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- The gentle rains of Monday como in tiiue to belp fegetatiou. 'William Oopeland declines to serve as stewsrd of the reform club. $54.01 wcre exuended for the alleTiation of tho poor during June. - Zion Lutheran church is to be thoroughly repaired during the present tnonth. - The savings bank declared a serniannual dividend of four per cent, payable with the bezinning of this month. - Another addition to the second ward school building is to be constructed duting the present vacatiou, at a C08t of $1,650. - Peter Sexton was convicted before Justice Granger Monday of an aesault and battery on Alvah Gross. $5 and costs. Paid. - "$11 fine and costa," responded Juetice Clark to John Doe (who hasn't heaid of him) for rectifying a share of liquor the other day. - Uev. W. H. Ryder, pastor of the Congregational church has purchased the residence of S. D. Allen on East University avenue. - The T. and A. A. railroad cleared $580 July 4. And, too, without coaches enough to aocommodato the half-fare passpngers of the day. - In the case of the People vs. Wm. Herman, arraigned before Justice Frueauff charged with trespass on Tuesday, sentence was suspended. - It is believed that Register of Deeds Chas. Manly will be chosen to succeed Capt. Emerick who has resigned the captaincy of eompany A. - Alfred Thomas (colored) had a wrist broken and was cut orr the eye Friday by jumping frotn a wagon in his haste to escape being run away with. - F. P. Colehas received theappointment, temporarily, of route agent on the Tuiedo and Ann Arbor Kailroad, and tntered upon his duties Thursday of last week. - 4.t Sheriff 's sale, Monday, of all title and interest in land located in Saline, of Noat Stevens, the purchaser was Ira Bassett, plaintiff, at $280.36, auiount of claim plus eosts. - The Chnnide broaches a project of starting in autumn, a college daily paper. This is a vision&ry scheme of students who probably have neither money er experience. Any one possessing either would not spend rime thinking over such a wild-cat enterprise. - Loretta E. McCullough, nee Eaton, has filed a judgment creditor's bill in the circuit court in chancery. At the Jan uary term sho received damages ags't Hirain Day for defamation of character. The verdict was for $1,000 and the costs, whioh she now s:eks to obtain. -The audience at the opera house temperance meeting Sunday evsning was much larger than usual, owing to the churche8 having closed. The pastors of the different congregations have concluded to hold no evening services until after the heated term. - A negro named John Lawson was examined before Justice Beahan Monday on a charge ot assault with intent to ravieh. The assault was committed in Salem two weeks sinoe, bis victim being a colored giri 19 years oí' age named Mary J. Reuels. He was bound over to the Circuit Court for trial andin default of $200 was committed to jail. - The committeo appoiuted by the trustees of School Bistrict No. 1 to examiue applicants for the position of teachers recommended that cortificates be granted to Misses Sarah Wright, Julia F. Wilson, Amelia F. Lutz, Mary A. Beal, JVlarion ïhatcher, Emily (iundert, Mary F. Palmer, Lutie East, Emma E. Baniield, Louise Parish, Estelle Mozart and Julia Howard. - Ed. C. Jones, colored, while attemptingtoboard afreightcar atDiilkiSunday morning feil, throwing both lowerlirubs across the track. By considerable activity he pulled out nis lefi leg, the car running over his right foot, mashing it badly. An examination revealed the necessity of amputation which was done upon his arrival in this city. His home is in Chatham, Ont., but has resided in DextersinceOctober. He is being cared for by Court House Janitor Davis. - A camp meeting isto be held on the fair ground in Ann Arbor, beginning August 1 and continuing till the lOth.The principal object of the meeting is to raise means to liquídate the debt on the öecond Baptist (colored) (Jhurch of Ann Arbor. The ablest ministers of the colored association of Ohio will be pres ent, among tueni being Rev. V. II. Roberts, Columbus, O.; Eev. H. S. Williams., Cincinnati, O.; Rev. James Shewcraft, Yellow Springs, O., and Rev. W. H. Moss, Piqua, O. - Instruments to the value of $400, consisting of twenty pieces have been reccived by our new band from C. J. Wliitney's musical store in Dotroit. - Meetings for practice will be held at the arinury. rt will rtquire an expenditure of a deal of hard work and the exercise of patience sufficient to grace a oiartyr before the band is ar le to reach a repectable degree of proficieucy. Forbearance must be manifested by the public, at least that portion residing near where the band practiees. - Samuel H. Preston came from Ohio in soarch of work. Iustead he discovered something to drink and drank toexcess; became noisy and feil into the hands of an officer who invited him to appear bei'or Justice Granger. His oase being defenseless, he was ordered to board at the counties expense 65 days in default of security for good behavior. Jno. McKernan a farmer of Northfield wanting help went his bail, and Preston is posed to be douig agood day'ü work in tho harvest field. - Henry Lester and Charles Clark, trampa, were arrested charged with entering a freight car with intent to secure carriage and taken before a. Chelea Justice, who tried, convicted, and sentenced them to the Detroit House of Correction for ninety days. Removed to jail for seourity over the Sabbath, it was discovered the Justice erred iu that of failing to bind them over for trial at Circuit Court, and they were discharged. Promptly they were re-arrestod and taken before Justice Grauger for examination as to whether they should be bound over for trial. Examination set down for to-day. ft. - The Gregory House is for rent. IIow long oh, how long is this hot weather to continuo? The Uuiversity campus resembles the " deserted village." - John Clancy left the city on Tueaday for his Missouri home. - William Graham has been arrested for selling liquor without a license. - Next Sunday evenings meeting of the Reform Club will bo conducted by the Chelaea club. - A large numher of Gerinans of this city went to Manchester on Sunday to attend the mission festival. - Inspector-General W. L. Heath of Grand Rapids will inspect Company A this evening at the armory. - Justice Ciarle gave Fred Bookhalz an excursión ticket to hotel de Case, there to sojourn fifteen days. Drunk. - Tuesday Mrs. Aldrich commenced an aotion against her husband for assault and battery. He pleaded guilty and was fmed i?ó. - The store formerly occupied by the savings bank is undergoing repairs. There is to be a new píate glass front and other improvements. - In the case of Nancy Fiáhpr, arraigned before Justice Frueauff July 3, on charge of drunkenness and disorderliness, adjourned to tomorrow. - Arrested for intoxication and arraigned before Justice Granger, Georgo Laubengayer of Lodi, entered into bonds to not rlisturb tlie peaos ' ftnr - Sheehan & Co. have dissolved partnership. S. C. Andrews will continue the book business, and Sheehan & Bro. will carry on the hat and cap trade. - Janitor Davis is never so happy as when he is escorting a bevy of ludies about the court house, uieanwhile descanting upon itsbeautif ui architecture. - Amoug seven bidders to supply the county offices for ensuing winter with coal, requiring about eighty tons, E. B. Hall secured the contract at $4 per ton. - Nine arrests are recorded for June thus : larceny, two ; assault and battery, two; violating city ordinance, one ; disorderliness, one ; vagrancy threo. - Between the law of the state and instruction by the council to the chief of pólice, there ought to be few cattle roaming upou the streets of the city hereafter. - About fifteen members of the Ann Arbor Schutzenbund go to Toledo on Monday to attend the prize shooting in which members from Ohio aad Michigan will participate. - The Ahgüs claims credit for being the only paper published in the city that gave in full thebaccalaureate sermón of Dr. Cocker, as well also the address of President Angelí. ■ - R. E. Frazcr's social at the opera house this eveniug will be enlivened by musió, vocal and instrumental, duetts, recitations, comic songs, banjo solos, quartetts ifcc. All for five cents. - Dr. McFarland laya upon our table a pea viue planted in early spring that has attained tho rare hoighth of eoven feet three inchas. A nutuber of otkers of the same erop have grown six feet. - Anna Fiaher appeared before Justice Graugyr nuil complairied that Sebastian Seyfried did onJuly2d assault her with a gun and shot her, whereupon a warrant of trespass was issued and Seyfried arrested. Trial set down for to day. Plaintiff wants $100 in damages. - Sinee November 13 last Benj. F. Watts, treasurer of the Reform club, has reoeived from all sources $1,540 90, and disbursed $1,525 47. Charles Boylan, John Sohumacher and Robert E. Frazer have beeu chosen delegates to the Red Ilibbon stato convention to be held in Lansing in August. - Constable lt. (aun tiet t of Saline brought to the city on Monday Chuck Martin of Ypsilanti and Bob Beier, colored, vvho are charged with an affray. The parties were arrested in Saline on the fif'th and for safe keeping were placed in the lock-up, but ruanuged to escape, when they went to Ypsilanti, where tho officer found them. They wero brought to this city and placed in jail for safe keeping. Trial in circuit court is set down for July 24. -Last Saturday Marión B. Allen, formerly of this city, died after a two montha' illness in Colarado Springs, where he was engaged in engineering. He graduated from the literary departïnent with the class of '78, and was a young man highly honored by his associatos. His death is a sad blow to his p.irents, who reside here. His funeral is to be held at the Unitarian Church, this forenoon at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. T. Sunderland and Dr. Cucker oüieiating. - President Angelí, Rugeuts Climie and S. S. Walker and Regent elect Shearer vere in consultation all day Thursday of last week with Prof. Jenny in referenos to the proposed firo-prouf museum building. Tbs grouufls were looked over and site agroed upon, subject to the approval of the board, which meets here July 24. It will probably be located on the south side of the campus on a line with the other University buildings.


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