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A Fraud

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"Geper&i" Foster the Tribune calis bim. " Wherè and when did the Rupublican candidate for Governor of Uhio ecure this title? It is a mutter of history that during the war, while Ewing, Foster's opponent, was at the front risking his life for his country, Foster was quietly making money by use of tbe yard stick in his country store. It is probable Foster was dubbed General of the stay-at-home brigade, for he could Lave acquired the title in no other way. It ia a disbonest political trick designed to deceive so far as posaible those unfamiliar with the peace record of the Republican nominee for Governor of Ohio unpleasantly contraBted with the war record of the candidate of the Dein ocracy. Captain Boyton, the champion swimmei, has a decidedly seusational voyage in prospect. " I never saw anything so grand in its way," saya he, "but I was watching it with an eye to its practicability, and I tin of the opinión that it is not impossible to go over the falla safely. Perhaps at some future time I may attempt the feat. There is one bugbear I intend to overeóme and that is the much feared Whirlpool Rapids. I have been offered a large sum to attempt to p8s them, and I will certainly accept the offer. It will only take about six minutes to go through them, and n that time I will prove that the currents at the foot of the falls are not so complex ■ people generally believe." Go it, Captain I But get your life insured in first class company first. The country is again startled by news of the breaking out of yellow fever at fering of the season of 1878 have hardly passed frotn our minds, ere we are reminded of being on the threshold of another calamity about to befall a postion of our people. One yellow fever year i bad enough ; two yellow fever years in succession is well calculated to make the bravest shudder, and cause people everywhere to look thoroughly into infectious localities and see if its advent can not be prevented. The board ef health have ofñcially advised all who can to leave Memphis at once. The trains and boats are crowded with fugitWefc When the Republicans profess to bolieve they stand a chance of getting tbe sext President, they virtually admit that the Demócrata are more honestthan themselves. For the body which is in thal&st instance to declare who shall be President for four years from the 4th oí March, 1881, is the present Democratie Congress. By assuming it to ba possible that a Democratie Congress would let a Eepublican be deolared President, no matter how the record stood, the Republieans pay a compliment to their opponents which, after the experience of 18767, no one would ever think of payiug them. i - 1 1 One of the old guard of our party died in Chillicothe on Friday, Gov. William Allen, a cotemporary with tha1 famous triumvirate, Calhouu, Clay, and Webster, in. the senate thirty years ago. In 1873, after years of retiremeut from politics the party nominated and electei! bim Gov. by a plurality of less than one thousand. On account of a stentorian voice was given the soubriquet o] "Old Fog Hoin." Gov. Allen was an unele of senator Thurman, bet ween wboin the most cordial feeling has not for years existed. Pollttcal Topics. - A correspondent of a N. Y. paper iuggeste the two Samuels, Tilden and Bandall, for 'SO. . - Mr. Tilden expresses the opinión that New York will go Democratie this fall as well as in 1880. - Jefferson Davis says he will not be a oattdidate for the senate, and the nagging member from Maine is sad. - Tbunuan is so sick that he will be nnable to help Kwing iu the Ohio campign this year, and he feels like thunder bout it. -Over five hundred people called in one day at the hotel where Gen. Ewing ■ N. Y. city, to see the distinguiahed gentleman. - A cotemporary describes Mr. Evarts ai " the thinnest, most spindle-shanked, withered, and dried up looking agriculturist in Vtrmont. - Eugene Hale, Chandler's son-in-law and Blaiue'a-pet, only lacked 939 votes of beihg nominated for Governor by the late Repúblicas Oonvc-ution of Maine. The total numberof votes cast was 1,184. Murch, the stone-cutter, seems to havu made a finish of Kugone. - By extensivo use of the veta power, ■aving the taxpayers hundreds of tbousandi of dollars, Gov. Robiason's aduiinUtration has so commended itself to the peopl of New York, tbat not only a -ecomination but a re-elociion ia as oertai A as anything can be, íd politics.


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