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Ann Arbor City Markets

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Carcfully Eevised Weekly by the Publisher. Ann Arbor, July 31. Market for wheat is dull and pnce decliued to $1. Beans- Wanted at 75a$l. E) aWttia -Do. Kip 7f Corn- Shelled 40c ; ear 20c. Hities - 5Vc green ; cured 6]a7. Oats- 30c. lYlts- 25aS1.50. New Putatocs- 40c. Wheat- Active at il, old $1.05. HETAIL RATKS. Beans - 5c per quart. Bran- 60cts per lumdred. Butter- 12'c. Chee8e - 10c. Coru - 25c ear ; shelled 50c. Corn Meal- Coarse $1 ; $1.75 bolted. Egís- 10c. Flour- Sön$5.50. Patent $8 peí barrel. Ground Feed - 31 per hundred or 16 per ton. Hams - Sufiar cured lic. Hominy - 4c per lb. Honey- 12al5c. Lard- 8c. Oats- 35c. Oatmeal - 4c. New Potatocs - 50. Pork- fresh 0a8c ; snit 8n10c. Salt-Ononduga $1.40, Saginaw S1.30. Shoulders - 7c. WOOL. As we predicted the price of wool declined as soon as a portiun of the ncw erop was received in the eastern market. Those who sold ut the opening of the market were the most fortxinate, for a steady decline followed. Yet the decline was not so great as to cause alosa to buyers, unlessa light one. Ther will make no proüt this year. handling the erop without remuneration. Wilhinaradius of 25 miles of this city, it is estimated that one-eiphth of the erop isunpurchased at 29 cents, but prophesyanadvance in price so soou as the stock in hands of jobbers east is sold to manufacturera. WHEAT. Three Iarge successive crops of wheat gladden the hearts of farmers of Washtenaw County. It is rare that one good erop suoceeds another to this extent. Generally drought, wet season, or sotnethiug intervenea to discourage producers. Our farmers have goei reasons forgivinj thanks toa kind Providence, who has rewarded them so abundantly for their labors. The first offerings of new wheat were made last week and brought 96 cents from Messrs. Treadwell & Osborne. The market has weakeued about one cent per bushel. Not much has arrived. Producers generally awaiting for SI, a figure that will buy four-fifths of this year's erop. About oneeighth of erop of 1878 is unsold. The Iarge erop of 1879 would ordinarily depress the inarket were it not for the unfuvorable outlook in England and France. A short erop in those countries give an unusual impulse to transiictions eurly in the season in this country. Thus it ia we profit by loases of others. The Iarge erop not ouly in Michigan but elsewhere in the northwest can not help giving an Ímpetus to business, an increase confidently anticlpated.


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