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ps Hl 1% Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof ín America. W& Visitors are ordially invited to visit out Store when in Detroit. I PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, STUDENTS, ; and DEALKRS are invited to examine our large and complete assortuient of Surgical Instruments and all kindrea goods before makiog their selections elsewhere, as we will mako it to their advanI tage to obtain their supplies of ua. FREDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS I And prices LOWER THAN EVER, 1 I have purchased in New York, for cash, and I am now daily receivine: one of the largeat and most select stocks of Groceries in Washtenaw Oounty, consisting of a full and well solected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including 1 Guupowders, Imperiale, Vouii lly. sons, II) suns, Japans, Oolongs, tormosas, Congonsi SoucUongs, and 'l'iriinkays, Toftether with a full line of COFFEBS, consisting of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, M AKACAIBO, L AGUAYKE,8ANTO8 and 1110, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line of Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. "We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ladies' and Oentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Gooda and Fricea and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block,-1 cor. Main and Aun atreets Ann Arbor, Mich. KyHighest cash price paid for all farm produce. "31 RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday Maren 23, 1878. fiOHTO KORTH. QOINO SOPTH. Mix.j1ip.jlSxp.i Exp. Kxp. Mix A. MA.M.'p. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6 5010 40; 6 00 TOLEDO 9 29 2 60 8 25 6 53 10 42 6 02 North Toledo 9 27 2 48,922 7 07 10 50; G 11 [ Detroit Juoction 9 19 2 391 9 04 7 20 10 58 6 20 Hawthorn 9 11 2 31 i 8 47 7 33 11 08 C 28l Samaria 9 03 2 231 8 30 7 42 1111' 631 Seola 8 58 218:819 7 65 1118 6 42 Lulu 8 49 2 10.8 02 8 03 1123] 6 47 Monroe Junction Í 8 42: 2 05 7 51 8 35ill 32; 6 57 Dundee i 885! 156 732 8 4611377B Macon { 8 SO1 1 50 7 21 8 58 11 42 1 1 10 Azalia 8 24: 1 44 7 10 9 25 11541 7 23 Noran .8 11 1 32 6 37 9 38 12 00 7 29 Uraa ! 8 00 126 6 25 9 52 12 06 7 36 Milnia ' 7 58 1 20 6 13 10 13 12 15 7 46 Ypsilanti June. 7 48 1 10 5 54 10 40 12 28 8 00 ANN ARBOK I 7 35'12 58 5 30 The 7.35 a. m. express south makes close connections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lafce Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and the Wabash. The 12.58 p. m. express south connects at Toledo with the 3 o'clock train east on the Penusylvania Koad thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL KAILKOAD. MAY 25, 1879. _ , 8OIMO WIST. . Ia ILtit . a. - i Míi i li A. M. A.M M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, [ 7 00! 9 35 , 5 55 3 55 8 10 9 50 G. T. Junction, 7 1510 00: 6 10 4 10 8 25 10 10 Wayn e Junction 7 52:10 28 6 42 4 36 8 57 10 42 Ypsilanti, 8 2010 45. 7 05 r 4 gg 9 22 11 04 Geddes, ! 8 30! j 7 20! Ann Arbor, 8 40! 11 00 7 35; 5 20 9 38 11 20 Delhi, 8 53' : 7 46 1 Dexter, 9 04 7 56 5 37 9 59_ Chelsea, 9 22 8 11 5 50 10 15: GrassLake, 9 50 1 8 35 6 10 10 38 P. M A.M. Jaokson, 110 20 12 15 9 00! 6 30 11 15 12 45 Albion, 1104-12 50 a I7 36 1159 120 Marshall, 11 50! 1 30 -o 8 03 12 25 1 40 P.M. '(SS A.M.I Battle Creek, 12 19 1 55 " 8 32 12 50 2 02 Galesburg, 12 52 : 9 05 1 20 Ia. m. Kalamazoo, 1 IS '1 SI 5 00 9 25 1 38 2 43 L'awton, 1 53 5 13 2 13 Decatur, 2 101 ! 5 501 2 3l! Dowagiac, 2 351 ' 6 12 2 57 Niles, 3 05 4 07 ! 6 55 j 3 30 4 15 Buchanan, i 3 19 7 07 3 45 ThreeOaks. 3 49 7 32 New Buffalo, I 4 03 4 67 7 45 I 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 20 8 10 4 55 5 30 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 53 6 45 6 19 Kenuington, 6 00 6 50 9 (0 ; 6 40 7 10 Chicago, urrive, I 6 50 7 40110 30 7 30 8 00 GOINQEAST. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M Chicago, leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 10 Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 00 Lake, 8 38 10 30 5 42 6 60 10 43 Michigan City, 9 25111 13 6 35 7 40 11 30 New Buffalo, 9 47 11 30 6 56 11 52 Three Oaks, 1 10 02 7 08 A. M. Bnchanan, 10 32 7 35 Niles, 10 45:12 15 8 05 9 OU 12 48 Dowagiac, 11 13 ! 8 33 i 1 1 16 Deoatur, 11 89 1 8 571 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 1 9 15ia. m. 1 57 Kalamnzoo, 12 1 40 9 50! 6 60;10 28 Í 28 Galesburg, 12 63 , . 7 08 ! Battle Creek, ! 1 28 2 15!.g 7 40 11 10; 3 18 Marshall, 2 26 3 00;f 8 08 11 37 3 46 a.m. ; Alhion, 2 52 3 21 A.M. 8 35 11 59 4 12 Jackson, 3 451405 715 98011250 500 GrassLake, 4 10 7 38 9 50: 6 25 Chelse, I 4 40, 8 02 10 07 : 5 50 Dexter, I 5 00 ■ 8 16 10 19; 6 05 Delhi, ! 6 10 1 8 25 ! Ann Arbor, 5 20 5 10 8 45 10 35 2 06; 6 25 Geddes, 16 30 8 60, Ypsilanti, 5 37! 5 24 9 00 10 48! 2 20 6 41 WayneJúnc, Ü 01 6 45 9 23 1108 2 44 7 05 G. T. June, B 33 6 15 9 55 11 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48 6 30Ü0 lOjll 50l 3 35, 8 (0 Sundays excepted. JSaturday and Bunday exoepted. t'Daily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Msnager, Detroit. H. O. Wentwokth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. flANABA SOUTHERN K'Y UNES. V The Only American Boute Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. LiKhtning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 10 p. m. daily ; 6 60 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. For information and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. O. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNO W, Gon. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Detroit. I HOTICE. The uudersigncd has purchased the interest of Goerge H. Winslow in the frame and picture busiDess, No. 30 East Huron Street, and wlll continue the business at the same place, giving prompt atteution to all orders for frames, etc. A fine stock of Chromos, Engravings, and Photographs on hand and for sale cheap. All debts due the late finn of Winslow 4 . lan are payable to the undersigned, and any debta contracfea during hls connection with the firm will be paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. 1710tf D. McMILLAN. Abstracts of Titles. AU parties who are desirous of aecertaining the condition of the title to their lands, or parties who wish to loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Register1 ofllce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. 8aid books are so far advanced that the Register can f urmsh on short notico a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land in Washtenaw County as shown by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. DETROIT ThroatiLunglnstitute MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward and Jefferson aves., Detroit, Mich. II. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Who peraonally receivcs patients at tbe lostitute for the cure of all the various dimanes of thellead, Throat and Chest, and their complications, through the system of ïnhalation, combined with proper internal treatment. To those who have what they are pleased to cali "linerinjï colds " we would say unhesitatingly, and ïf possible with a voice that would awaken all from that pleasant delusion, that without prompt and earnest ettbrta in a rational and proper nianner, many will aoon follow thoae who have found release from their suffering in that "sleep which knows no waking." You have been coiibcíoub, but almost af raid to confess thefact, and uu willing to ad ruit it to yours!lves that the slight irritation of the throat, the annoyanee of nasal catar rh, the symptoms of a bronchial inflammation of a few weeks or months ago, which you confidently believed would "wear off," has beconie lirmly eetablished, and is most certainly, and by degrees. more or less rapidly, and with fatal precisión and unyielding grapp, advancing to hopeless coneumption. You may object to and shrink from the frank statement by your modical adviser ; you may deny the truthful conviction which forces itself upon your obaervation and reason, but the plain fact, divested of nattering &a surances that can only cheat you of even life ituelf, is that these ihroat diseases, the bronchial inflammations and other constitutional causes, are telling agaliist you with unerriDg certainty, and the assurances - so pleasant to the ear - that all will be well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and cruel. Yon do not want lo stupefy the senses by opiates, nor take into the stoinach drugs that will forever destroy it stone and impair itu office. You do not want merely palliative treatment to conduct and lull you into fancied security to the very brink of the grave, font is neither reasonable nor just to yourselves, or those who regard your cásea with trembling solicitude and païnful anxiety. The chilly blasts and storms of advanced aunmn, the inclement winter with its searching winds and atmosphere charged with moisture, have had their effect upon you- the great and rapid vieissitudes of spring, that, with the re-awakening of vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptives- these changes of seasons are now upon the invalid aa well as upon the robust, and it is wise to just now stop and reflect upon the nature and progresa of your disease, and the remedial measures you have employed, and seriously to inquire if there is a way open to you by which you may escape the danger which is irapending. We say, without hesitation, that thegreater number of pulmonary diseases can be cured. We need not dilate upon theories while we are able to present living evidences of the efficacy of judicious medication in a elass of cases so long and peraistently pronounced hopeless. TnT'nMions are applicable in all diseases of the re..i....-,.y urgans, including catarrh, throat diseases, asthma, bronchitis, consumption ; and thousands of cases can be cured by this mode of treatment when nothing else can reach tliem. Those who desire to consult me in regard to their cases had better cali at the office for an examination, but if impossible to visit the office personally, raay write for " List of Questions," and circular, both of whieh will be sent free of charge. Addresti M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. gbay's specific medicine. trade mark. „ . _ trade mark. Igm's23LB-n unfailingcure wát L D ft- n. t. i ' Self Abuse: as Beiore lakingLo88of Memory, After Taking. Univeral Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Oíd Age, and many other diseaaesthat lead to Insaoity, Conaumption and aPrematnre Grave. $&- Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or Bix packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressini? THE ORAY MEDICINE CO., No 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. -ÖES'-Sold in Ann Arbor hy all Druggists, and by druggists everywhere 1N8UKANCB CÜMPANV. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includi"g Ee-Insurance Beserve, $4,735,092.36. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Be-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. GET Y0UE PR0PEETY INSTJEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. EstabliBhed a quarter of a ceutury ago. Representing the following ürst class comoanies: Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assetn over $3,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets 1,442,400 Gfrard ot Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Ofient of Hartford, Assets $700,000 y Ratea low. Losses liberally adjusted aml proniptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. JE III! B M C-COMPOUND EXTRACT OF-JÍ I CONTAIKIKÖ 5 CntGts, Juuiuer & Spirits of Nitre ■ IN K CONCÉNTRATE!) FORM, FOR B Siseases of the Kidnoys c Bladder, I Gonorrhea, Weaknesses, OverEsertions, Sleet, Stricture, Obstruction of the Urine, E and all llisciisis l the I'riiiin-y and Scxuul ornuns, I Nú maller of how lüng staudiug, aud whether io ■ MALE OR FEMALE. I Pricc, - - - One Iolliir. f Prepared from the original recipe of DR. HIIL, Md sold bï W. J0HN3T0N i CO., Wl Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. fob mm vs ai.i. imuneiaT. IMiIIIII ll'j 'I'H I" Hl If ■


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