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LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Ezra C. Seaman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTWTf of Washtenuw, ss. At a sessionof the Probñti Cüurt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tbi Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mon day, the twenty-firat day of July, in the year out thousund eight hundred and aeventy-nioo. Present, WüHana D. Hui riman, Judgeof Probati. In the matter of the estáte of Ezra C. Sesmas, deceased. On reading and iiling the petition dnly Terified of John M. Wheeler, prayíng that a certain instrument now on tile in this Conrt, purporting to be tk last WÜ1 and Testament of said deceased, my t admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed executor thereof . Therenpon it is ordered, that Friday , the twrotTninth day of August neact, at ten oclock in !■ iorenoon, be assiyned for the hearing of said peti tion,and that thedeviseep, legateesa-nd heirsatl of Said deceased, and all other persons intereitw in said estáte, are required to appear a se sai on of aaid court, then to be bolden at tbf Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. ana show cause, ïf any there be, why tbe prayw of the petitiouer nhould not be granted : A it is iurther ordered that said petitionei gif notice to the perrons intereated in said eetate( of the pondency of said petition and the hesrioe tliereof, by oausiog u Oopy of thia order to 1 publialied in the Michigan Árgüs, a newpapw printed and circulntcd ín said county, threeioc cessive weeks prcriou to said dayof hearing. W1LLIAM P HARKIMAN, f A true copy.) Judge ol Piobat. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register, Chancei-y Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTTnscond .1 ii'iicial Circuit- in Chancery. SaiJ pendiu in the Ciicuit Court for the county of VVaahteoaw- in ('hiyicery. At the city of Ypi [anti in said county, on the t welft h day of July, A. I). 1879, Maria L. Hart, couiplainant, vs. David C Hart, dut end ant n said suit. It aatisfactorily Bp pearinjí to me thftt tbe defendant, David C Hart, i :i non-resident of this state, upon proof by affidnTÍt of that fact, aud on motion of Albert Crane, Boliei tor and of counsel for eomplainant, it is ordtrrf that the said defendant, David C. Hrt, cause hï Rppearance to be entered 'n tUis cause within threa moDths frora the date of this order, and that Ín c of his appcarance he cause hïs ansrer to the coio plainant's bill to bc filed and a copy thereof to b served on the complainant'a solicitorwithin tweptf days alter service of a copy of said bill and noticf of this order, and In default thereof that the f bill be taken as confesse? by the said defcndaoC David (' Hart ; and ït is further ordered that witb' Ín twenty days the said coraplainiiut cause stich (tfder to be publfshed ín some newspaper printeá i said county oncein caeli week for six weeka in bïö cession. Dated. July 18, 1879. FKED A. HUNT, Circuit Court Commissioner, "Washtens County, Michigan. Albert Chañe, Coniplt'uSolicitor. Bátate of Bebehh AValker. STATE OF MICHIGAN', COTTTïTY Of Waab Notice is hereby given.tbii by an order of the Probate Court for tbe County o Washtenaw, made on the twelfth day of July, A. P 1870 six months from that date were allowed tot reditors to present their claims agaiDBt the eatat of Rebekah Ar;tlker, late of said county, " oeased, and tbat all creditorsof said deceased r reo, uf red to present their claims to said Proba Dourt,at the Probate Office iu the City of Aft Arbor, for exaratnatlon and allowance, on & tjefore the tirs-lfih day of January next, and th raoii claims will be heard bof ore said Conrt on Momlay, the tbirteenth day of October, and on Bfonday, thetwelfta day of January next, at te ('i !,,( b in the foren oón of each of said days. Dattd, Anu Arbor, July 12, A. I'. 1879. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAÏf, 29w4 Judge of ProbateAHI FOR SALE. 60 acres, well improved, off tne wet ifiJ f W reit half of tbe southeast qirartei of sectiea eIeTo nthe towutfhip of Pittefield, Wapbtenaw CountT Wtil be sold chenp. Terms easy. Enquire of h. C. BISDON, 27-3m Ann Arbor, Mi'


Old News
Michigan Argus