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libs Jeanette FÍBher, so long the principa ui the Michigan Female Semmary at Kalamaïoii, was married to Judge E. 8. Moore, of Three Kivers, Tuesday evening, at the seminary. A teamster nained Qeorge Emniet was Eatally injured near Flint, Wednesday, by a kick in the head from a balky horse. Kmmet died in the afternoon from his injuries. He as ahout 25 years oíd and a singlo man. Capt. Walters, of Spring Lakt'. Ottawa county, wa drowned near Michigan City, irom hih schooner. June 27. He leves a wife Hnd three children. The Museum Building Committee, consisting of President Angelí, liegent Climie and Kfigent-elect Shearer, met at Ann Arbor, Wednesday evening. for the purpose of conulting with Prof. Jenney, of Chicago, who has prepared plans for a building accoi'ding to the instructions of the board made at the last meeting, l'rof. Jenney's design, it is said, consists of a brick building with octagon ends and flankeil on thesides with wings and trimruings probably of terracota. John Coates, of Friendship, Emmet county. liged 63, was killed Tuesday by a falling tree wbile in the wond cutting timber. Wednesday afternoou at Free Port, Mis. Kmannel Bergy shot and instan tly killed two of her children and fatally wounded another, and then shot herself. She is persumcd to have been insane, au evidences of innanity had been discovered some time since in an attempt on the life of her lirother with a butcherknife. Mr. Bergy íb a leading citizen of Kowne, Kent county, and has long resided in that section of the State. öojourner Trnth has been at home in Battle Creek for several weeks, engaged in renovating and improving the appearance of her reidence. She expects to apend the suinmer rnontbs in Wlseoniln, spcaking on temperanoe. The Supreme Court has just rendered a decisión touching the question as to whether icei personal pruperty or real estáte. It .! ,.i.l...., in favor of the former position, on the ground that in the nature of its tormation a severunoe is eifected from the land and new product created. A 100-mile walkiug match commenced at Albion Thursday night at 11:20 o'clock for the champion belt of the State. There were seven entrie, and the tírsl prize was won by John O'Heren, of Jackson, who completed his 100 miles in 20 honrs and 49 minutes. Wai. Stevenson, of JBay City, committed suicide on the 3d. The last that was seen of him was at liust's mili, on Tbursday night at 10 o'clock. His body was found at the Twentythird street bridge Satnrday. Montgomery Ellis was drowned at Ludington Friday. His body was recovered Saturday. He was in a boat tied behind a tug and capsizcd. He came from 3t. Johns and leaves a family. Three barns belonging to Hon. J. B. Cobb of Kalamazoo, were struck by ligbtning Friday night and burhed. Loss, $1,000; insured. The new county seat of Clare county is to be talled Harrison. The 18th Michigan lnfantry will hold it annual reunión at Duudee August '20. ö-eo. H. Jerome of Niles has resigned as superintendent of state nsherics, and lïev. J. G. Portman of Watervliet has been appointed td the position. Israel Hall of Coldwater owns 60,000 acres of farming, timber and cotton lands in Arkansas and 30.000 acres of pine lands in MissisRippi, all bought on speculation. There are at present some 3Ü0 children in the State Public School at Coldwater, and over 400 of its former inmates are indentnred urnong the people of various localities. A State temperance camp meeting is ti be held at Belle lsle, August 13-16. Fred Smith, aged 23 years, euiployed on the Third street bridge swing at Bay City. was drowned Sunday. Dr. Haadorn's hat blew off aft he was going over in a buggy. Smith put on a pair of overalls and plunged in to get the hat. A 5-year-old boy named ltichardson was also drowned the same day by failing off a dock at liust's mili. James A., son of Wm. Jackson, agod 16, and Kdward A., son of Adam Knoblock, aged IS, both of Monterey, Allegan couuty, were drowned on the 4th wbile in Rwimming. Houghton Gazette: The other day a party of woodsmen over on Keweenaw Point, near its eastern end, uneartned a root house on an abandoned ruining location that has not been inhabited for 20 years, which contained a lot of potatoes and turnips in a state of good preseryation. The root house, when discovered, was covered all over with earth and underbuah, and was completely air tight. It is understood that Mr. Vanderbilt has signified to the directors of the Wabash his willlingness to negotiate for the sale to them of one of his 11 nes of road between Toledo and Detroit. It was expected that he would arrive at this state of mind, though he unhesitatingly declined all propositions at the ontKot. Carrie and Cora Hinckley, aged 19 ana 16 years, daughters of Lieut. Col. J. D. Hinckley, deputy warden, of the State Prison, were drowned while bathing in the Michigan Center mill-pond, Jackson Co., Tuesday afternoon. Their bodies were recovered in 10 feet of water 3 ) feet froni shore, one by Mr. Osborne, keeper of the prison insane asylum, and the other by John O'Hern, the pedestrian. Col. Hinckley'a entire family of nine persons and a number of acquaint&nces were enjoying a picnic, and the girls with Charles Hinckley, their brother, went in bathing and got out of their depth. Charles was rescued by his father and John O'Hern, but the girls did not rise after they sunk. tke bottom being full of licks and weeds, to which they clung. The third annual meeting of the State Teachers' Institute commenced at Lansing on Tuesday. The attesdance was large, and the object was tu prepare worji for the county institutes to be held for the ensuing two ycars. Hon. Geo. Haunahs of South Haven has tendered his resignation as trustee of the Inhune Asylum at Pontiac. The houses of J. lierryhill and James McF.lroy, at Alpena, were burned on the 7thLoss 8,000; insurance .$ 2,000. Detroit in Brief. George Fisher, recently of Orchard Lake Academy, was the successful candidate, out of 11 oom pet i tors, in the mathematical examina - tion in this city, for the responsible position of recorder for the United States Lake Survey . He leaves soon for Olney, 111., headquarters lor the season . At a meeting of the Detroit tteform Club hi'ld Wednesday evcning the following-named persons were elected to fill the vacancies e.tisting in the list of officers of the club; President, J. C. McCaul; first vice president, W. H. Perkins; econd vice resident, Dr. IS. B. Beach. The four days' running meeting of the Detroit Jockey Club was inaugerated at Hamtramck, Wednesdav afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of people. Bishop B' vgess will soon leave for the northern part of the State. He will be absent until the middle of August. All places of business were closed on the Fourth and the day given up to the usual military parades, excursions and festivities. During the late heated term excursions have been all the rage. nearly every boat and railroad train bearing an arriying or departing exenrsion party. Forepaugh's show exhibited Saturday afternoon and evening to large audiences i n the Third street groumls. The second annual regatta under the auspi of the Detroit yacht club took place Friduv and was a highly successful affair. William K. Quinby, managing editor of the Free Press, lef t Monday for Colorado for the benefit of nis health. Joseph M. Schufferd, a colored letter carrier was found dead in his bed Monday morning, probably of hcart disease. He was well known throughout the city. The body of a peddler named Hugo Brinner, was found in the river uear Trenton Sunday. Whether a case of suicide or accidental drowning is not known. A retreat ui the Human Catholic clergy be(rau at Sandwich Mouday evening. There are 120 clergymen present. The retreat, which lasts a week, is conducted by Father Wayrich, an eminent Kedemptorist missionary from New York. Bishop Borgess is in attendance. üuring the ruonth of June the Detroit Water Works pumped 418,728,960 gallons of water - an average of 13,957,632 gallons per dav. The greatest amoiint pumped in one day d uring the month was $15,498,600. A Democratie eveuiug paper is announced to make lts appearance in this city on the 15th inst. Henry A. Grimn will be the editor. POLITICAL. Th State Democratie Convention of California reassembled Thuraday and proceeded to nomínate a lioutenant governor. Job. D. Lynch, of Loh Angele, Thos. l'owler, of Tulare, and Levi Chase, of tíanUiesjo. were proponed. The latter were nominated on the first ballot, lor secretary of State VV. J. Finnho, of Trinity, waR uomiuated by acclamation, ThiM, Beek. the inenmbent, doclinini; th ■lomination. The Pennnylvania LegiBlature at il,s reeent esBiou passed 990 bilis. Of these 194 have been Bigned by the Governor. The others he ha vetoed. Unly three nomen in Springfie'd, Mass., have indicated their desire to exeroUe their right of in the chnioe of the Hchoo fÜMÉ. MISCELLANEOUS. Joseph Chacer. an old resident ef Fall Kiver, Mass., was takcu sick witb cholera Monday and died Weduesday afternoon. The Fall River milis ar still running, notwithstanding the strike of the spinners. No distnrbances are yet reported. The President, Mrs. Hayes, Secretary and Mrs. Thompson, Secretary and Mrs. MeCrary and others leit Washington Thursday, on the Tallapoosa for Norfolk aud Fortress Monroe. The party will be absent several days. (Jpon returning the President will go to the 8oldiers' Home. He will only be absint from the city for a few days at a time. Secretary Thompson will leave sbortly for IndianH. öecretary Hherman goes to Maine and Ohio. Only $8,810 of the forty milliou i per cent. refunding certificaten are not disponed of, 828,632,600 in certilicates have been converted into 4 per cent. bonds. Three hundred and tweuty-seven ncw money order offices wcre opened Monday. John Hall aud Burrell Smith, the negroes who murdered Major Pugh at Murfreesboro six weeks ago fhursday,were sentenced to bo hanged at that point August 8. A special from Lemara, Plymouth couuty, la., says a terrible storm paased over the northern part of that county Wednesday evening, destroying houses. barns, etc. Ten miles nórtheast of Lomars two young men naraed Kass were killed. They saw the storm coming aud ran iuto a barn lor shelter, when the wind :ruck the building with territic torce, completely demoiishini,' it and cruuing them to death in the ruins. Parties who aw the storm frora a distance aav it was terrific to look It could be distinctly seen from Ltmars, and at tirst the storm cloud presented the appearance of an hour glass, after which it assumed the shape of a straight column, and then scemed to brenk into fragments and drift away. It seemed to move slowly and was in sight :0 mhiiiti ,s The storm Wednesday night was the hcaviest ever known in Minnesota. Five inchra of rain feil in 15 hours at St. Paul, the greatest amonnt since the signal service oflice was established. The storm extended uil o-rcr tne State anl MofcbTrcntcrn WisCOUSill, COtlsisting of a grcat fall of rain and hail. and lightning. The damage was great, but details come in Blowly. At Vasa, (ioodhue county. Beven persons were killed and 30 injured by lightning and the fall of a building. No particulars. At Winnebago the wife of Nathaniel Stevens was killed by lightning. At Mountain Lake l.airrence Lawless was killed by lightniug. Hedwing reports flOO.OQO damage to property in the city. Every town suffered heavily, but details are wantiqg. The crops suffered from rain and hail. At Marshall the hailstones were as Iarge as hen's eggs, and caused great destruction. At Menomince. Wis., a house was carried away by the Bood, with two persons not sincc heard from. The Northwestern Bowiog Association's regatta at Toledo on Thursday, Kriday and Saturday was not a great success od account of rough weather. The senior fonr race was won j by the Wyandottes in l'J.4t). the famous Bhowae-cae-mettes coming in four lengths behind. The Wah-wah-sums, although entered in six races, (iid not start in one. The Sho-wac-caemettes, Wah-wah-sums, Zeyhyrs, Hillsdales and Wyandottes all started for Saratoga .Saturday to take part in the National regatta. The Fonrth was celebrated in Sandusky, O., under the auspices of the Krie County Agrïcultural Society. A varied programme was carried out on the fair grounoui, ineluding ipecchcs bj Gen. Qarficld, tlon. Chas. Koster, 5óv. Bishop, (ren. Thomas Ewing and othfirs. Further particulars are received of the Minïesota cyclone. It seenied to start about fonr miles bevond Vassa churcli, near Bed Wing. and travelled in a southwesterly direction. Ihe orphanage, which is under the care of the hurch was complete!; demolished. H containcd 24 inmatcs beaides Mr. Stranberg. who las charge. Out ui this number three were lied ontright, and 17 uthers injured, 8, it is thougut, fatally. The house mi Erich Sivensun close by, was blown down. He was killed and his wife severcly injured. G. H. Holme and wife, au elderly couple, were killed, also a baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Linsed. and another party whoxe name bas not beeu learned. Nine in all are killed and four more are not expected to live. The number wounded is 30. At Warrentown, that county, the residence of Vm. Hush was carried away and with it the family, including Mr. linsh, wife and daughter a young lady abuut 20 years of age, all being drowned. Another young lady, daughter of Mr. Jno. Davis of liush river, was drowned in attempting to get out of the house, which was Hooded with water to adepth of several feet. At Lake Quiusigmond Mass., Jfriday afternoon, the steamer Isaac Davis, loaded with passenger, eareened and the hurricane deek broke off. Scores of passengers were thrown in the lake. The killed were John Cahill,aged 50, his daughter, 2,'._, years old, Lewia Lechapelle, aged 30, Netiie Shockrow. aged 18, and three others not identified. The missing are Edward Catcur, L. Deshall and l.ewis Powers of Clinton. Joseph Aikins, a fruit gardener a few miles from Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pa-, shot and instaatly killed his wife Sunday afternoon, and after telling his nearest neighbor that he had killed the "old woman," placed the muzzle of his gun under his chin and fired and killed himself . The trouble is believed to have arisen from a quarrel about a little pieee of property where they lived. Aikins had deeded thi land to his wife some time ago, and afterward wished to get t back. but this the dld lady always refused, aud the matter caused frequent Aikins was 71 and his wife 73 years oldJames H. Groft and Chas.G. Woorath, arrested at Alamosa Thursduy for the murder of Wm Lyock on the 27th in New Mexico, were taken from jail at Denver, Col-, at 1 M. Saturday by 100 citizens and hanged to a vottonwood tree. They had confessed . The expenditures to the present time for the constructiou of the Brooklyn bridge are f 10,523,574. A contract was awarded Monday for 10,728,000 pounds of steel and 34,000 ponnds of iron. The trustees say that the bridge will be nuished by Jauuary, 1881. There was a severe trost in some portions of the Dominion of Canada Saturday. In Eastern Hants beans were killed and potatoes in hloom cut down to the ground. Thermometer at St. Louis Tuesday 99 degrees in the shade. There were many cases of sunstroke. A special from Ked Wing, Minn.. sa.ys that four more victima by the destruction of the orphan asylum at Vasa by the storm have died, making 13 in all. The President has sigued the commissions of the members of the Mississippi ltiver Commission, and of John A. Hunter to be Chief lustice of the SupremeCourt of Utah. Tuesday evening a flre broke out in the upjer story of Denham's planing mili, Scranton ivenue, Cleveland, and spread rapidly.destroyng the Variety iron works, the Atlantic and ïreat Western freight depot, the two-story uilding occupied by Kust, King & Clintock, umber dealers, and a large quantity of rough and rinished lumber belonging to different yards. Loss about $80,000. Col. Wm. A Cook and Messrs. Shellabarger and Wilson, as counsel for Lucy Watton Jthett ïorton, entered suit at. Washington, Monday, against John H. Morgan, son of Senator Morgan of Alabama, for breach of promise of marriage and $20,000 damages. It is alleged that in 1877 rtorgan, nnder promise of marriage betrayed tíiss Horton. About a week ago a negro nained Mort Lee outraged a lady in Fayette county, West Virginia, and succeeded in escapiug arrest until fuesday, when he was ariestcd at. Parkersburg. ifhcers from Fayette county took charge of ;he prisoner and started home, but, on arrival at Coalburg at night Lee was taken from them and hanged by a mob who had gathercd to tae number of nearly 2,000. A dispatch from Port Colborne. Ont., on Tuesday says: The missing sailboat that the six uufortunate young men took froin here Last Tuesday night was í'ound by a detective to-day in a farmer's yard. The farmer says he found the boat on the beach last Friday morning near Windmill Point, about twelye miles from here towards BufTalo, and claims he heard nothing of the accident and intended advertising the boat. There is no doubt but that the kix young men are drowned. PERSONAL. Gen. Butler' physician requires Min to retire temporarily from business. Prince Bismarck gave a dinner Thureday in honor of Dr. Andrew I). White, the American minister. Uev. Dr. John Cunmiiny. the millenium writer, has been ordered by his physicians to renounce all mental work. He will retire from the ministry. ltobert Collyer begins his New York pastorate the first Bunday in October. Ev-President Grant and party have arrived at Vokohama from China. The ex-Empress Eugenie has written to the Countess DeMontijo, her mother, that, aïter the funeral of the Prince Imperial, the will spend a few months in a convent near Barras. Mr. Jay Gould, with his son George and Mr. S. H. H. Clark, of Omaha, general superintendent of the Union Pacifio Hailroad, sailed Sunday in the steamship Germania for Liverpool. Gen. Sberman and party were at Montreal Monday . George Ehot is credited with the intention of coming to America for a visit. A party of six young men, named John Hcoltic, Isaac Dayton, Thomas Couroy, Ed. Hanley, Joseph McFarlane and John Mooney, left Port Colborne, Ont.. abont IC o'clock Thursday uight last to proceed to Buffalo in a small sail-boat for the Fourth of July celebratiou. Bhortly aftcr they started the breeze freohened up strong and as no tidiiiüB of their arrival in Bulfalo have been received, nor auything been heard f rom them is feared they have all been lont. Toronto is faivly covered with chromo litbograph and pbotograpbs of Uanlan. That city ia inaking great preparattuns for jfoing wild when Hanlan get home John fcjwintou is to edit New York Hau while Dana is absent in Europe this nummer. FOREIGN. Adviet's from Pirt Au Prince, Hayti, tate tbat the populace fired upon the Senate. The Senators flea. Many were thot. The n'ghting continúes. Oen. Grant i eoroute from Tieittún to Pekin. The latent advicen indícate considerable change in his future movements. it is now believed probably tbat be roay return to China after visiting .lapan nna proceetl to Australia. The OhiliaiiK are unid to be preparing au attack on Lima and Callao wilii an ariuy of 10,000 or 15,000 men, while the ironcladn will engage the attention of the present jjarrison. The main army oí Peru is now at Fisaguo, Iquique, Arica and Tacna, and witb the tranBports hemmed in Callao Jiay relief for the beleagured city would be impotmible i'or more timn a month. Thirty men were killed by an explosión in the Uigh Ulantyie coal pit, uear Glasgow, Thursday morning. Daring the day üiï Itodie were recorered. A dipatch from Cape Town, June 10, &ayH stron bopes are eutertained of the laocefiH of the peaoe negotíations. The lïriüsh f orces are disgunted and disheartened witli the war. The Henate ha adopted a bilí providi&g for a retura of the chambera tu 1'ariH. The Lj' ■ .pool Courier HayHthat an. agrcerent was ïgned Saturdy on behalf of tbc original promoters ui' the l'anama canal scheme, vesting tbeir power iu Deljesseps as a repreBentative of the future nhareholdera of rbe lnter-Oceanic Canal Coutpany. Subscriptions for X750,000 in L20 Rhares will be opened in London, Paris, FrankÍ4rt and New York, Biniultaneously, in about k fortnight. The Star and Uerald uayn: P&BHengern from the nouth coast report a battle at Calama and the capture at that poiut by the ullied forcea, The ('hl lian lossen are ntated to be 1,500 killed. ïwo bundred and fifty erniinra ■ tnmm ic-eland, bound for Minnesota, have arrived at Grauton, England. Adricen from Hayti say that Port au Prince ík in flama, liusint-sh in suspended. Biock of buildings are Ín aahefl. The cuatom-house is closed in consequence of the revolution. A dispatch from J'aris on Sunday sayts: iu a hurricane ou ríver Duubs. a steamer with 63 passeuger was snnk and only 10 persons were saved . The latest oñicial telegram tates the houBes of 14 out of 15 wards, forming the most important part of Irkutsk, tíiberia, were destroyed by üre on the 4tU, and mauy inhabitanÍH are homelesK Varion iion fouuders at ÜlacKburu, Enland, have given notice of a reduction of wages from 20 to 30 per cent. - - ___


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