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Merchants &ManufJrs NATIONAL BANK, DETROIT. Poreign lUxelianqfe. TIiih Bank ia now piepared lo parchase Foreigs Kxrhaiüre di'au'Ti mi ;i mui ut' pllipment.s, and other billa at current ratee, [nquiriea ïy mail or telegraph will receive prompt atteot-ion. F. W. HAYEB, Cashicr. T. II. Hisohmak, Pres't. J. [. lliïr.s, Vice l'res't. 20-4t [H C „ ' C li HOW IT PAYS PBONOGRAPHY. 1. It is ïntcrestin as a tjame of ches, fiiid may be lwirneri hy any boy or girl. 2. It is instructive in the philosóphy and correct use of l&nguage, 3. It disciplines the mind and cttftiviitvs the mamory. 4. It prepares young men for sticces.t in any of the ptofesttions. 5. It enables young men and young women to obtain profltable mttployment, n reporte, :it less oogt "f time and study than any other profession. 6. The telaphone, tlie new inrthod of telegraphmg bythe voiee.will soou require } thousnmis of yiMtKHjrifpitrrii as operators, in order tliat they may keep pace with the new instrument. The AMERICAN MANUAL OF l'IIONOGRAl'llY is the best sklf-instructor in the art. It will be sent, with t'opy-Book, to any address, on recelpt of SITJIi FHONETIC J-TD V CA TOR, devoted to Correct Spelling, (ood Reading and Speaking, Bapid W riting, aiíci general Se'.f-Improveinent, is puBlished monthly, at $1.50 a year. Address, LEONEL A. LOKÜLEÏ, Cincinnatl, O. ORAND SPECIAL IlilBiiü! Wednesday, Aug. 6th. r( , Via Toledo and Aim Arbor K:iïlroad and Steamer jriace McMillan TO XLJT-lí-I3A.r I $1.5O JZOTTJSTJD TIR-IIP. The only chance this soason at such reduced rates. Train will leavo Ann Arbor at 7.35 . m., arrïve in ïuledo :it 9.29. Bont will be at doek to recuire the passengere. Music und dttuomg un the bou.t. pfSCEAT WESTERN KAILWAYVJT Depots foot of Third and Bru3h streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Leive Arrive. UantiV. Expresa, Í4.10 a. m. íir.oo p. ni. Drty Expr isa, 8.3o a. m. ó.3O p. m. New ïorfc and Boston Express, 7.00 p. m. f9.45 a. m. Detroit ICxpre33t l2.4ö p. m. Stoamboat ICxpress, 7.00 a. m. ÍDíiily. DailyexceptSunday. tExcept Monday. flËS" For in forma t ion and tickets apply to II. W. Hayes, Agent 61. 0. li. R., Aun Arbor. V. TT. FIRTII, WM. EDGAR, Weatern l'iiss'r Ag't. General Pass'r Agent. LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of tawrences- minors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oüien in the city of Ann Arbor, on Ttiursday, the tenth day of July, in the year one tliousand eifïit huiidrert and seventy-nine. Present, Wiliiam I). Htirrlman, J il f?e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Harry P. Lawrencc and Jessie W. Lnwrence, minors. Oa reading and fiiing the petition, duly vorified, of Albert C Lawrence, guardián, praying that lie iiiiv in' ËoeaMd to sell certain real estáte belonging tv) aaid )uinor.s. Thereupon it is ordered, that Satitrday, the second day of August next, at ten o'eloek in the foreooon, be asaiffned for the hearing of said petition, and tlint the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to apocar at a session of said court, then to be holden t the Probate office in tlio city of Ann Albor, and sho'n canse, if any there be,wiiy the prayer of the petitioner shonld uol r.i urantcd: And ït is further ordered tliaL said pptit ionor gïve notice to the persons inteiested in snid estáte, oí the pendeney of said petition, and the hearinq thereof, by oausing a copy iif thia order to be publishd in the Michigan Arr. ■-, a newspnper printed nd oirowlftted n haid Couty, threesuoceaaive weeka previous to said ïay of hearing1. WILLIAM D. HARRTMAN, CAtruecopy.) ludge of Probate Wm, G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Miirinda M. Colman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CUTJNTY lO of Wttshtenaw, es. Ata session of the Probate Court for the Connty of Waslitcnaw, holden at Mie Probate Ot!ice,m the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the seventeenth day of July, in the year one thoueand eiirht Innidred and aeventy-nine Present, Wiliiam D ÏJnmman.rTudge of Probate. In the matter of the est ute ui MurindaM. Colman, deceiLsed. On and filinpr tbr petition, duly verified, Clara M. Coünan.pmylng that she or some other Buüableperson may be appoínted admimstrator of tlif estáte f wild deoeaiea. Thereupon il is ordered, that Maiiday, the elcventh day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be 'tssigned ior the hearint? of pnitl petition, and tixat the heira at law of weiA deceased, and all other persona interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sewsion of Baid court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottice in the city of Ann Aiboi, and show cause, if fmy tliere be, why ibt' prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is futrber ordered that said petitioner give uotice to the penonfl interested in said eatnte of the pendenoy of laid petition and the hearing thereof, by cauBinp a eopy of this order 6o be publiMlied in tin' Michigan Aroüb, a newspaper printed and cireulated in said eounty, tliree successive weeks previous to said day of hen 'ing. W11LIAM D. HAKIÏIMAN, A trup copy.) Judge oí Probate. WM, Ci. Dott, Probate Register. Bátate of Cbristian Miner. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 of Washtenaw, bs. Notice ishereby given that tv an order of the Probate Coort for the County )f Waihtenaw, mada on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1879, aii montha from tliat date were illowed for crédito ra to present their claims agaiset he estáte oí Christian afiller, late of said oouDty, leceascd, and thal all creditors of saiddeceased are ■equired to present theír claims to said Probate 'ourt, at tbe Probate OfUce in the fit y of Ann ArKiT, for cxaminatton and allowance, on or before uil day of danuary next, and that such 1. ,nw will be heard before laid Court, on Thursie ninth day of Ootober, and on Friclay, llie i'.ütli day of Janüary next, at ten o'clook in the I o of eaeh of saW davs. Dated, Ann Ajbor, .Tuly i),'A. D. 1879. WILI.IÁM D.HAHKIMAN, 2Sw4 Judffe of Probate. r&flll&flTFnA 8andforwnnp!8and 1 Elllv I lioard nnd Printers"! lupplies to GEBHABD & KBAMER, 6 and 8 Eas Larned St., DETROIT. (


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Michigan Argus