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- Chicago claims a populition of 644,848. Let us hear from St. Louis. - Leadvillo is without a preaoher. A man who is not afraid of revolvers is desired. - The murderer Cox was a rnemberof the Abyesinian Baptist churoh (colored) in Now York. - Jennie Smith, condemned to hang with Covert Bennett in Jeisey City, July '25, was baptizad in jail. - We are not diaappointed if the Millerites are beoause the world did not come to an end as was predioted. - W. H. Vanderbilt has purchased for f 125,000 2,500 shares of the Troy & Boston Railroad stook, gaining a controlliug interest. - And now it is the college graduates who are threatened with ruia by oheap Chinese labor. Tale College has oonferred the degree of A. B. on a Mongolian. - A man died in St. Louis recently, and in hia will, after saying he never forgot a favor, left $1,000 to the individual who ton years ago ran away with his wife. - There are three handsome lady pbysicians in Aurora, 111., and it is quite cotnmon to hear citizens say : " I don't fcel very well ; I guess 111 step over and 8ee the doctor." -The endowment fund of f 250,000 for the Drew Theological Seminary, swept. away by Daniel Drew's failure, has been replaced by new subscriptions, aggregating $24S,000. - The Minnesota wheat erop promises well, and the probable yield will be from flfteen to twenty bushela, which will make the wheatproductof the State (over 300,000 acres) nearly 50,000,000 bushels. - 11. B. Parsons, assistant secretary and agent of the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, estimates that from $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 of eastern capital has been invested withinsix nion.ha in mining properiies. -A ten-dollar bilí withthe following words written acroes the face waspassad over an Ithaca counter the other day : " Tuis is the last of a fortune of f 100,000 left by iny uncle. Jaspcr Gould. Beware of women and wine." - A Kansas correspondent of the Tribune saya there is no longer a desire to oncourage immigration to that state by advertising its advantages at tho East. The immigrants are arriving there faster than they can be taken care of. - In 1861 during Grant's absence froru bis home at Galena Mrs. Grant was refused credit for a barrel of flour. The president's wife has never forgotten the kindly grouer who carne to the relief of the lieutenant's wife in the hour of her need. - A certaiu yonng lady who was a little behindhaud iu her sumnior outfit, eurprised her parents the other day by asking why she was unlike George Washington. When they gave it up she told them becauíe she had no little hat-yet. - The alarming information reaches us that the Maryland young lady who was fined .?500 for killing herfriend wiü mount the lectura platform. What a pity that Chastine Cox couldn't have a years respite for the same purpose. He would draw. -A man 94 years oíd was divorced from his third wife at Fairbury, 111. - He married her in 1850, when he was 65 and she 16. Their youngest child is but 6 years oíd. The ourt gave the divorced wife 400 acres of land of her husband's estáte. - Chicago has a Bald Men's Socioty. A requisite for membership isa bare spot on the top of the head not less thanfour square inohes in extent. The object of the organization is to discover acure for baldness. The President has not a hair on his head, and was elected for that reason. - Quinine is on the free list at last, and a man may now shake with ague without the additional depression caused by the thought that the medicine to cure him costa a great deal more than it should, merely because one or more medicine makers want to keep foreign preparationsof the drug out of thecountry. - About the poorest " Pinafore" joke of all was tried on Misa Anthony. " I shall neverinarry!" said that lady, sternly. " What, never ?" exclairued the gentleman to whom she was talking. " Now you go right away froin here," replied the lady, with great violence, " or 111 hit you with my umbrella." - Buffalo Express. - The Postmaster-General has required all postinasters to make actual count of the number of letters and postal cards and of packagesof thirdand fourth class matter depositad for mailing at their postoffioes upon the first seven days of September, and the Superintendent of the railway mail service is directed to have a similar count made upon cars and steamboats for the same length of time. - William J. Marshall wrote as folIow8, before oommitting suicide at Grand Rápida : " I made up my mind several weeks ago to enjoy Hfe as best I oould for a while, and I have done so you bet ' I carne here, having made up my mind to have one old rouser and then shuflle off this mortal coii. My pasBions are simply uncontrollablo, anditis nonsense for nieto jog on longer, If there is a future state I will do my best, if it is in my power, to let you know it ; but my impression is wheu a man leaves this world his goose is cookod." The show of f ailures in New York for the first six months of tho year is very favorable comparod with that of last year. Last year, for instanoe, there were 514 failures, of which tho gross liabilities were $39,030,795, with assets of $11,012,602. For tho present year 366 failures are reported in the city, with gross liabilities of $11,582,655, and assets of $5,990,346. This it will be seen, is quite a heavy decrease, and another indication of returning prosperity in trade, for which there is cause for cougratulation. John Sherman went to Congress poor. This summer he has built forty houses ,in Washington.


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