cover their entire interest under the last met1 j tioned thrce deeds. The said premiües being & scribed in the deeds above mentioned, as follofli towit: Fait of lot nuraber seven in block nuont ber three in the villnge of Manchester, begin nifli at the northwent corner of nid )ct thence south oo a parallel line with the line of said lot sixtj-t! and one-half ieet, thence east on a li.neparallei wüïf the south line of said lot thirty-two feet, them' north on a line parallel with the east line of sw lot sixt y-two and one half feet-, tlietice west thirtr two feet to the place of beginniuü1 ; also being fifl rods oJÏ poiithensterly end of village lot numbi1 Ben en in block number three in the village of M che.ster ; also part of lot nnmber seven in bl number three of the village of Manchester, begiü' xttng sixty-two and one-half ieet south of w' northwest corner of said lot, running thenee e' thirty-two feet, thence south thirty-eight íí1' thence west thirty-two feet, thence north thirtr eicht feet to the place of begin-ning. Said premi Tvill be sold to satisfy the amount 80 claimed to due, with the interest accruin? after this date iw an attorney fee of thirty dollars provided for snid mortgage, and the couts and expenses alloiw by l;iw. Dated, April 22, 179. JOHN CONRAD BIN DEK, Mortgag Cbaxbb, Fbüeauff & Coiibin, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Sherlff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTí! IO of Washtenaw, 68. Irn Basset t vs. Nonh St1 : vena. By virtue of a writ of esecution ÍRsued " of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for county ot' Washtenaw, in the nbove oiititled ca""-1 and to me directed and delivered, I did on the oi01 te nth day of March, A. D. 187ö, levy upon all right, title and infere st of Koah Stevens, the lef dant in said writ named, in and to the folIowUf describfd real estáte situated in the conDty : Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : LotfDff brr seven (7) and seventeen f!7), section foor'' Riwlon's plat of the villsge of Saline, town W nouth range five east; also the east half of ! southeast quarter of section thirty-three, to"1 three nouth range íive east, county of Washten'' State of Michigan. Which above described rew?. tate I shall sell at public vendue to the highest W der ut the north door of the Court House in1 city of Aun Arbor, in said county of WashteD (that being the place of holding the Circuit Cow ■where the premise arp situated) on the Sivsií1 paï OFJri.y, A. D. lS7D,at twi o'elock in the' tfrnoon of tbat day. Dated, May 23, 1879. JOSIAHS. CASE, Eïhenff Estáte of Jacob Berry. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUIíTV oí' Washtenaw, ss. Notice ishereby givenJ by an order of the Probate Court for the Coow of Washtenaw, made on the ninth day oí Ju'1 A. 179, six months from that date Jg allowed for creditors to present their claims ag'JJ ,ne estáte of Jacob Berry, late of f.aíd couS'-' decetísed, and that all creditors of said deceasöd! required to present their claims to said FruN Court, at tho Probate Office in the city of Au J bor, for examiDation and allowance, on or lJJ he nith day of December next, and ■" uch claims will be heard before said CourJ Tuesday, the ninth day of September, an Tuesday, the ninth day of December next, w o'clock in the forenoon of each of snid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 9, A. D. 187Ö. WILLIAM D. HAEKIMAKU-v i Judge of Pwb1'


Old News
Michigan Argus